Ultimate Spider-Man #72

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
8.0Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

HOBGOBLIN PART 1 It's the terrifying beginning of the Hobgoblin arc as Harry Osborn returns to Midtown High harboring a dark secret that will affect the lives of all those around him--especially Peter Parker. And where does father Norman fit into things?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 22, 2005

    Thanks to Mark Bagley for the previous seventy-one issues for which he provided the art. In spite of being a huge fan of his work, I had an increasingly difficult coming up with a new way of singing his praises without sounding like I haven't simply cut and pasted my comments from a previous review. I've praised his ability to deliver the issues at a better that monthly pace. I've gone on about his ability to deliver visually exciting action, and highly expressive characters. Heck, I've even taken the time to mention that Mark Bagley is one of the best artists when it comes to delivering Brian Michael Bendis's talking head scenes, as he's managed to escape the trap of simply repeating the same panel over and over, and the writing is all the better for this artistic decision to keep the camera moving around the room. Still, I guess the highest praise that I can offer when it comes to this book is that I never have any concerns when it comes to the art, as Mark Bagley's presence on Read Full Review

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