Revolutionary War: Dark Angel #1

Event\Storyline: Revolutionary War Writer: Kieron Gillen Artist: Dietrich Smith Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 15, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Part 2 of "Revolutionary War"
•  When Shevaun Haldane experiences a troubling vision in Darkmoor Castle, she realizes danger may be coming for the heroes of Marvel UK.
•  With time running out, Shevaun has no choice but to suit up as Dark Angel once again.
•  An adventure that will take fans through the past, present, and future of Marvel UK!

  • 9.0
    Geeked Out Nation - Mike Okeke Jan 15, 2014

    This was a very self contained issue and it will be interesting to see where Dark Angel goes from here with the end being rather dire and left at a cliffhanger. Part three of the event ‘Knights of Pendragon' may not hold this resolution but will be worth picking up to see presumably yet another angle on the story. Not seeing the fate of or continuing to follow Captain Britain this issue worked well as it feels as though a large ensemble is assembling which will conclude in one hell of a finale. Gillen and Smith's contribution, if this be their only one, was a really fun superhero comic with tons of character development and exploration, fitting social commentary and a healthy dose of British humour and charm. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Hugo Robberts Lariviere Jan 15, 2014

    Presenting a straightforward tale with quite a lot of British personality put into it, this issue provides for a good continuation of the story and present some good ideas on the table. It may be too subdued in some aspects, yet not so much in the aspects that count for the most. A nice read overall. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Jan 16, 2014

    Overall though, I'm not happy with this comic at all. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jan 15, 2014

    "Revolutionary War: Dark Angel" is a comic that I wanted to like based on the pedigree of the character as well as having Gillen attached to it. But if all of the remaining "Revolutionary War" one-shots are just going to serve as nostalgia tokens rather than engaging comics in their own right, it might not be a bad idea to just stop here. Hopefully that's not the case, but at the moment I'm starting to feel like this is an event where I am not the target audience. Read Full Review

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