Amazing Spider-Man #596

Writer: Joe Kelly Artist: Paulo Siqueria Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 3, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 6
7.0Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

Spider-Man goes up against Venom and Bullseye as he prepares to infiltrate the Dark Avengers headquarters. Meanwhile Harry’s life takes a dramatic turn now that he’s reunited with Lily and wedding plans continue for two lucky Parker pals.

  • 9.3
    IGN - Marc Diefenderfer Jun 3, 2009

    Overall, Amazing Spider-Man is in a great place right now. The latest issue is a true showcase of Kelly's talents, and the writer gives us a lot to think about as the book rockets even closer to a major milestone in its publishing history. While it's harder than ever to say what's in store for Peter, Harry, and all the rest as this issue comes to a close, we can be sure of one thing: whatever it is, it's going to be one exciting ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Jun 5, 2009

    So far, "American Son" shows a lot of potential. Until it is completed I will withhold my final verdict, but it is on track so far. The big question is how far will Harry make it before Norman finds out about his plan? Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Chris Partin Jun 6, 2009

    The art in this issue is great. I was a little saddened by the lack of Phil Jimenez’s art when I started to read this issue, but at the same time I didn’t miss it as much as I got further into the issue. Paulo Siqueira and Amilton Santos do a really good job with this issue. I don’t know if they’ll be back on this issue of Jimenez (or someone completely different), but I’d like to see more of their work in the future. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed in the issues of Amazing Spider-Man is that the art teams really are top notch and no one is slacking off. I applaud the editorial and creative teams that put this series together. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Rob G. Jun 3, 2009

    One of those frustrating reads that has some great content built upon a flow of forgettablenarrative. Nevertheless, this is a issue that retains the high-interestinherentin this arc. Kelly possibly pulled-off theimpossiblefor me in the fact that I'mthoroughlyenjoying Spidey's supporting cast. I am really interested in how this arc will progress and what will transpire in the coming pages. However, Phil Jimenez'sabsence thoroughlytempers this excitement. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 12, 2009

    Siqueiras work felt still at times, and with tons of expressions at other places. Im not sold on his Harry Osborn depiction yet, although it resembles the design established in comic books these days. His face is not long enough and too cheeky. But I do like the Kevin Maguire influenced pages, like the one with the fake Hawkeye. They were quite fun. Siqueira draws beautiful women, but they all look alike. At first, I thought that the Invisible Woman was another hooker... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jun 2, 2009

    This issue doesn't feel like a story so much as a series of moments that are necessary to set up later developments in "American Son". It pulls off those moments adequately enough, but there isn't nearly as much for readers to get their teeth into as there was in the previous chapter. That's not to say that the storyline doesn't still have potential -- just that this issue doesn't provide any payoffs, functioning instead as a necessary middle chapter that isn't a particularly compelling read in its own right. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 9, 2009

    With Ultimate Spider-Man being canceled and Amazing Spider-Man being... well, what it is, I'm really missing the hero who was once my favorite. These days, his comic is nearly at the bottom of the list. Read Full Review

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