MalaysianComicBookGuy's Profile

Joined: Feb 16, 2016

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MalaysianComicBookGuy reviewed Grayson #18 Mar 28, 2016

Dissapointing. Pulling out the old team who was putting out a stellar story for a rushed ending results in a mediocre issue.

Grayson #18

By: Jackson Lanzing, Roge Antonio
Released: Mar 23, 2016

Civil war has broken out at Spyral with Dick Grayson stuck in the middle. When true allegiances are revealed, which agents will be left standing?This issue features open-to-order variant covers that will ship in opaque polybags.

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MalaysianComicBookGuy rated Ultimates #5 Mar 28, 2016

Ultimates #5

By: Al Ewing, Kenneth Rocafort
Released: Mar 23, 2016

Beyond every universe...beyond the omniverse itself...beyond any limit mankind has ever known...there is only The Outside. From here, The Ultimates can see into the true nature of all time and space - and learn the secrets of the All-New Marvel Universe! The question is...what’s out here seeing into them?

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Legends of Tomorrow #1

By: Gerry Conway, Bilquis Evely
Released: Mar 16, 2016

It's four powerhouse tales in one colossal comic, as some of comics' most legendary talents launch new tales of Firestorm, Metamorpho, Metal Men and Sugar and Spike-that's right, Sugar and Spike!

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Spider-Woman #5

By: Dennis Hopeless, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Mar 16, 2016

•  Now that's she's back on Earth, Jess learns that she's still got a lot of work to do when it comes to being a full-time super hero AND a full-time mom!
•  Get your first real glimpse at Jess' new life and all the people in it right here!

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MalaysianComicBookGuy rated Huck #5 Mar 17, 2016

Huck #5

By: Mark Millar, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Mar 16, 2016

An old grudge leads to deadly threats against Huck and those he holds dear.

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Astonishing Ant-Man #6

By: Nick Spencer, Annapaola Martello
Released: Mar 16, 2016

•  Raz Malhotra seems to be adjusting to his new job well, right?
•  Scott doles out wisdom he's picked up with his years of experience*!
*Even if he's been a mess, hey, it's still experience, right?
Rated T+

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Superman: American Alien #5

By: Max Landis, Francis Manapul
Released: Mar 16, 2016

Now regularly patrolling the skies of Metropolis as an anonymous figure known to some as the flying man, 24 year old Clark Kent has become a local celebrity. But when he overhears a report on his police scanner about a 20-foot-tall purple monstrosity thats tearing the city apart...Clark encounters real power for the first time.

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MalaysianComicBookGuy added Huck to their pull list Mar 17, 2016


In a quiet seaside town, Huck uses his special gifts to do a good deed each day. His neighbors return the favors by keeping his abilities a secret. But when a newcomer alerts the media, a firestorm erupts, sending Huck on an adventure that will change everything. This brand-new series from writer MARK MILLAR and artist RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE presents a...

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MalaysianComicBookGuy added Superman: American Alien to their pull list Mar 17, 2016

Superman: American Alien

Hollywood screenwriter and Eisner Award nominee Max Landis (Chronicle, American Ultra, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN) joins forces with top comics artists including Jock, Francis Manapul and Jae Lee to bring you SUPERMAN: AMERICAN ALIEN, a 7-issue miniseries chronicling the life of Clark Kent and his development into the archetypal hero he will eventually...

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MalaysianComicBookGuy rated Vision #5 Mar 12, 2016

Vision #5

By: Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Released: Mar 9, 2016

• The secrets are turning into lies, and the lies are turning into blood. In the midst of this violence, Vision must find the truth of what happened to the Grim Reaper. But when he does, will he protect his family or destroy them?
•  Find out as the story of Vision's family builds to a breathtaking cliffhanger.

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The Infinity Entity #1

By: Jim Starlin, Alan Davis
Released: Mar 9, 2016

When last we saw Adam Warlock, he was a captive of Annihilus of the Negative Zone. So where does THE INFINITY ENTITY #1 find him? Hanging with the original Avengers? Then things start getting weird. But what else would you expect from the cosmic team of Jim Starlin and Alan Davis? Guest...

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Doctor Strange #6

By: Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo
Released: Mar 9, 2016

The Emperikul have arrived, leaving universes purged of magic in their wake. Their next target? The Marvel Universe. And with Doctor Strange weakened beyond measure? We don't have a chance!
Rated T+

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Invincible Iron Man #7

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Deodato
Released: Mar 2, 2016

•  War Machine and Iron Man team up to stop a brand new threat to the Marvel Universe... like only they can. All this plus more hints to next summer's insane Marvel blockbuster event.
Rated T+

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Omega Men #9

By: Tom King, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Mar 2, 2016

With her grand plans for Kyle Rayner completely shattered, Princess Kalista finds herself with no choice but to follow the former Green Lantern into the deadly heart of the Citadel to persuade the Viceroy to do the impossible: make peace with the Omega Men.

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Black Widow #1

By: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Released: Mar 2, 2016

The Eisner Award-winning team of Mark Waid and Chris Samnee are taking Black Widow on the lam! Natasha has spent years gathering secrets, and when some of the darkest ones begin mysteriously going public, no one is safe. With her betrayed former confederates at S.H.I.E.L.D. on her heels and a lifetime of training a...

