Kaptara #1
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Kaptara #1

Writer: Chip Zdarsky Artist: Kagan McLeod Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: April 22, 2015 Cover Price: $3.5 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 9
7.7Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

A space expedition goes horribly wrong because if it didn’t there would be no story! Reluctant explorer Keith Kanga and his crew crash land on KAPTARA, a world filled with danger and weird danger and dangerous weirdos! And if he can’t survive, then Earth, the place where YOU live, is doomed! Join CHIP ZDARSKY (Sex Criminals the Duck) and KAGAN McLEOD (Infinite Kung Fu) as they put the “fi” back into “sci-fi” and pretty much disregard the “sci” part in this epic story of punching and love!

  • 10
    All-Comic - Dan Leicht Apr 23, 2015

    This issue is loaded with great artwork and an imaginative story and is sure to be one you'll want to pick up. So go do it! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Apr 28, 2015

    Now in a market thats saturated with so many different comic books, along with other media its easy to ask Why should I buy this? Even if youre not a fan of sci-fi, Kaptara is as hilarious as it comes, and youve got two creative people hitting it out of the park. 3.50 for a full to burst story, as opposed to 3.99 for 20 pages if youre lucky is a very sound deal. Get this comic, the team of Zdarsky and McLeod will give you anything but a smooth ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Apr 23, 2015

    When things turn to the strangest point, Keith learns that hes in the fourth realm of a new universe, Kaptara. Here we see the best parts of the story that will continue the journey forward to fight a voracious inter-dimensional beast Skullthor whose status is Evil. Single? and uses his beard to cover his genitals, yes, seriously. This is a topsy turvy acid trip where a Queen slightly resembles Miyazaki and a Prince similar to Conan on steroids are characters. Keith has to get home, but what is home now? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Apr 23, 2015

    Kaptara is an exciting and smart comic, one that hits all the right notes and utilizes a diverse cast of characters you can't help but latch on to. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Apr 23, 2015

    That's not to say “Kaptara” isn't full with great bits. In just one page, motivational ball already seems poised to be the next Lying Cat. Though we are only offered a brief glimpse into it, the world of Kaptara seems to be thriving with a unique and colorful cast that will only grow as the book progresses and possibly shifts away from Keith. Overall, “Kaptara” #1 is a book overflowing with potential that just needs to unleash its imagination and focus more squarely on the planet its named after. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - MJ Feuerborn Apr 22, 2015

    The creative team promised smooches and beefcake, and they're clearly not afraid to spill blood along the way. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Apr 27, 2015

    Zdarsky has referred to Kaptara as Gay Saga, and it's quite a joy to see the casual way main character Keith's sexuality is referred to in the comic: it's not played as a novelty, it's simply who he is. I look forward to seeing his romantic adventures depicted in the same relaxed and unceremonious manner. Balancing on a fine line, simultaneously goofy, violent, funny and endearing, Kaptara is science fiction/fantasy that doesn't take itself too seriously, cementing its story with believable and engaging characters. (One of which is named Skullthor " how can you go wrong?) Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Apr 27, 2015

    Taking a cue from some famous fantasy stories but making its own unique expression of them, this book is stylish and intriguing. It's difficult to pin down what kind of tone it's aiming for, but that can be part of such style and intrigue. The visuals contribute to the fun, creating a world that's both like and unlike anything we've seen. You have to really like this world to return for next issue, though, as the point of view character comes across as too abrasive to want to invest much in his journey. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Apr 22, 2015

    Strap on your space boots and get ready for Chip Zdarsky and Kagan McLeod to take you on a space trip with unexpected twists. Right from the beginning you'll see there's a different feeling to this story. We get some fascinating visuals and an interesting set up that makes you wonder what will happen next. Some of the change in the story's direction might give a slight disjointed feeling but it will also keep readers on their toes. It's not your typical sci-fi story and you definitely need to be prepared to expect the unexpected. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Marykate Jasper Apr 24, 2015

    Based on this issue, I'll be sure to follow "Kaptara" over the next few months. I'm excited to see Zdarsky go full science fiction, and McLeod and Kinzie's creativity is truly fascinating. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Overmental - Andrew Tran Apr 22, 2015

    But to see how Kaptara pans out as one flamboyant nerd's pipe dream isn't the reason I'm going to pick up Kaptara #2. It's the promo at the issue's back pages, promising a cat that is also a tank" This series is going to have its way, dammit, and it doesn't care if you're laughing at it the whole time. The fact that that same boldness also ties into Keith's character flaws tells me that Zdarsky and McLeod know what they're doing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - StephenFn Apr 23, 2015

