She-Hulk #7

Writer: Dan Slott Artist: Will Conrad Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.7Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

BEAUS & EROS As the case against STARFOX comes to a close, romantic entanglements come to a head. So, will it be heartbreak or happily-ever-after for Pug and She-Hulk? All this and an all-new superhuman law case that asks, "Is a secret identity grounds for divorce?" Pull out the hankies, Gamma-Fans, 'cause this one's got plenty of kisses and kicks to go around.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Olivia Woodward May 15, 2006

    "Il foco cresce; Don Giovanni si sprofondaResta inghiottito dalla terra." Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate May 13, 2006

    As stated, Will Conrad provides this book with gorgeous artwork. I do not just mean that he makes the women gorgeous, though they are--including Tigra, my favorite of all Marvel heroes. Conrad pays attention to differences in proportion among gender. You can easily see the changes of stature, from Shulkie to Jennifer Walters. This attention to variety can also be witnessed in the brief talking head sequences as the trial goes on and the characters interact. Conrad's choices of angles furthermore keep the eyes entertained. The static camera in a legal drama can be utterly boring. Conrad employs over the headshots and utilizes the full three-sixty degrees for a more energizing look. Conrad in addition illustrates some very powerful, and in some cases for some characters very painful, action sequences. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 13, 2004

    First off I have to say that's a great looking cover, as it's downright photo-realistic, and the background has itself a couple amusing guest-stars. As for the interior art Juan Bobillo returns to the book and there are some odd visual gaffs like the scrawny appearance of Beta Ray Bill, or the fact that the Watchers look like old men in robes rather than the decidedly alien entities they've been shown to be in the past. However, the art works exceptionally well when it comes to it's delivery of the humorous elements of the story, as how can one not love She-Hulk's horrified expression when the aliens chop their infant in two, or the tiny judge's gavel that she's given. There's also a couple nice visual designs that I rather enjoyed, such as the Recorder's new look, and Southpaw's power makes for a fun background visual element. Read Full Review

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