Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #18

Writer: Sam Humphries Artist: Luke Ross Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 14, 2012 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
4.8Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

UNITED WE STAND CONCLUSION Its the Ultimates final stand against Hydra on American soil! Thor must make a startling choice: America or Asgard? And Captain America must endure one last temptation with the country hanging in the balance!

  • 7.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Nov 14, 2012

    Though this issue offered an annoyingly abrupt finish to the conflict, it does leave the main cast members in interesting spots. Humphries has plenty of interesting angles to explore as the Ultimates deal with the aftermath of a huge civil war and Cap settles into his new job. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Matt Sargeson Nov 18, 2012

    Mainly it's been an issue of pacing. So many ideas have needed to be established since the end of Hickman's run and they've been crammed into as short a release window as possible. As a result Divided We Fall/United We Stand in the pages of Ultimate Comics Ultimates has seemed like a bunch of ill-conceived scenes just being rushed through to get everything back to the way it was before Hickman jumped on board; it's as if someone got cold feet with the brave new world he'd created and decided that after one step forward it was time to take two steps back. How frustrating. It may well be that the status quo was reinstated as a platform for some fantastic stories yet to come, but if so this has been a case of the long term's gain coming at the expense of the short term's quality. In that sense, breathe easy fellow Ultimates fans " the worst is surely behind us. I hope. Read Full Review

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