    A very strong start to what looks to be a fun and adventurously nostalgic book to come. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    The Latest Pull - Marcus Orchard Apr 21, 2015

    As a whole, Kaptara #1 succeeds in everything that it sets out to do. It has a relatable lead with some sincerely funny moments. While it was an entertaining read, it doesn't do enough yet to stand out from the other Image greats out there, which is perfectly fine at this point. This title could easily be one of Image's best down the road, and anyone remotely interested should definitely give it a try. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Adam Cadmon Apr 22, 2015

    That's exactly what Kaptara reads like; a book that's been cobbled together from ideas that haven't been fully developed or explored. I enjoy experimentation, sometimes for the sake of the risk, but generally because the results of the experiment turn out well and make me wonder how I got along before. I understand the method, just not the madness here, and I hope Kaptara's second issue is better than the first. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Apr 21, 2015

    Kaptara #1 is an inconsistent beginning, one plagued by an uncompelling protagonist, but still filled with promise. If Zdarskys script in this debut proves to be 90% setup for the future, then theres a lot of hope to held out for Kaptara. Keith, in his best moments, could still become the centerpiece of a fascinating story. More impressive still is McLeods contribution. Both the imagination and subtlety expressed throughout the issue are the most engaging reason to return. Kaptaras debut is a mixed lot, and its difficult to tell whether it will be worth sticking around until Zdarsky and McLeod return. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Apr 21, 2015

    Zdarsky has set a pretty high bar for himself, and Kaptara's biggest weakness is only that it's not as strong as some of his other work. That's what make this a merely solid debut, despite stellar art from McLeod, rather than a truly spectacular one. The main character, Keith, has a lot of potential as the creative team continues to flesh him out. It's refreshing to see creators that are willing to try someone other than a straight, white character at the center of their narrative, but that may not be enough for readers that don't really get to know Keith very well in this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.6
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Downes May 20, 2015

    Chip Zdarsky is the writer. Kagan McLeod is the artist. Kaptara is from Image Comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    We The Nerdy - Chad Waller Apr 24, 2015

    On the positive side, the world of Kaptara is off to a great start, being filled with some nice monsters and a race of aliens that combine sci-fi tech with fantasy weaponry. I really like that kind of stuff, and the art style sells it all very well. I like the look of this comic, and the coloring is really spot-on. When it comes to new technology and monsters, Ive a feeling the art team here will deliver. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Apr 25, 2015

    Kaptara is an amazing looking comic book with a standard plot with interesting characters executing it. I'm not sure where this story is going but the first issue gave just enough to leave me curious about the second issue. The page count and artwork alone are worth the price of admission. I liked this comic but wasn't totally in love with it. I mildly recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Vanessa Gabriel Apr 27, 2015

    Touted as the "gay Saga," Kaptara #1 feels more like a Galaxy Quest spin-off. And contrary to pop-culture's stereotypical assertion on the matter, making something "gay" does not beget instant fabulousness. Zdarsky did manage to get a couple of belly laughs out of me, and McLeod certainly rendered some strange "Oh, sh#@!" panels. Still, Kaptara isn't quite the magical unicorn it wants to be. Yet. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Apr 28, 2015

    Kaptaras story follows a team of scientists on the journey to Mars for (from what I picked up through the dialogue is) a terraforming excursion. In the usual Sci-Fi fashion, something unexpected happens to divert the charted mission and the crew gets separated after crashing onto an unknown world. In the first issue, readers dont get much characterization this side of crewmember, Keith Kagan, whos felt alienated during his life and volunteered for this mission as some sort of escape. From what I know of the writings of Zdarsky and from what I have seen from McLeod I can tell this series is going to go and do whatever the hell it wants. The art is all over the place with color, and reminded me of a 1980s VJ. McLeod brings the strange and unusual to the layouts that flow full of indescribable creatures. Overall, the debut issue isnt overly impressive but its a fun start to what could be a wonderfully absurd story. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Apr 22, 2015

    Kaptara #1 is a pretty forgettable and lackluster start to a new series. The story isn't all that interesting and is messy, the main character isn't compelling or even all that likeable at points, and the writing is just in need of a lot more polish. If you were expecting a fun, feel-good comic or even something as outrageous as Sex Criminals but in space, you'll be let down. It remains to be seen whether or not I can recommend this series. Read Full Review

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