Avengers A.I. #1
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Avengers A.I. #1

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Andre Lima Araujo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 3, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 22 User Reviews: 5
7.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

The triumph of Hank Pym turns to tragedy for the human race...an unfathomable Pandora's Box of destruction! When a brave new world is unleashed, only one team of Earth's Mightiest Heroes can save us from the future - AVENGERS A.I.! THE VISION! HANK PYM! VICTOR MANCHA! DOOMBOT! The mysterious ALEXIS! MONICA CHANG, AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D.! The AGE OF ULTRON is over! The AGE OF A.I. is NOW!

  • 10
    Comics Crux - Wesley Messer Jul 5, 2013

    Age of Ultron is responsible for Avengers A.I. and for that I thank the event for giving us a series with the prospect of being an amazing adventure. There is a level of inherent cynicism here that will of course be present in dealing with the aftermath of Age of Ultron, I'm just enjoying a cool series that came out of the event. While this is only the first chapter, I look forward to seeing where Humphries takes this series in the future. Hopefully readers give Avengers A.I. a fair chance because I feel this comic doesn't deserve to get lost in the shuffle of everything else at Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jul 3, 2013

    Is this the evolution of the Avengers? Spiraling out of AGE OF ULTRON, we're seeing the after effects of Hank Pym's results to save...everything. With a bunch of A.I. type characters, one who has even had a slight upgrade as well as a freaking Doombot, this series is bound to be nutso. I don't know what Sam Humphries has planned but I cannot wait to find out. The art is pretty solid with a couple minor hiccups. This issue was just a blast to read and it I think this is going to become a new favorite series. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Jul 3, 2013

    Avengers A.I. #1 is a very entertaining read with a lot of energy, humour, and a huge amount of potential. This is unlike any other team book Marvel is putting out and I highly recommend any Hank Pym or Vision fans diving into this book head first: you won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Marvel Disassembled - thepuremood Jul 4, 2013

    With a lot of NEXTWAVE style humour from Doombot, exciting action and a believable and surprising characterization of Hank Pym, the first issue of AVENGERS A.I. is a delight. It's all too rare these days to see the first issue of a team book in which the team manages to come together and save the day all in twenty pages, but Humprhies pulls it off with room for character moments and still teasing at future stories to leave us wanting more. After the success of HAWKEYE, Marvel seems much more confident in releasing books with unique sensibilities starring B-list characters, and we should take advantage of the situation. Hank Pym is one of Marvel's most complex and human superheroes, and featuring him in a book about the continuing dominance of technology is a stroke of genius. You may scoff at the idea of another AVENGERS title, but this one is something special. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jul 13, 2013

    Overall, these complaints didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the title. When looking at the more "B-List" cast and personalities involved, you wouldn't think this title would work as well as it does, but to Humphries and Araujo's credit, they've made them gel together. However,because of the lineup involved, this title could turn into one of thosefan-favorite, butunder appreciated series. Here's hoping that won't be the case. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Johnny Freiberg Jul 3, 2013

    Another great thing about the book is the pacing. It gives a quick look at the upcoming action, then gives plot exposition, while also making us understand Hank through dialogue. There are quick character introductions for the A.I.s, then an entertaining and fun action sequence. During the action, the characters dialogue allows us to get to know them, in a way that doesn't interrupt the story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Jul 4, 2013

    Avengers A.I. arrives as a breath of fresh air after the often stale salesmanship of the event that got us here. The Age of Ultron is over. The Age of A.I. is now. So far, things are looking up for this new age. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Flip Geeks - Nicolo Parungo Jul 10, 2013

    Andre Araujo's art is very good. The characters are nicely detailed, and the action scenes are very energetic. Marvel tends to shift artists quickly, but I'm really hoping they keep Araujo for this book, as his art really meshes well with Humphries' script. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jul 3, 2013

    The art by Andre Lima Araujo is a slam dunk. His lighter stylings go with the humorous tone of the script, allowing him to express various emotions at a whim and deliver bombastic action scenes with bountiful energy. A big credit is due to Frank D'Armata, whose colors accent Araujo's pencils to help achieve a fun and vibrant atmosphere. This is a great looking book that has a lot to offer in the visuals department. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Jul 4, 2013

