Ultimates #8

Writer: Mark Millar Artist: Bryan Hitch Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 11
8.0Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

Hawkeye and Black Widow go hunting for aliens in New York City!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 23, 2003

    Is this issue a glorified display of violence? Is this an issue that offers up mindless action instead of an actual plot? In a sense the answer to both these questions in a resounding yes, but when a pointless slugfest issue is done with such style & flair, one can't help but be impressed. This issue is tailor made for Bryan Hitch to draw, and Mark Millar deserves full credit for giving Hawkeye & the Black Widow debut appearances in the pages of this series that are sure to garner both characters the utmost admiration of the book's readership. The issue also deserves credit for playing its cards so close to the vest in the opening half of this issue, as nothing manages to grab the attention quite like opening an issue with our supposed heroes engaging in some decidedly horrific behavior. In the end this issue is basically an extended trailer to show us how utterly cool the team's newest members are, but I have to admit it does it's job perfectly, as I can't wait to see these two charac Read Full Review

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