Mighty Avengers #23

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Khoi Pham Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 25, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 4
7.3Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

"Earth's Mightiest Part 3 of 3" "The Last Knight on Earth" How can the Mighty Avengers save all of reality from one of their greatest foes... when they can't even stop fighting each other? To survive their first trial by fire, lines will be crossed, ideals will be compromised, and not every hero will make the cut. You better read this issue of DARK REIGN, guys. Why? Because this one's going to change the Marvel landscape! Literally! Rated A …$2.99

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 30, 2009

    This title is rich with characters and flush with creators that are able to tap into the potential of those characters, whether it is Hank Pym's conflict with Tony Stark, Hulk's desire to be alone or the underhandedness of Loki. This title is living up to the "Earth's Mightiest" moniker and the last page reveal provides a shocker that sets up more excitement to come, especially given the dedication of a brother to aide his sister. "Mighty Avengers" is the best of the bunch when it comes to the plethora of Avengers titles available and, to paraphrase Dan Slott, it is certainly steeped in "Avengerness". Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Mar 29, 2009

    This series continues to be lighter than the New Avengers and far less sinister than the Dark Avengers. With three Avengers series, its becoming crowded already. As I said last issue, its really starting to feel that these are the Westcoast Avengers where they focused on traditional super heroics instead of the more cutting edge stuff Bendis is doing over in the New Avengers series. But no matter how much one can label this team the B team, when the Westcoast Avengers were the best at their game, they routinely beat the main Avengers series in terms of good stories. I dont have any complaints about this series. Its not groundbreaking while being above average. It will be interesting to see when Slott takes this team. He has the potential to make this series very popular, especially with readers tired of reading Bendis take on the Avengers. For one thing. With Slott aboard, it doesnt feel like readers are reading the same comic book spread over two series, as it felt during the Secret Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Mar 28, 2009

    Completing the “origin” story of this new team of Avengers, this issue finds Hank Pym, now calling himself Wasp in honor of his late wife, being challenged by none other than Tony Stark for leadership of the group, which has been mysteriously assembled to combat the ancient Chaos god Cthon. During the conflict egos clash, insecurities arise, a leader emerges, and the team's malevolent founder is revealed. In the sea of crap that Bendis has thrown the Avengers franchise into, Slott's opening storylineon this title is a much needed breath of fresh air. His script easily balances action, comedy, and characterization in ways that remind me why I've loved the Avengers for so long. Khoi Pham'sart works best on a large scale, and if you don't believe me, just check out the covers to his first three issues of this comic and tell me you wouldn't buy a poster of it right now if you could! Slott and Pham will need a little time to make this title their own,but I'm will Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Jim Apr 2, 2009

    A good beginning to a traditional Avengers series. With all the darkness surrounding the Avengers this book is needed. I hope to see a mix of new and classic villains for this team Zodiac anyone? Read Full Review

  • 7.1
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 25, 2009

    One thing I'm hoping for as the artistic roster changes is a more consistent look to the pencils. Khoi Pham hasn't exactly been at his best in this series. His pencils are much more rough than what I remember from his Incredible Hercules work. His facial work has admittedly improved from earlier issues, but there are still more than a few wonky panels to be had. Pham also seems much more adept at certain characters than others. His Iron Man and US Agent are dumpy-looking, while Pym and many other supporting characters look pretty snazzy. I'm not quite sure what to make of it, but I hope for a more unified look in the future. There's no reason Mighty Avengers can't carve out its own niche in the swelling Avengers franchise, but it has a few growing pains to shake off first. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill/Stephen Joyce Mar 24, 2009

    If you are an Avengers fan then I suggest grabbing this book. I've said it several times earlier that this is a classic Avengers story, and I really mean it. Don't be scared off by the book's "Dark Reign" banner. It only has that because Marvel wants to put it there. If you're not an Avengers fan then you should still buy this book. Dan Slott is a great writer--even though he doesn't have Iron Mans voice down--who can craft great stories, and this is an example of that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Mar 28, 2009

    Expect this one to be grounded soon. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Mar 28, 2009

    I'm not a big fan of the art in this issue, as Khoi Pham is not one of my favorites, but the redesign of the Wasp is well-done, and the storytelling is mostly clear throughout. I'm bothered by the fact that Jocasta is virtually invisible throughout the issue, and the battle sequence never seems as epic as it should due to claustrophobic tightness in the staging, but it's not overtly unpleasant. Dan Slott's story is good, but there are some parts that feel very telegraphed, and the use of Iron Man (Crap... ON... TONY STARK!!!!)as a complete jerk felt... I don't know. Not exactly wrong, as it's just a magnification of the whole "futurist" thing he's been doing for years now, but the situation was just a bit forced. Slott does his best work on Amadeus Cho, and his Hulk is oddly clever, but overall the issue never quite gels for me. Maybe once the roster is actually a roster, things will feel more complete, but honestly, the whole point of these three issues was to overturn s Read Full Review

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