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The Sheriff Of Babylon #4

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Mar 2, 2016

The danger is mounting, but Chris is no closer to finding out who killed his trainee than he was when this whole mess started. After their enemies make attempts on the lives of Nassir and his wife, the Iraqi couple seeks asylum in Chriss barracks, leading to a gathering of all the principle players when Sofia arrives to tell Chris a shocking secret...

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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #4

By: Amy Reeder, Natacha Bustos
Released: Feb 24, 2016

• A dinosaur loose in an elementary school! Somebody call for backup!
•  Enter AMADEUS CHO - TOTALLY AWESOME HULK/monster hunter!
•  But can MOON GIRL's brains and DEVIL DINOSAUR's brawn take down a HULK?!
Rated T

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Astonishing Ant-Man #5

By: Nick Spencer, Ramon Rosanas
Released: Feb 24, 2016

• Cassie Lang used to be cool. She used to be a super hero! But nowadays, she's de-powered, her friends are on the other side of the country and she sucks at basketball. It's the worst.
•  But Cassie is about to find out what being a hero really means. It isn't about changing size, it's about what's in your heart.*

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Dark Knight III: The Master Race #3

By: Frank Miller, Andy Kubert
Released: Feb 24, 2016

The hardest thing for Batman is to admit his greatest strength: Hes just one man, and sometimes he needs help. With so much at stake, will he turn to help of the Super variety?

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Angela: Queen Of Hel #5

By: Marguerite Bennett, Aaron Kim Jacinto
Released: Feb 24, 2016

• The ferocious finale of the conquest of Hel as Angela and Sera clash at last with the tyrannical Queen Hela in all her glory!
•  Holy crow, are we glad comics don't have special effects budgets. (Marguerite owes Kim, Stephanie and Israel so many drinks.)
•  And the splash page you've all been waitin...

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All-New All-Different Avengers #6

By: Mark Waid, Mahmud A. Asrar
Released: Feb 24, 2016

The villain pulling the Avengers' strings stands revealed - someone who's been a part of Avengers history for almost all of the team's existence, in a way you've never seen them before! The All-New, All-Different Avengers' first story arc ends here - and you won't guess who's left standing on the last page.
Rated T+

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MalaysianComicBookGuy rated Grayson #17 Feb 25, 2016

Grayson #17

By: Tim Seeley, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Feb 24, 2016

Its spy v. spy! When Helen sends a hit squad after rogue agents 37 and 1, Dick and Tiger will have to rely on unexpected allies to get through alive.

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Bloodshot: Reborn #11

By: Jeff Lemire, Lewis Larosa
Released: Feb 24, 2016

Far into a post-apocalyptic future, Los Angeles has descended into chaos. Even the remaining heroes of the Valiant Universe can't stand against the G.A.T.E. super-tech that dominates the wastelands. As Bloodshot and Magic emerge with a small group of survivors in tow, an unexpected ally from the past shows up, seeking help, forcing Bloodshot to eit...

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I Hate Fairyland #5

By: Skottie Young
Released: Feb 17, 2016

Gertrude finds herself some super dark evil powers just in time to face-off against Happy and battle it out for the Key back to their world.

After twenty-seven years the Key has been found and someone will be returning to the real world. Will it be Gert or Happy? This is the ultimate, legendary, e...

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The Mighty Thor #4

By: Jason Aaron, Russell Dauterman
Released: Feb 17, 2016

• The path of the All-Mother and Asgard is torn apart by civil war, with Thor caught in the middle.
•  Plus...the wedding of Malekith?
Rated T+

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Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1

By: Nick Spencer, Mark Bagley
Released: Feb 17, 2016

The prelude to the Spring's blockbuster AVENGERS event! Hello there and welcome, new resident. You've sure made the right choice in moving to Pleasant Hill-- a friendly small town where burdens are lifted and the sun is always bright... so hide your eyes. Don't let it see you looking its way. Hide if you must. Otherwise it will burn right through ...

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Spider-Woman #4

By: Dennis Hopeless, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Feb 17, 2016

Trapped in an alien hospital with a bunch of pregnant extraterrestrials, Jess has no choice but to stick it to the Skrulls.
Rated T

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Bitch Planet #7

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine Delandro
Released: Feb 17, 2016

Makoto arrives on Bitch Planet. Whitney has to answer for Meiko's death. Kam gets a new cellmate and a critical clue to the whereabouts of her sister.

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MalaysianComicBookGuy added Spider-Woman (2015) to their pull list Feb 23, 2016

Spider-Woman (2015)

Jessica Drew is a private investigator, a super hero and... a mom to be? Since we last saw her, Spider-Woman's got a whole NEW responsibility -- she's super heroing for two now, after all! Ben Urich and Porcupine are still along for the adventure, too, and aren't making Jess' life any easier - half the time they won't even let her leave the car! Ho...

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I Hate Fairyland #4

By: Skottie Young
Released: Jan 20, 2016

Gert finally has a face to face with Queen Cloudia. Will she leave with her face, or will it be blasted off her rotten skull by the Queen?

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