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Astro City Special: Samaritan #1

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Brent Anderson, Alex Sinclair Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 2
8.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Caryn A. Tate Jul 28, 2006

    If youve never read Astro City before, this is a great issue to try. Youll get a lot of story for your $4, and it will no doubt inspire you to read as many of the previous issues of the comic as you can get your hands on! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Aronson Jul 31, 2006

    Why only ? Because at the end of the day, none of these characters really matter. Although Astro City is a continuing saga, this special neither explores earlier elements of the series nor sets up future stories. A one-shot that tells its tale and gets out of the way is satisfying, but not so much given the wait between issues. One has to wonder why Busiek and Anderson put the brakes on their Dark Age maxiseries to deliver this tale in the meanwhile, and though its certainly interesting, why did it need to be told? The most frustrating aspect of this Samaritan book is that it only serves to remind readers how much more consistently we used to get stories like this a decade ago. Read Full Review

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