Quantum and Woody #4

Writer: James Asmus Artist: Tom Fowler Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: October 2, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 1
8.9Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

The staggering first appearance of...the Goat! Bitterly divided and hopelessly outgunned, Quantum and Woody are getting torn apart! Literally! Can they get their #$@% together before being shredded to atoms by the mysterious Crone and her super-science footsoldiers?! Probably not. But when a new ally emerges from the shadows, they'll find the strength to fight baaaaack.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Steve Paugh Oct 2, 2013

    Regardless of that, though, this was the perfect cap on the first Quantum and Woody arc, and as a whole, this has definitely become my favorite Valiant book since its relaunch. Although I'm pretty damn hesitant about its new artistic direction, I will definitely be back for more Q&W next month. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Oct 1, 2013

    Quantum and Woody #4 is great! That's it! Simply great. The combination of fun, action, superheroes, villains (weird villains) and the small dash of the brothers family life as children makes this book one of the single best titles from, not only Valiant, but ANY publisher. It's one of my favorites and now that the Goat is here I only expect my love for the book to grow exponentially. Read Quantum and Woody because it's awesome! OK, had to say it because it's true. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Geeked Out Nation - OOSteven Oct 2, 2013

    I'm seriously thinking this is the best Valiant has to offer. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 7, 2013

    I can guarantee that "Quantum & Woody" #4 is the only comic to hit shelves this week (month or year) with the following quote: "I'm a @#$&-@#*% superhero, bitch." Trust me, if that line gives you a chuckle (or in my case, causes a spit-take), this comic book is exactly what you didn't realize you were missing. My continuation into the realms of Valiant continues with "Quantum & Woody" #4 and so far Valiant is a stunning "take-my-money" two-for-two. This is my first issue of the series, but I guarantee it will not be my last, especially since I'm deliberating hunting down the first three or simply waiting for the inevitable trade that will deliver the first arc of a comic that's lobbied hard to be my new favorite. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Oct 2, 2013

    James Asmus is unrelenting. This issue, like the ones before it, never pulls its punches. Quantum and Woody say awful things, do awful things, and somehow remain lovable. The flashbacks to their childhood aren;t always as heartfelt as they try to be, but it's good stuff nonetheless. Oh yeah, and the goat. The best part of this issue involves a goat and takes place largely off panel. It's funny, violent, and totally unexpected, sort of like this series in general. Whether you are reading the rest of the Valiant Universe or not, Quantum and Woody is a comic series you should be reading. I love this series so hard. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    We The Nerdy - John Blaze Oct 7, 2013

    Tom Fowler continues to grace us with incredible artwork. The expression on his characters is phenomenal, and truly conveys each and every emotion that they are feeling. If the awesome character work wasnt enough, Fowler also draws bombastically awesome action scenes that are brilliant superhero, sci fi fun. Jordie Bellaire also continues to cranks out some wonderful colors giving the scenes a very fun pop to them. I even want to give a shout out to letterer Dave Lanphear who uses some very creative text bubbles that tie into the actual story. This book is quickly becoming a fan favorite and deserves your dollars. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Oct 2, 2013

    The layout of the story I really liked because parts of the story are broken down in a way that transitions them smoothly. When it is either changing perspective or setting you have that black bar that separates them in a way that you also know what the focus is. This issue has that gritty feel to it, and it's aided by a lot of disturbing imagery that is easy to draw a reaction from. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Oct 2, 2013

    QUANTUM & WOODY is pure fun. If it were a candy bar, it would be too good to exist and immediately shut down by the candy consortium. We get to see some team work between our two heroes in this issue, and while the book focuses heavily on the comedic follies of these two characters, the reader is still treated to some fantastic action. The creative team for this book is a perfect fit as well. The only concern, which is a minor one, is that the book may be a bit too "out-there" when compared to the rest of the Valiant universe. Aside from that, though, I highly recommend this issue and this series. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Oct 1, 2013

    Asmus and Fowler cap off the first storyline of this series with a solid finish. Hopefully going forward, rogues will be better developed in the context of this universe. Read Full Review

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