Huck #5

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Rafael Albuquerque Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 20
8.4Critic Rating
8.6User Rating

An old grudge leads to deadly threats against Huck and those he holds dear.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Mar 16, 2016

    This is the book to beat. There's only one other title out there that I can think of that could potentially beat it and that's Tomboy. Otherwise, there's nothing else by Image that can beat Huck. There's not a damn thing that's even close to being better than Huck at the big two either. If creators aren't paying attention to this book, then I hope readers are. I hope that future generations of comic book creators are being inspired by it so we can see an era in comics that don't always need to be gritty and dark, but rather just wonderfully human, but with a super twist. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Cap'n Aldous B. Adder Mar 25, 2016

    If you are a fan of more upbeat superhero comics " not just the grim-dark ones " and of superhero comics in general, you need to be giving this comic a shot.It is a great example of how a thing doesn't have to be too intense, dense, over-blown, gaudy, hyper-anything and can even be drawing on cliches and archetypes and still be smart, innovative and engaging. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Mar 20, 2016

    This is another solid issue of Huck, and with the way this issue ends, we know that our hero is in for a fight with issue #5. One of my consistently favorite series out right now, Huck continues the entertaining tale of an unlikely hero forced out of his comfort zone. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Wednesday Comics - Marvin Salguero Mar 29, 2016

    Millar continues to give us a great "superman" story with his own twist. Albuquerque's art is robust enough that it does well in action scenes and well in the smaller scenes we have in this issue. McCaig's colors on Albuquerque's pencils are truly made for each other.There is one more issue in this great mini series so here's hoping Millar can stick the landing. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 17, 2016

    For a book that started out as a simple "Superman by way of Forrest Gump" story, Huck has certainly taken some interesting turns recently. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Mar 18, 2016

    This series gets better and better with every issue. I will definitely continue to keep up with this series, and I suggest you all do the same. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Impulse Gamer - Dana Anderson Mar 20, 2016

    In summary, Huck still continues to intrigue and captivate. This is a really good comic that is now taking the reader through some interesting twists and plot developments. It's all been relatively smooth sailing for Huck so far, so it comes to be quite jarring when things abruptly change, and for me this was a good and interesting change. Yay to change! This feelgood comic has taken a dark and dramatic turn and I'm very intrigued to see where it's all going to go, and knowing Millar, it's going to be good. Bad things are happening to Huck, but we need to remember that Huck won't go down without a fight! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Fanboys Inc - Buddy Beaudoin Mar 23, 2016

    While Huck wades through the middle of its arc it is met with some growing pains. Millars narrative is enjoyable, but theres not enough here to hang on to. Albuquerques artwork is a saving grace, and fully supports the character driven story. You can feel the build though, and theres something to be said for that as we rapidly approach the arc ending sixth issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 21, 2016

    "Huck" #5 is a pretty book, but it ultimately feels like it's part of an entirely different series. I'd like to see more "Huck" down the road, but -- while this isn't poorly handled -- it's much more generic than those earlier issues, which really shone in part because of its unique tone. More like that, please. Read Full Review

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