Ultimate Spider-Man #26

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 8
6.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

With Osborn's newfound ability to turn into the Goblin with a simple injection of Oz, Spider-Man finds himself facing his most powerful enemy ever!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 13, 2002

    I've never been a huge fan of the Green Goblin, and truth be told it's unlikely I ever will be if writers can't come up with something more interesting to do with the character than have him drag Spider-Man up to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge in a bid to recapture the feeling of what is arguably the greatest encounter between these two. It also doesn't help that Brian Michael Bendis has dragged out this latest encounter between these two characters for the past five issues, and the false shock that was MJ's Gwen Stacy impression also had me a bit annoyed at this issue, as while I'm glad MJ hasn't been written out of the title, that cliffhanger now looks a bit desperate in its bid to give this story a jolt in the arm. Still the issue does end with a scene that could generate some fairly interesting repercussions, and I fully expect Peter's relationship with MJ is going to be impacted by this story. Read Full Review

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