Gun Honey: Blood for Blood #4

Writer: Charles Ardai Artist: Ang Hor Kheng Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: December 21, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

+ Pull List

With weapons expert Joanna Tan, the legendary "Gun Honey," off the grid, recuperating from her last job, a vengeful rival takes her place - and frames Joanna for murder. On the run from Malaysia to Milan, from Montana to Monaco, can Joanna catch up to her ruthless enemy...or will she catch a bullet first?

  • 8.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Dec 21, 2022

    GUN HONEY: BLOOD FOR BLOOD #4 ends the arc with explosive, exciting moments that grow the characters, establish a new status quo, and leave you wanting more. The thrilling plot is filled with plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing, and Khengs art delivers beautiful women and exciting action. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Dec 21, 2022

    As frustrating as the odd quibbles in this issue are, on the whole, this mini series has been a fun read from the get go, with its mix of action, sexiness, curves and bullets. I am looking forward to next run, for sure. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Tara Woolfolk Dec 20, 2022

    This is an enjoyable read from start to finish, and the sort of thing I like for its ability to take me out of my head. It is as far from my real life as I can get without science fiction. Is it for everyone? It's not for the kids, sorry. But I am sure I'm far from the only one who is tall enough to ride this ride and willing to stand in line for it. It's also not surprising that it packs a lot of power to entertain, given Ardai's talent for weaving plot elements and setting just the right mood for this caper. The entire creative team makes this more than the average romp. I'm looking forward to revisiting these characters, both in this story in its collected form, and in planned spin-offs and future storylines too. Read Full Review

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