What happened to "Spider-Man"?
• Despite the SAVAGE SIX'S ongoing assaults, the show goes on! With a little help from some amazing friends.
• MARY JANE and MYSTERIO are bonding under battlefield filming conditions, but their Spider-Man can't take it!
• Where did he go? And WHO could POSSIBLY replace him?! And how will THEY feel about Team MJ-STERIO?
Rated T
It is hard to be too critical of this series, as they have thus far been successful in creating a story which should have never sounded compelling enough to realize. Although that is still the case here, The Amazing Mary Jane #4 feels as though it is losing some momentum. Read Full Review
Amazing Mary Jane #4 (Williams, Gomez, & Lopez) hits the sweet spot. Drawing on Williamss ability to craft strong dialogue with an emotional weight between characters, this issue shows character depth without dragging away from the tension building for the conclusion in the next issue. Read Full Review
Williams manages a balance between the Hollywood drama and the more traditional superhero-style action that feels more or less appealing. Theres clearly more than enough going on in Williams story to hold interest together for many, many issues to come. The problem is going to lie in keeping the action consistent without compromising the fact that at its heart, this IS a series about a Hollywood actress in a world of superheroes. Read Full Review
The Amazing Mary Jane is a story that makes as little sense as the one being produced in its page. Read Full Review