Amazing Spider-Man #10

Event\Storyline: Spider-Verse Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 25
7.6Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

•  A spider-army is gathering to fight Morlun and his deadly family, but who will lead them?
•  Why, only the greatest spider-hero of all, THE SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN.
•  Our universe's AMAZING SPIDER-MAN has an issue with that.
Rated T

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Nov 22, 2014

    The Spider-Verse keeps you guessing, so the readers are along for the ride just as much as our Spider-Man, and the conflict keeps the stakes raised and the action high. It's sad that the publisher's agenda keeps interrupting the flow, and characters have to be scattered to various titles rather than keeping the story contained. Thankfully, that doesn't keep the story itself from being one of the most exciting Spidey-stories in recent years. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 19, 2014

    This series only amps up the anticipation and excels more each issue. A fantastic part 2 that is filled with action, plot details and story progression! Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Nov 21, 2014

    Oliver Coipels art remains as excellent as the first issue, his cinematic style just fits perfectly with the grandiose story making for one damn fine looking comic. His action scenes manage to look dynamic and exciting and never once looks rushed even with large numbers of Spider-Men filling the page at the same time. Its absolutely outstanding art that this story really needed. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Crusaders - 13th Crusader Nov 20, 2014

    This issue was action packed from the very beginning, no doubt about it; however, it did seem to be rather fast paced with a "we haven't seen nothing yet" feeling to it. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Good Kind Of Geek - Nikki Yuan Nov 20, 2014

    Also, the issue also serves as the launching point for many Spider-Verse tie-ins. Spider-Woman, Spider-Man 2099 and more all have Spider-Verse tie-ins, and the issue is not shy to let you know you should read those to have the full experience. The little captions can be quite annoying from time to time, and individual Spiders running off to their own stories slow down the issue too. Hopefully now the tie-ins are set, the next issue won't suffer the same problems anymore. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Dan Gvozden Nov 20, 2014

    Amazing Spider-Man #10 brings the Superior Spider-Man and his team into the fray for some wonderful characterizations and actions. The story is mainly set-up for future conflicts and spinoffs but the art and dialogue are so expertly handled that readers will likely accept a momentary bump in "Spider-Verse"'s momentum. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Brendan McGuirk Nov 24, 2014

    Dan Slott balances the cast of Wall-Crawlers very well, keeping the focus on our lead but giving space and respect to every Spider-Man, -Woman and -Child in case that version is a reader's favorite. Oliver Coipel, Wade von Grawbadger and Justin Ponsor bring tremendous energy to the visuals, bringing a grandiosity befitting the event. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 19, 2014

    ASM #10 wasn't as big as a hit as issue #9, it still delivers a ton of fun. Dan Slott loves this character and it shows. Yes, at times, it's a fan service book, but that's not such a bad thing in this case because it's involved in a very interesting story, conceptually. Luckily, it's also executed well too, and the art team is top notch. While this issue left me feeling like something was missing, overall, it's an awesome issue and I'm loving this arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Nov 22, 2014

    Spider-Verse is moving at a very nice pace. Slott keeps the characters bouncing off one another, and he's got more than a few interesting mysteries building in the background. I definitely want to know why Kaine is so important as 'The Other', likewise what it means to be 'The Bride' or 'The Scion'. He's building some interesting spider mythology here, and I am eating it up. It's also nice to see the Superior Spider-Man back in the saddle, and Miles Morales is a fun addition to the cast. Really, it's just fun to see all these spider characters interact. That's all I want from Spider-Verse. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 20, 2014

    This issue serves as the major launching point for the various tie-ins and spinoffs Marvel has in the wings. On one hand, it's nice to see Slott find time for so many alternate Spider-Men and Women to shine as numerous characters are shifted along the board. Many old favorites are given their due, while a handful of new players leave an impression as well (particularly Spider-Punk). Even with the scope as big and dire as it is, Slott finds room for humor and banter. The interaction between Spider-Monkey and Spider-Ham is priceless. On the other hand, the final pages are a nonstop barrage of exit scenes and editor's captions directing readers to this tie-in or that tie-in. Hopefully this issue has taken care of all that editorial business and the core Spider-Verse conflict can resume its normal course in the next chapter. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Nov 20, 2014

    With the Spider-Verse event in full swing, Dan Slott is the team player of the Spider-Office this issue, as he splits up the various Spider-Men into separate groups (which so happen to conveniently set up spin-off books like Scarlet Spiders and Spider-Woman, as well as a new arc in Spider-Man 2099). Slott should get a lot of credit, however, for juggling such an audacious number of characters - while they might not do a whole lot besides talk and size each other up, there's a lot of thought in the dynamics here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Nov 24, 2014

    Olivier Coipel's artwork is always on point and truly shines in making distinguishing all of the Spider-Men so it's not a chore to tell them all apart. This book has a lot of moving parts that are easy to keep track of which produces a fun read that is about to heat up. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Multiversity Comics - Vince Ostrowski Nov 21, 2014

    Issue #10 is unfortunately spends much of its time as a platform for spinning off characters and titles, but it's still a gorgeous-looking event book. It's on the 'Spider-Verse' checklist, and slots in to the greater story, even if it's largely utilitarian. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 20, 2014

    It seems as though "Spider-Verse" has been running for a long time at this point, but in reality this is the second chapter of the saga in "Amazing Spider-Man." As "Spider-Verse" is ratcheting up the speed, a mind map would treat this as the hub with spokes going off in no less than four directions. While a great deal of what happens next doesn't happen here, it is happening in the various "Spider-Verse" spinoffs as noted in the editor's boxes throughout "Amazing Spider-Man" #10. In the meantime, readers are treated to such highlights as one of the characters actually saying, "It's a clone thing. You wouldn't understand," while Old Man Spider-Man warns the Spiders to protect "The Scion. The Other. The Bride." There's a lot going on here other than crazy variations on Spider-Man, and it is really just starting to ramp up. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Herald - Bill Zeiders Nov 20, 2014

    If you're reading Spider-Verse, you need this issue. It just would have been nice to know which issues we didn't need up to this point. Some might think the story rotating on various dimes is exciting, but I think it's just sneaky. I feel like this issue could have been paced much better if Marvel hadn't wasted so much time and paper up to this point. This is the first time in the series that it feels poorly planned out. I really hope it gets back on track next issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Miller Nov 24, 2014

    Its not that the story is bad I actually think its a really cool and interesting concept. There is just entirely too much packed into entirely too few pages. I imagine this might read a lot better in a giant omnibus format, where there was more time and space to dedicate to everyone. But trying to read this as a monthly series without picking up all of the ancillary tie-ins seems like an impossible task. Ill keep at it, because Im a trouper, but for someone unwilling to do a lot of homework and/or be confused, I really cant recommend the series. Read Full Review

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