Ironheart Vol. 2: Ten Rings

Writer: Eve Ewing Artist: Luciano Vecchio, Geoffo Publisher: Marvel Comics Trade Paperback: January 22, 2020, $17.99 Issues: 6, Issue Reviews: 87
7.8Critic Rating
6.3User Rating

Ironheart and her amazing friends! Riri Williams is winning friends and influencing people - beginning with a team-up with a total IQ that's off the charts! Nadia Van Dyne, the Unstoppable Wasp, swings by Chicago to visit Ironheart - but neither of them was expecting a zombie invasion! Then, as Riri creeps closer to understanding the powerful people wreaking magical havoc around her, she meets with someone who can give her a clue: the Sorcerer Supreme himself, Doctor Strange! And hot on the trail of the Ten Rings, Ironheart pays a visit to Wakanda - but she doesn't exactly hit it off with Princess Shuri! Riri's in for a surprise when she meet more

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Ironheart #7 4
Ironheart #8 6
Ironheart #9 5
Ironheart #10 4
Ironheart #11 3
Ironheart #12 2

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