Getting It Together #3

Writer: Sina Grace, Omar Spahi Artist: Jenny Fine Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: December 9, 2020 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.5Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

Sam and Jack's BFF-dom deteriorates, Lauren's band Nipslip teeters on the verge of a breakup right before their most important gig, and everyone's dealing with the poor decisions they made while drunk. Add to that, Sam's coworker Tim generously blesses the group with gifts of the psychedelic kind. What could go wrong? With another oversized issue bursting with extra story pages... a whole lot!

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton Dec 11, 2020

    Getting It Together #3 continues the dramatic escalation of the previous issues while providing insight into Lauren's creative drive, Jack's relationship issues, and Sam's mental health. Sina Grace and Omar Spahi's writing continues to be sharp as ever, and they hit that drama/comedy sweet spot. Jenny D. Fine and Mx. Struble continue to provide expressive, DIY style visuals while experimenting with layouts and finally descending into utter madness and fluidity during the drug trip sequence. Struble adds that extra bit of emotion to the musical performances in Getting It Together #3, which was a skill that they demonstrated in on their previous work with Grace on Lil Depressed Boy even if this book doesn't have any AJJ or Childish Gambino cameos. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jenna Anderson" Dec 9, 2020

    Nevertheless, Getting It Together is proving to be a heartfelt, messy journey, but one that is largely worth following. Read Full Review

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