With both the cops and the Albano family closing in, Newburn may have finally found a case that even he can't solve.
PLUS: the wistful conclusion of "SPOOK-A-RAMA" from GILLY and LEE!
Newburn#8 is a triumph as it concludes the first volume of the series, bringing together the seemingly standalone cases of the first few issues and the interwoven crimes of the later issue to one tight, coherent resolution. Zdarsky and Phillips knock that resolution out of the park, with the writing, art, and coloring all working to perfectly show Newburns further descent into darkness and shift the pieces on the board of this rich city full of criminal players. Now that the first volume has wrapped up, the series proves Zdarsky and Phillips stuck the landing and will be the perfect trade to hand to people who love a good mystery and wonderfully written characters. With a confirmed volume two coming Fall of 2022, Zdarsky and Phillips leave plenty of time to reread the first eight issues, again and again, to glean new clues and little details that may have been missed the first time around. Read Full Review
Image has no shortage of quality ongoing titles right now. Newburn is unquestionably one of the best. If you like crime, you'll have a tough time finding a better title in the genre than Newburn. Read Full Review
Phillips delivers some great art throughout the story. I continue to love the gritty, film noir style of the art and how it utilizes shadow to ramp up tension. Read Full Review
Wherever Newburn goes next, issue #8 promises it's bound to deliver more gripping mysteries and an anti-heroic character study that could rival the very best of them. Read Full Review