Captain America #605

Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist: Luke Ross Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 28, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
7.3Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

TWO AMERICAS CONCLUSION The final battle between two Captain Americas will leave each changed...and a new secret enemy will be revealed.

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 May 11, 2010

    As usual(or maybe I shpuld say as always)this was an excellent comic book. The pacing here was just great, and the battle between Bucky and Bad Cap was extremely well done. Granted this wasn't one of my favorite Brubaker/Cap stories, but it was still better then more then 90% of the stuff I read monthly. I'm not exactly sure what next month will bring, or how Ed is going to use Bucky and Steve Rogers in this series, but needless to say, for as long as Ed is writing this series, I'll be eagerly anticipating the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawk Apr 29, 2010

    A very solid issue, and a great conclusion to the story. The backup feature isn't anything to write home about, but the Cap story is strong enough to be worth the price. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Apr 29, 2010

    Overall, this issue does some good things with the ending of the Two Americas arc, never truly condemning what BadCap and his Watchdogs are upset about, just their wacked out methods. The fight sequences are nice, The Falcon has a couple of serious badass moments (his wrist-claw grapping hook still works, in case you were wondering) and the climactic decision that Cap has to make has a different ending than it would had Steve Rogers been on the book, which is a good thing for me. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Apr 30, 2010

    Final Thoughts: Excellent writing and art has been a consistent with this title and that continues with this current issue. Now that this story arc has wrapped I am eager to see what becomes of Captain America as Marvel enters its Heroic Age. Will there be room for both men to hold the title? Overall, this book has never been stronger than it has been in the past few years. Ed Brubaker continues to serve up a variety of offerings that push the boundaries for these characters unlike any that have come before. It is these little morsels that have made the whole meal that has been Brubakers Captain America that much more filling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 28, 2010

    I certainly didn't dislike this arc. It had some interesting things to say about the Grand Director and the state of the country as a whole. But ultimately, it lacked the sense of immediacy and the engrossing struggle of Brubaker's better Cap arcs. I'm hoping the return of Baron Zemo next month will signal a true return to form for this series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Apr 29, 2010

    This is definitely a thrilling conclusion to an intense story. Be ready for some white knuckle tension and some genuinely hard decisions on display. Despite the issues i had with the art (which could be the result of a mismatch with the inker), I still think Ross' art fit the grim tone of the story - - which is why the Nomad back-up, again, felt out of place. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 30, 2010

    "Captain America" is normally much better than this, but I found myself curiously disappointed with a story that had much more potential. As a regular reader of the comic, I normally expect much more from all parties involved. On the bright side, the conclusion to the Nomad back-up story is fun, perhaps because it's all epilogue and made me actually want to see Nomad and Arana hang out again. As a lead-in to the upcoming "Young Allies" book (with both as members), it works quite well. Now that's a way to end a story on a high note. Read Full Review

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