New Avengers #16

Event\Storyline: Fear Itself Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mike Deodato Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 14, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
7.5Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN FEAR ITSELF has ripped through New York and now the New Avengers must reinvent themselves. And who better to help them then the guardian devil himself? It's finally happening...DAREDEVIL: AVENGER!

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Sep 20, 2011

    Deodato renders a mean and lean Daredevil. I like how he drew him here. I could easily see him become regular artist for Daredevil should the sales of his series plunge further. But that is another story. Meanwhile, did I mention how this team feels more and more like the Defenders? I wonder if it would sell as much if it was billed like that. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Sep 16, 2011

    Another thing kicking this issue into high gear is the art from Mike Deodato. I’ve been enjoying the more lighthearted work over on the actual Daredevil series so much that I forgot how cool he is when he’s drawn with a darker flair. Deodato’s sense of movement and action is so well executed here. I also loved his panel layouts. So much movement and drama can be displayed just in how the panels are put together and Deodato takes full advantage of that. Each panel is just a tiny visceral work of art. The New Avengers #16 proved me really, really wrong and I couldn’t be happier about it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 19, 2011

    New Avengers #16 is an effective issue, showing me a hero that I might not be familiar with, showing him being awesome, and being extremely well-drawn in so doing. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Sep 16, 2011

    I'd like to welcome everyone to a personal love letter from Bendis to the character that put him on the Marvel map, Daredevil. C'mon in, it's okay, they know you're watching. They're ready to share their intimacy with all and sundry. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Sep 14, 2011

    When Luke Cage and Jessica Jones personally welcome back Daredevil, even the tiniest line of dialogue acknowledging the events of Shadowland would have been acceptable, but they offer him a personalized braille membership card instead. Aren't these two always in a desperate plight to protect their child? Then why are they welcoming back a hero who went evil and murdered his arch nemesis? I hope they don't ask him to babysit. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Sep 14, 2011

    "New Avengers" #16 has a very straight forward and obvious reason behind it: put Daredevil on the team. It accomplishes that, partly by selling the reader on the greatness of the character. Ultimately, it's a comic that seems more like a means to an end than an organic story. Read Full Review

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