Spider-Women Omega #1
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Spider-Women Omega #1

Event\Storyline: Spider-Women Writer: Various Artist: Nico Leon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 1, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 9
8.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

•  Silk is out of commission and Spider-Woman and Spider-Gwen return to Earth-65 for an impossible final battle.
•  They are out-gunned, out-manned, out-numbered and out-planned. But it's a fight they have to fight.
•  Don't miss this conclusion that will shake all three Spider-Women to the core!
Rated T+

  • 9.2
    Black Nerd Problems - Jordan Calhoun Jun 11, 2016

    Relationships aside, Spider-Women Omega #1 had the most badass Spider-Gwen fight scene I've ever seen. The climax finally faced our squad against the Earth-65 Cindy Moon, and a powerless Gwen Stacy came strapped to the teeth to compensate for the missing strength that had carried her through so many past fights. When the smoke cleared and there were no weapons left between them, Gwen Stacy has nothing but her fists to try and stop evil from taking over her world. Fists, and a whole lot of heart. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jun 2, 2016

    Writer Dennis Hopeless, along with co-plotters Jason Latour and Robbie Thompson, have saved a huge showdown for last. Action-oriented as it is, the real hero is artist Nico Leon, who works closely with color artist Rachelle Rosenberg to deliver an animated epic Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Jun 1, 2016

    Damn, what a wild ride! Spider-Women: Omega was intense, fun, and completely ridiculous. If Im being frank, we need stories like this. Im not sure where it will lead and how it will affect Gwen, Jess, and Cindy moving forward, but it gave us a glimpse into their lives, their bond, and their love for each other. On its own, this issue is packed with action and emotional resolution, and in the context of the crossover its an important book-end that brings to light many of the major themes. I recommend this issue if youve been keeping up, and if you havent its not too late to get the rest of the cross-over! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Dan Gvozden Jun 5, 2016

    Dennis Hopeless weaves a satisfying conclusion to the "Spider-Women" event, ensuring that each character is given her proper focus. With Nico Leon's likeable art, this supersized issue packs in enough action and character development to intrigue any Spider-fan. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Eric Bradach Jun 4, 2016

    Marvel's female spider themed super-heroine crossover overall was frustrating at times. The plot meandered and the narrative dragged and even stopped in some issues. Fortunately it's saved by an exhilarating conclusion with Spider-Women Omega #1. There's a sense of satisfaction when all is said and done and we see how far our heroes have come. The three of these characters work brilliantly off of one another and each one has their moment to shine. The action scenes are stellar and superbly visualized by a grade A art team so what more can you ask? Go out and buy this book. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 6, 2016

    A great issue, full of character work, with expressive art and a couple of intelligent plot twists. Nicely done... Read Full Review

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