Ninjak vs. The Valiant Universe #1

Writer: Eliot Rahal Artist: Joe Bennett Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: January 10, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 2
7.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND COMIC BOOK EXPERIENCE! Watch the upcoming live-action digital promotion coming this winter - then jump headlong into the fight-fueled showdown of the century as acclaimed writer Eliot Rahal (The Doorman) and red-hot artist Joe Bennett (Teen Titans,
Deathstroke) as they reveal the full scope and adrenaline-drenched intensity of...
NINJAK VS. THE VALIANT UNIVERSE! Colin King is Ninjak, MI-6's deadliest intelligence operative and weapons expert. When the ruthless assassin Roku exploits his greatest weakness, Ninjak will be forced to betray his closest allies. Now, on the run, he must face off against the most powerful more

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jan 14, 2018

    Rahal crafts an excellent jumping on point here, one that doesnt bog the reader down with history. We get a fast-paced, thrilled issue with some shocking moments as we see Ninjak does what he does best- win. Bennets art looks amazing, as he has always been one of my favorite artists. Ninjak, Livewire, Roku, and company have never looked better, but what else would you expect? The digital series is poised to turn the cinematic world of superheroes upside down. Pick this book up, and get ready for the digital revolution, courtesy of Valiant. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - William Pace Jan 6, 2018

    I've loved Ninjak from the 90's, but the update they've done on "Ninja-K" is amazing. My one peeve was that they referred to him as Ninjak, and not Ninja-K throughout this book. I myself had to retrain myself to call him that. C'mon lads let's not drop the ball on something like this, and that is this only thing I didn't like about this book. Make sure you get your Ninja-K fix with this book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    All-Comic - Jesse Izdepski Jan 10, 2018

    Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe#1 is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in what Valiant has to offer. It is a story designed to introduce the world to the same magic of the Valiant Universe that has existed for 28 years, and also expand the complete experience that isNinjak vs the Valiant Universe! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jan 15, 2018

    As part of the spy game he's put in a compromising position - one that puts him on the opposite side of the fence from his hero allies - and he's going to have to fight for his life! It's a time-honored technique and promises to be a treat (especially since anything can happen). Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Jan 10, 2018

    Ninjak Vs. the Valiant Universe #1 offers readers an action-packed to start to what promises to be an epic event. The reason as to why Ninjak will be taking on the entire Valiant Universe is quickly explained, and before long, the book takes off and the ass-kicking begins. An excellent first-issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Watch - Justin Cooper Jan 5, 2018

    If you are looking for action and a fast-paced heist, with a high stakes plot; this is a story not to miss. If you are unfamiliar with Valiant Comics this is the who's who! This issue is reminiscent of the formation of the Avengers in the end credits of all of the Marvel films. The continued build up that will no doubt show in the next issues. I am excited because Ninja-K, is an analog of Deadpool and James Bond rolled into one person! The anticipation of him facing off against the respective Iron Man (X-O Manowar), Captain America/Wolverine (Bloodshot) and the Eternal Warrior pretty much an Immortal God and Archer and Armstrong! Wow! This is really a big deal!This would be a great book to get a cross-section of the Valiant Universe. I highly recommend getting in early and enjoying the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jan 10, 2018

    Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe #1 is off to a good start. Momentum is key for a book like this and they are nailing getting from point A to point B with impact. If you were looking for a book that is all about the thrill of taking on the world, then this is the action-packed story for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We Have A Hulk - Ben Williams Jan 9, 2018

    Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe #1 is a great opener to the series that will hopefully bring in more readers to the wider Valiant universe, particularly with guest stars throughout the series such as X-O Manowar, Bloodshot, Livewire, Archer & Armstrong and Shadowman. Im looking forward to reading to seeing just how well Ninjak manages to face down against some of the more brutal fighters in the Valiant Universe and just how he will manage to outwit the Roku. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    SciFiPulse - Oral Frier Jan 11, 2018

    This does not feel like a heavy Valiant title because it lacks a real emotional weight. That lack of gravitas allows this miniseries to be a fun romp, and it is stronger for it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jan 16, 2018

    For newcomers to the Valiant universe, Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe #1 delivers just enough content and context to give you a jumping off point for the rest of their books. Valiant is a relatively easy publisher to navigate, in terms of picking up trades, and the first issue of this series offers enough sense of its characters that you'll easily be able to pick out who you think is interesting enough to check out in other books. But with a book that's largely just okay, it may be worth waiting til the live-action series is available instead. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Jan 10, 2018

    Not every book from Valiant is a winner, and this is one of the rare misses. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jan 10, 2018

    Again, I get the idea behind this, and it's something any publisher would do, but I think the execution is lacking. If this were an actual event or mini-even that used the idea of the video series but changed it to match what's currently happening in Valiant, that would have been smart and incredible. It would appease both interested parties. Instead, it's as if Valiant wants to create a mess for themselves the way that Marvel did with the Ultimate line and have two worlds running at the same time, splitting their audience and their interest. We'll see, it could just be this and then done, but that's rarely how it works in comics. If something sells, publisher tends to keep doing it. Which is a shame because Valiant has one of the most interesting, tightest ran shared universes in all of comics. At the end of the day, it's an okay comic that you can tell has outside influences at play. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson-Adams Jan 9, 2018

    That said, business is clearly about to pick up in a major way, and while the visual side of the comic is definitely in safe hands, I really hope Rahal is able to stamp more of his unique personality on the series as it continues, otherwise this could end up being a missed opportunity of the highest order. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Jan 13, 2018

    Ninja-K vs the Valiant Universe #1 is a shaky start for the story. It gets straight to what you want to see, but some proper story building feels lost in the process. The dialogue is very spotty at times, and some lines wander into the realm of groan-worthy. The art is great though, and the action scenes are very well-orchestrated. In the end, the good outweighs the bad, but its not a landslide victory by any means. I can recommend it to the Valiant fan, but, if youre not familiar with these characters, this one could drive you away pretty quickly. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    Word Of The Nerd - Michael Adams Jan 9, 2018

    I truly wanted to enjoy this book. Various friends have tried to get me to start reading Valiant books over the years. I thought this would be the perfect place to start. The attention to detail with the artwork helped elevate this book from what it could have been. Instead of writing it off completely, I may come back for a second month to see how that artwork progresses. In the meantime, I am left with a book full of characters I just don't care for, in a story I just don't care for, in a universe I was really hoping to like. Read Full Review

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