Dream Police #2

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Sid Kotian, Bill Farmer Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 4, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 2
7.4Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Dream Police Lieutenants Joe Thursday and Katie Black have always been partners. At least, that's what they both remember. But if that's true, why does Joe keep having recurring visions of a partner he never had? Is it just his imagination? With the Dreamscape constantly on the verge of destruction, what difference can one man's memory really make? The answer may be more important than any of them can guess.

  • 9.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Jun 8, 2014

    The first issue of the series focused on the characters more than it did on the setting, and I found that be a good approach, though I was left with a desire to learn more about the world, this Dreamscape that the protagonist Joe Thursday inhabits. And lo behold, JMS delivers on that very thing with the second issue. The characters don't take a backseat to the setting here, but JMS weaves it all together much more strongly so that the cohesiveness of the entire issue is that much better. Besides, with everything that happens here, there's no way that I couldn't be impressed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Jun 3, 2014

    An all-around perfect series so far and one that should be enjoyed by everybody. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    We The Nerdy - Roshan Krishnan Jun 19, 2014

    The entrance of the Supervisor was one highlight of this issue. The purpose of mankind and their existence was dealt with beautifully, for a narrative closely tied to such themes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 4, 2014

    If youve ever been fascinating by the idea or notion of dreams or a dreamscape, youll want to check this out. J. Michael Straczynsi is creating and fleshing out his version of it all and were learning more of the residents and the Dream Police. Sid Kotians art depicts the different residents and adds to the bigger feel of the dreamscape. The main hook of the story is slightly put on hold as we see the detectives investigating a case but it does allow us to learn more of the dreamscape. Im grateful to see the return of this comic and cant wait to find out where the story is going to go. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - ZXRoberts Aug 1, 2014

    Issue 2 takes the foundations of the first and builds upon them whilst developing the story in a prompt manner. Seeing Joe in his own home creates a personal connection with him, as opposed to solely following the Detective side of his persona. Conflict between he and Kate is amusing and their relationship is interesting, as is the hierarchy of beings in the Dreamscape. Being slightly less dense than the first, this issue gives more information through story than simple narration and is more fun and less work to read and enjoy. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 5, 2014

    Despite these strengths, Dream Police still struggles to find its overall voice. It's hard to tell whether Straczynski is actively trying to spoof detective noir tales, but a lot of the tropes and dialogue in this series are familiar to the point of being quaint. And in some ways, the Dreamscape still comes across as a lesser version of concepts like the Matrix or Inception's dream worlds. Hopefully over time, Straczynski can refine his characterization and better establish the unique qualities of this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Jun 4, 2014

    Dream Police improved since the last issue, but that's not saying much. Despite the characters getting slightly more depth and the conflicts being finely focused, there needs to be a greater risk driving the plot. The question of his missing partner makes Joe seem in a conundrum but not in mortal danger (or whatever threat level that equates to in a dream). Although I do like the progress, Straczynski seems to be pulling punches and overextending himself right now. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Jun 2, 2014

    On the flip side the narrative construction is more than a little flawed in Dream Police. There are long chunks of the comic where the story halts all forward moment for simple exposition about the Dreamscape or Thursday will indulge in the series B-plot about the horrible secret behind the Dream Police because every crazy cop comic has to have a conspiracy subplot. At the same time the Dream Police themselves come off thoroughly incapable, in two issues now somebody else has dealt with the major threat of the issue while the Dream Police just run around TALKING tough without ever ACTING tough. It robs our heroes of any real agency or even downright competence when their only successful tactic is calling in their more powerful friends to solve the problem for them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Gizmo Jun 6, 2014

    Is each issue going to be a recurring dream? Because this felt nearly identical to the first issue. Even the narration repeats pretty much everything that was explained in the first issue. Our main characters know the Dreamscape inside and out, so there isn't a Watson to explain it to, it's mostly straight up Monolog, so it is explained in a very sale manner. Maybe Straczynski is worries that the Dreamscape is so complex that the second issue needs to reiterate, but if you understood Inception, then this isn't a problem. The actual story itself is a hollow shell of the 1st issue's arc as well and the art is okay, but not enough to overcome this. I lost interest halfway through reading #2, so I will not be coming back for #3.

  • 8.0
    DarkKnight Jul 3, 2014

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