Think Tank #1
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Think Tank #1

Writer: Matt Hawkins Artist: Rahsan Ekedal Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 1, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 1
7.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Dr. David Loren is many things: child prodigy, inventor, genius, slacker... mass murderer. When a military think tank's smartest scientist decides he can no longer stomach creating weapons of destruction, will he be able to think his way out of his dilemma or find himself subject to the machinations of smaller men?

  • 10
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Aug 6, 2012

    Intended to (as the writer states) "make people like science", this comic show me something I haven't seen outside of the recently concluded (and always fantastic) TV series Eureka (a personal fav!) that just ended, this book really seems to be taking the ideas of the creative and fun aspects of science and fiction and just having a great time. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geekality - Patrick Halpin Jul 31, 2012

    I'm getting a little fanboyish just describing it and am having trouble writing down anything that isn't "THIS IS SO COOL", so I'll leave it at that and hopefully I'll have calmed down enough to give the next issue the thoughtful review I'm sure it will deserve. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Aug 6, 2012

    However, it is completely appropriate for this book as the black and white pages makes the figure work pop and gives the reader that old military movie feel. I haven't enjoyed reading a comic book this much since Scott Snyder's Batman #5 back in January. In my not so humble opinion, you need to buy this book, like yesterday. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Read Comic Books - ReadComicBooks Aug 8, 2012

    To sum up this book is brilliantly written, and the art keeps up with the intelligent writing style and works very well together, I'm very glad I picked it up, and I will definitely be carrying on with this book; a brilliant first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - Andy Hall Jan 5, 2017

    They have succeeded in making me interested in checking out the trades to see more of the story. Although I am still open to the idea of a 21st Century version of Inspector Gadget… Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jamil Scalese Aug 8, 2012

    The comic does not visually standout, and the main character needs room to grow, but this Top Cow release feels fresh and a little overdue. Keep a watchful and eager eye on Think Tank, it's a scrappy little comic that begs for a read.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Jul 30, 2012

    Image Comics does it again, as 2012 is their year, no doubt about it. I really enjoyed this issue and I recommend it to anyone looking for something different. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Therapy - thorverine Aug 1, 2012

    Think Tank is a great introduction story that really plays up the main character. We meet the entire cast and get some backstory while advancing the current narrative. There aren't a lot of twists and turns, but the ride is thrilling nonetheless. Think Tank is definitely one to check out. The series has a massive amount of potential energy, to put it science-y. I give Think Tank #1 a 4/5. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Aug 1, 2012

    When it comes to the art, Ekedal kills it. If you aren't familiar with his work -- go buy Echoes, right now " then you are in for a treat. His moody, grey-washed style is absolutely gorgeous. The absence of color seems like an odd choice for the story, but Ekedal's grey tones carry the book well enough. His best work can be seen in the characters, in their expressions. Think Tank is a slick looking book that also happens to have a pretty interesting story. Here's hoping it take us someplace worth going. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicville - Alan Smodic Aug 2, 2012

    Once Loren figures out his next move, the pace really picks up as it heads directly to a next issue. The first issue is definitely worth a read, especially if you're into smart comics that push real-world science. And when you're done, if you're on the fence about a second issue, the preview image on the last page will change your mind. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Brett Monro Aug 2, 2012

    Think Tank is a very good story with engaging characters. Hawkins has gone out of his way to make the characters real, and not cartoony, and it makes for a quality book. I appreciate that at the end of the book, Hawkins explains some of his thoughts, and the process of putting the book together. If you like interesting stories, and intelligent use of science-fact, then I highly recommend this book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - johnlees Aug 7, 2012

    Image has been bombarding us with cracking new titles this year, and amidst all the high-profile debuts it might be easy to overlook Think Tank. That would be a mistake. Give Think Tank #1 a try, and youll be treated to a cleverly-written book with gorgeous art from Rahsan Ekedal. It gets my recommendation! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Aug 3, 2012

    Think Tank is well worth picking up, but like so many of Image's other high concept Sci Fi titles from the past year, I find myself wishing that it pushed a little bit harder and dug a bit deeper. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Garry Robertson Aug 6, 2012

    A good, entertaining story that could have lots of pathways as it progresses. Black and white artwork might not be to everyone's liking, but it is very well drawn, making it easy to read. Good humor in the writing, too, with some cool gadgets. So for issue #1, a well-earned 7/10. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 2, 2012

    The breakthrough that occurs in this issue, obviously, sets up future developments, but in the interim provides a bit of humor as well as a success story for readers to celebrate with Loren. The celebration doesn't last long, as "Think Tank" #1 has a relavatory and surprising cliffhanger ending. Image has another strong concept comic book that just so happens to have very good art. If science is your thing and you're looking for a comic to enable a scientific geekout, then give "Think Tank" a peek. If nothing else, the four pages Hawkins includes at the end of the issue will entertain and inform. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - Michelle White Aug 3, 2012

    All told this isn't a perfect issue, but for someone who has a particular interest in the topic it may be just the ticket. It's also the first in a four-issue mini, which makes it a commitment of the minor kind. Pick it up for its attempt to give us a look at the world of military engineering, and for its portrait of a genius dudebro who's more likable than annoying. Pass if the prospect of an invention functioning perfectly after a few minor tweaks makes you ill, or if you're a stickler for good-looking covers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Aug 1, 2012

    Think Tank #1offers a character piece that'stold through a solid narrative that's complemented by good art. It's not without it's share of minor problems but as first issues go, this comic book came out well enough to warrant a purchase. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bloody Disgusting - BigJ Jul 27, 2012

    You can check out a preview for the book right here. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Kevin Beckham Aug 1, 2012

    Overall Think Tank has the makings of an interesting read. Here’s hoping it keeps that momentum and continues to make me smart. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Brian Bannen Aug 6, 2012

    There's not much depth to David Loren, and we're not given enough of his surrounding cast to make them more than archetypes of a surrounding cast. So while the idea of Think Tank is interesting, its characters hold it back from being truly original. clich. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Crux - Jessica Tarnate May 10, 2013

    I would give Think Tank a second chance and read a few more issues, but I was disappointed with the debut issue. Dr. Loren isnt as appealing or funny as he could be. Its hinted that he charmed his way through college, but that contradicts the crappy way he treats his coworkers, superiors and the opposite sex. The character does draw comparisons to Tony Stark. Think Tanks plot is so similar to Iron Man that it cant be avoided, and Matt Hawkins should have made his protagonist more uniqueor at the very least, Tony Starks match. If you like scientific techie thrillers, try Think Tank #1, but remember there are other better series out there worthier of your time. Read Full Review

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