Amazing Spider-Man #668

Event\Storyline: Spider-Island Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 31, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

SPIDER-ISLAND PART TWO Spider-powered New York citizens! Spider-powered criminals! And Peter Parker fighting alongside Manhattan biggest super heroes—as Peter Parker?

  • 9.0
    cxPulp - Adam Chapman Sep 7, 2011

    This issue is a terrific blend of high-concept story ideas and excellent characterization, as the story works on multiple different levels. Slott is telling a fun, energetic story here, and his script doesn't fail to match up to the task at hand. The artwork by Ramos is a perfect fit for this script and this storyline, as it has a great deal of energy and excitement in every single panel. I haven't always been a huge fan of Ramos and was skeptical of his joining the Big Time artistic rotation, but he has blown me away each and every issue that he has illustrated, and proven himself a perfect fit for illustrating Spider-Man's adventures as written by Dan Slott. This is a fantastic issue, a great deal of fun, and shouldn't be missed. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Stephen Schleicher Sep 4, 2011

    I'm glad I finally got around to picking up The Amazing Spider-Man on a regular basis. When Marvel had the rotating writers a few years ago, I last about a month. With Dan Slott behind the wheel, I'm on board for the long haul. I didn't think the Spider Island story would amount to much, but even in this second installment, I like how he's dealing with this crazy plot device. Add wonderful Humberto Ramos art with colors by Edgar Delgado to tie it all together, and The Amazing Spider-Man earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Aug 31, 2011

    Humberto Ramos does more stellar work here. The man knows how to give us action; he knows how to make comics seem bigger than life without it getting ridiculous. His childlike excitement in drawing a city full of web slingers is palpable. This is the kind of comic book art I love, the stuff that is beautifully produced but never lets us forget these are comics. It’s heightened reality that leans more towards an animated vision. Even though the faces are rather basic, they convey emotion perfectly. Ramos is an artist that, with each passing issue, I love more and more. Amazing Spider Man #668 and Spider Island are textbook examples of what makes the medium of comic books so extraordinary. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Aug 31, 2011

    Overall, I did really enjoy the issue. Humberto Ramos' combine with Dan Slott's writing really makes this a fun read. What makes this issue great is the fact that it's more than just Spidey/Peter. We get to see how Anti-Vemon and Venom will play into the larger story arc. The only real problem I have with the issue is that I feel the over-all idea of everyone getting Spider-powers is a bit silly. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Sep 1, 2011

    Slott and Ramos nail it. With the excellence of this issue, I suddenly don't feel so upset about having all 28 issue of Spider-Island on my pull list. Fun story and great art. This is what I expected coming into the story and after a bit of a disappointing opening, we're back on track. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Aug 31, 2011

    Spider-Island is good fun so far. The stakes aren't really there, but Slott still has plenty of time left to ramp up the danger and deliver on the promise that Spider-Man's world will be dangerously overturned by this event. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Aug 31, 2011

    "Spider-Island" may be a simple story at its core concept, but two issues in, with four parts of the main story to go, we're almost as in the dark as Peter Parker, himself. And we know the main villain! Slott and Ramos are giving us a mystery with serious repercussions to figure out alongside our favorite Webhead. The "eventness" of this story, with its twenty tie-in issues and eight-part (six "actual" plus prelude and epilogue) may be chasing some folks away, but if you've got patience and finances enough for an entertaining eight-part tale, pull up a chair and web up a copy of this issue. It's not too late to join us on "Spider-Island" in these waning days of summer. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Sep 5, 2011

    Continuing the trend of delivering one fun comic after another Amazing Spider-Man #668 was another quick paced issue that was a blast to read. Dan Slott has done a great job making Amazing Spider-Man read like how a superhero comic should read like. Read Full Review

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