Ultimates #7

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 11
9.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

As New York recovers from the Hulk Incident, Captain America seeks out Hank Pym to give him a lesson in manners!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Richard Frankel Oct 31, 2002

    Not since reading Watchmen have I been so interested in reading about characters. These people, these super heroes are as real as you and I and the series as a whole has always been based in the real world. It is always a real treat reading this book because you never know what you'll learn about the characters that grace this story's interior. Make no mistake; this is no super hero soap opera. It is a realistic look at real people and unbelievable circumstances. You'll be doing yourself great service reading about their adventures and their lives. And though this book is frequently late it never in the least disappoints. If you have any feedback regarding my reviews please send them to me by clicking on the name and e-mail above. Read and enjoy! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Nov 8, 2002

    A fairly low key issue, but an important one nevertheless, as it does give us time to really digest the important ideas we have been offered up in the past couple issues. It's good to see the Hulk's rampage hasn't been forgotten, nor is it likely to be given this issue gives us a pretty good look at the utter devastation the Hulk generated. This issue also offers up a very unsettling look at the relationship that Hank has with Janet, as we see his shocking actions from last issue are following a pattern that's been in play for pretty much their entire relationship. The last page also does a nice job of setting up a situation that you just know isn't going to go well. There's also a disheartening visit with Banner, as we see his self interest holds greater sway over him than his sense of guilt. There's also a nice little discovery to be made in this issue, as we're introduced to the second Ultimates team, and this one looks to be the one that is called upon first. Read Full Review

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