Mighty Avengers #2

Event\Storyline: Infinity Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Greg Land Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 2, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 7
7.5Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

INFINITY TIE-IN! new ongoing series !
•  Proxima Midnight is killing New York City one block at a time...
•  Luke Cage's ad-hoc Avengers might not be able to stop her...
•  And the one hero who can is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
•  Think it can't get worse? It can always get worse.

  • 9.7
    Geeked Out Nation - OOSteven Oct 2, 2013

    With the addition of the Mighty Avengers to the line of Avengers titles it may seem like overkill but in all honesty this is a welcome addition and the cast is much better than the flagship title's making this a clear second to Uncanny Avengers in my list of Avengers titles. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Oct 3, 2013

    This was just excellent all around and it really set itself apart as one which displayed some traditional heroics. Fighting the bad guys, overcoming pain, having the people you're trying to save cheer rather than run in fear. Things we haven't seen in a long time and is very much appreciated under these circumstances. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Herotaku - Brian Benjamin Oct 2, 2013

    Final thoughts, it was another strong issue for this series so far. I'm really enjoying seeing these heroes trying to fight off this invasion and that The Blue Marvel has now entered the battle. I'm looking forward to seeing how he will effect the outcome. I highly recommend checking out Mighty Avengers. For a series that was produced thanks to an event, it's been a good ride so far. I'm really looking forward to issue three. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Crave Online - Andy Hunsaker Oct 2, 2013

    Mighty Avengers is a really fun book, and you should read it if you like awesome super-hero action. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Imagination Centre - John McCubbin Oct 26, 2013

    This was a fantastic issue and a great continuation from the first issue. It continues the amazing action brilliantly, adding a new character to the series as well. It was also very dramatic at times, and had some amazing dialogue. Crossover wise however it felt a little unnecessary, as although the story was very fun it didn't add anything new to the event itself. Due to all this I'd recommend this issue, but due to it not being that important crossover wise I'd only recommend to people who have a wider budget, or spare cash. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Oct 5, 2013

    A fairly decent issue all told, but there are still some hurdles to cross. I'm going to stick with the series in the near future, and hope that it gets out of all the Infinity madness soon, so we can get to how these characters are all going to interact in more… normal circumstances. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Oct 2, 2013

    The artwork continues to be by Greg Land and opinions will remain divided as always. His work here isn't too bad, with the action and characters looking good for the most part. There definitely weren't as many odd looking facial expressions this time around. One thing that did stand out, however, were some of the action bits. Sometimes a character throws a punch or kick and the person doesn't look like they were hit at all, despite being knocked back. It's odd, but you can see it, in particular when Luke throws down with Proxima. Read Full Review

  • 7.2
    Nerds On The Rocks - MikeFitz538 Oct 5, 2013

    Land's art, again, does not distract like it has on other books that he has done. He still has his flaws, but in no way does it take away from the story or my want to give this first arc a try. I do wonder how this fits into the overall Infinity since the two members of the Thanos' Black Order have been seen doing other things and having a different relationship to Thanos than is seen here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 3, 2013

    All in all, "Mighty Avengers" #2 has the series on a strong path. The issue makes me want to come back for #3, and all in all it's fun. With "Avengers" and "New Avengers" being decidedly more grim these days, it's nice to have a series that can have huge earth-shattering events but still have a lighter touch, too. Check it out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Oct 4, 2013

    Needless to say there's a ton of action in this book, with plenty of booms, kabooms, and pows to quench your thirst for comic violence. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Population Go - Chris Lemmerman Oct 19, 2013

    Even with only two issues under its belt so far, there's a lot to like about this title. Even with Greg Land's artwork dragging everything down, the dialogue and scripting continues to impress, and there are plot swerves that I'd never have expected to see along the way. As an Infinity tie-in, this title is doing well too, firmly establishing itself as part of the storyline without stepping on the toes of other titles or retreading ground that other books have already covered. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 2, 2013

    Two things would help Mighty Avengers at this point. The first is a shift away from Infinity so that the cast can have a little more room to breathe and interact. The second is a switch to a different artist with a more versatile range of facial expressions. But at least the first is a foregone conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comicosity - MJ Feuerborn Oct 3, 2013

    This issue was a lot of shallow bang and mostly buildup, so its audience will be looking for something stronger next issue. Ewing will likely deliver, but with Land at the helm on art, whatever's in store for the Mighty Avengers will likely come about with a lot of yelling, squinting, and alien body proportions. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 5, 2013

    I really liked the first issue of Mighty Avengers, so I was definitely on board for #2. Unfortunately, the issue is almost entirely action, so that robs it of the great character moments we saw in the first issue. Also, this thing is just so heavily tied to Infinity, while simultaneously being left in Infinity's dust, that it's hard to really get a handle on everything happening. Plus the random inclusion of the Blue Marvel just muddies the whole thing up. I hope there are a lot of Blue Marvel fans out there who are really happy for his inclusion, because otherwise he is the totally wrong choice for anything. Read Full Review

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