New Avengers #43

Event\Storyline: Secret Invasion Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Billy Tan Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 23, 2008 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 6
5.5Critic Rating
7.2User Rating

SECRET INVASION TIE-IN! Spider-Man versus Captain America in the jungles of the Savage Land!

  • 7.3
    IGN - Bryan Joel Jul 23, 2008

    There are a few minor bits of Skrull culture and methodology to be picked from New Avengers #43, for those who are interested in that. But with so many other SI tie-ins doing mildly entertaining stories that only tangentially involve Skrulls, I expect the Avengers to be hitting harder than this. Still, I can't honestly say it's a bad or flawed book, just unremarkable. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Jul 22, 2008

    This issue almost makes up for the crapfest that was the Elektra story. Almost. As it is, it is still a strong chapter in the over-all story, and better than about half of the actual Secret Invasion series. It still doesn't hold a candle to Captain Britain, but then again, what does? Ooh, if only they could convince Warren Ellis to write a huge Marvel crossover event. Just thinking that made me a little giddy, just then. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 24, 2008

    There's still the fact this is a rather pointless story that didn't need to be told, but it was much more enjoyable than many of the other Secret Invasion tieins and I don't regret the purchase. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 2, 2008

    And we're done. Seriously. Some of you reading may be thinking "Was that all?" Don't feel bad, I read the issue, and felt the same way. Much like the issue of Mighty A's a week or so ago (I reviewed it on the podcasta while back) this information, while interesting, is inessential. Back in the day, Stan and Jack would have done this ENTIRE ISSUE as a three-panel flashback at the beginning of an issue, then made whatever happens next the meat of the story. It's interesting, in a way, to see such versimilitude and depth being given to the alien aggressors, but the underlying point of this story seems to be that the evil Skrulls must be stopped. Much as "The Killing Joke" unnerved me by making me almost sympathize with the mass-murdering #&@$head known as the Joker, this issue (and the Elektra issue as well) are trying to make me feel empathy for the shape-shifting invaders. Fine enough, and a very post-modern viewpoint, but I don't WANT to sympathize with these shmu Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jul 27, 2008

    New Avengers #43 is nothing more than filler designed to further stretch out Secret Invasion's shallow story. Do not bother wasting your hard earned money on New Avengers #43. This Secret Invasion tie-in issue will not enhance your enjoyment of the story taking place on Secret Invasion itself. I do not think that even fans of Secret Invasion will find this issue anything particularly interesting. And I definitely do not think that Avengers fans will find this issue appealing, either. This issue really has nothing to do with the Avengers at all. Of course, that could be said for every issue of New Avengers for quite some time now. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Jul 22, 2008

    Look, maybe it was necessary to tell this story. I can understand that. But it could have been done so without all the redundancies. Unfortunately, this issue feels like a waste. It's essentially weak supplemental material that might have been better served as a backup or a side story to some double-sized issue. It doesn't belong here. Save your money and skip this one unless you absolutely need your Billy Tan fix. Read Full Review

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