Scarlet #2

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Publisher: Marvel Icon Release Date: September 1, 2010 Critic Reviews: 9
7.9Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

rom the Eisner award-winning team that brought you Daredevil, Halo, and the Avengers comes another startling new chapter in their first ever creator owned series. You've met Scarlet and now you know who she is and what she wants... the world is a corrupt broken place and she is going to fix it. But how far is she willing to go? She is talking revolution right here in the United States!! But where does one start such a thing? Parental Advisory $3.95

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Sep 5, 2010

    You feel the pain, joy, sadness, trepidation, and everything else the creators throw at you through the sheer power of the Maleev art. The feel is dark and gritty and fits this story perfectly. Scarlet is a fine example of the medium of comic book art done right, and it has become one of the best books out there in its very short time on the market. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Tony Rakittke Sep 4, 2010

    I like this comic. I really, really like it. I like seeing Bendis and Maleev working together again after their stellar run on Daredevil, and I like the way this book utterly pulls me into Scarlet's tragedy makes me sympathize with her rage against the same kind of injustice in life that you and I have experienced in life to lesser degrees but hate just as much. I don't give a shit about Avengers, but I'll gladly support this book. Not to be missed! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Sep 1, 2010

    I'm glad that Bendis is finally getting back to his roots with a honest-to-goodness crime thriller. It's been far too long since we've seen him do his thing in the likes of Torso and Jinx. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Sep 5, 2010

    Scarlet is obviously a book that Bendis and Maleev are really putting their heart and soul into, and it shows. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 6, 2010

    I'm going to hang around for a few more issues and see which way this thing is leaning. Whatever happens, it promises to be an interesting ride. So far, I'm still hanging. But I feel my grip slipping. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    cxPulp - James Leask Sep 7, 2010

    As strong as the script is, Maleevs art pulls the issue together. Besides his aforementioned skill in drawing out small moments and pulling together the passage of time through repetition, Maleevs dreamlike visuals give a vaguely disorienting atmosphere to match Scarlets shifting worldview. His real victory, however, is in the humanization of a character that could have very easily been a one-dimensional sexpot badass riot grrl to make me cringe. Instead, he imbues her with a genuine fragility; shes just a goddamned kid, and the shift from her child-like, innocent paeans to the reader for help, gradually changing as shes tempered into a determined revolutionary, is as heartbreaking and tragic as Ive seen in a long while. Scarlet might be the hero of the story, but shes a victim of a profoundly ruined world. Theres no winning here, just desperately treading water to break even. This issue is the story of how she lost. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 1, 2010

    While I'm becoming invested in Scarlet's fight, there does seem to be something missing in this story so far. The series leaves the reader with the feeling that Bendis still has a significant hook coming. Unfortunately, time is of the essence with a creator-owned series like this, particularly one that only ships every two months. Bendis ended issue #1 on a very interesting note, but Scarlet's plea for the reader's help is not touched upon in this issue. Perhaps what the book needs is less of a focus on Scarlet's origin and more on the present. If there is more at play in this story than one woman's quest for justice, and I have every confidence there is, the series needs to lay it all out as soon as possible. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 2, 2010

    For now, "Scarlet" is a book that I'd wholeheartedly recommend for Maleev's art. If Bendis just tweaks his story a little more and moves faster, I think I'd be more on board with it. For now, though, the combination of the two makes "Scarlet" just an all right reading experience, and that's a shame. With some work, I think it could be great. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Sep 5, 2010

    I don't read comics to find out how bad everything can potentially be all around me; I read them to escape into a world a little more perfect, a little more attractive, a little more powerful and widescreen than my own. So I give this book an average score for being efficient at doing what it does for those who might be into it; personally, I miss the Skrulls. Read Full Review

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