    Overall, "Avengers AI" is a little bit of a disappointment compared to the Age of Ultron tie-in from last week. It is, however, a fairly solid comic book that sets up some interesting directions for some characters you may not have otherwise cared about. Plus, they have a Doom on their team. Doctor Doom automatically wins respect points for any book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Jul 4, 2013

    There's some great stuff here. I really liked Doombot and his personality. That should bring some great comedic relief and interaction throughout the series. The story though was only so-so. There's nothing bad with it, there's just nothing that got me really excited. The fact that Pym hasn't learned from his mistakes only makes the first issue a bit more frustrating to me and Pym a less likeable character. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jul 4, 2013

    It's an interesting start, but it has a ways to go before this is a must-buy. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jul 9, 2013

    While the plot isn't the most original and doesn't take full advantage of his premise, the issue does deliver with some good characterization, some fun action and some pretty great art from Araujo which does warrant a look at the second issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    One Quest - Chris Cobb Jul 5, 2013

    I don't know if this series will have the longevity to last long, but even a solid story arc would be enough to get Pym back in the spot light, along with another long time Avenger, The Vision. And while I like Sam Humphries, I do wish that Mark Waid was the one writing this, after the work he did in that first A.I. issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Analog Addiction - Tony Couto Jul 4, 2013

    Avengers AI #1 spends too much time trying to establish its shaky premise, when the book, about such unique AI characters, could have benefitted from showcasing the cast's interesting powers. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Jul 5, 2013

    Recent Marvel launches have a lot of strong competition, but "Avengers A.I." #1 manages to stand out as something other than just another "Avengers" book. It's got its own feel, a cast of somewhat obscure characters and a unique concept driving it. That's more than enough to convince me to stick around for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 3, 2013

    Additionally - and this is the clincher - Humphries leans so much on the semi-humorous bits that he doesn't really justify or explore the actual high concept enough: these aren't human heroes, but A.I. What does that mean? What is the difference? What sets this book apart? And what kind of leader is Hank Pym going to become? Without that hook, this book comes off as a group of D-list Avengers in a marketplace saturated with other Avenger titles. But with the team coming together like a well-oiled machine, here's hoping that Humphries and Araujo can show us what makes these tin men tick. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Mike Miersen Jul 7, 2013

    I'm not recommending this. It's not that I'm telling you to decry this in the streets or hunt down the creators and force them into some type of Bloodsport situation. If you're interested in it, then by all means. However, this is skippable, or at least from what I've seen in issue one. There's not a lot going on and nothing mind blowing that you have to see. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Jul 7, 2013

    Finally, just like the page designs in the other new Avengers titles released during Marvel NOW, 'Avengers A.I.' has some great designs as well. Not only does the layout of the recap page tie into the theme of the book very well with all the circuitry, but the yellows give off almost an 80s, 'Tron'-esque feel that's super cool to look at. Those pages are a great compliment to bookend the excellent art by Andre Lima Araujo throughout the comic. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Jul 5, 2013

    Avengers A.I. #1 is a big letdown – disappointing to read and not all that great visually. Most of what was wrong with it could have been fine and functional if Hank Pym was written like Hank Pym, but instead, he's written like a schmuck, and I suppose he will continue to be for the rest of the year. Joy. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Jul 6, 2013

    I have the sense that Humphries is going for something on the order of Nextwave here, with Victor more interested in coming up with a cool superhero name than anything else, while the Doombot rages about being forced to join the team (after Pym cheerfully introduces him, Doombot snarls "My most fervent wish is to crush your pathetic freedoms beneath my boots."), all the while having Pym act loonier and loonier. But where Ellis and Immonen kept their satirical knives sharpened the entire way, Humphries and artist Andre Lima Araujo (at least in this first issue) seem more interested in just grafting a bit of yuk-yuk-yuk onto a standard superhero adventure, and Araujo's cheerfully cartoony pencils emphasize the wacky at the expense of anything that might carry weight. It's an amusing idea for a one-off, but a continuing series that hinges on unhinging such a core Marvel U character as Henry Pym is likely to run out of steam sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jul 3, 2013

    The good news about Andr Lima Arajo's artwork in this debut issue is the fact it's rather unconventional in tone. He's clearly influence by manga/anime, but his various aspects of his efforts here reminded me of the styles of such other Marvel artists as Nick Bradshaw, Khoi Pham and Ed McGuinness. Read Full Review

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