kokoloko79's Profile

Joined: Aug 16, 2018

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kokoloko79 rated Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 26, 2018

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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kokoloko79 added Heroes In Crisis to their pull list Sep 26, 2018

Heroes In Crisis

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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kokoloko79 rated Batman #55 Sep 19, 2018

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl Annual #3 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl Annual #3

By: Cameron Stewart, Bengal
Released: Jul 29, 2015

On her latest mission, Batgirl finds herself mixing it up with Helena Bertinelli of Spyral...but who is the mysterious Spyral agent who seems to be one step ahead of her at every turn without ever showing his face? She's determined to crack this mystery - but Grayson is just as determined not to get caught! Plus: Batgirl visits Gotham Academy - and...

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl: Endgame #1 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl: Endgame #1

By: Brenden Fletcher, Bengal
Released: Mar 18, 2015

Theres a mob of Jokerized madmen in Gotham City, and theyre determined to spread the virus into the world beyond but theyre gonna have to get past Batgirl first! There are no words that can describe The Battle For The Burnside Bridge youve got to see it to believe it!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #52 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #52

By: Brenden Fletcher, Eleonora Carlini
Released: May 25, 2016

With her friends starting new lives and Burnside changing all around her, it's time for Batgirl to decide what her next adventure will be-and it just might take her around the world!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #51 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #51

By: Brenden Fletcher, Eleonora Carlini
Released: Apr 27, 2016

After the events of issue #50, Barbara Gordon is at a crossroads in her life-will new horizons beckon her away from her home in Burnside?

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #50 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #50

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Apr 6, 2016

Its the explosive conclusion of the epic that changed Barbara Gordon forever! The enemy lurking at the edges of Batgirls life has been revealed, as have the gang of heroes assembled to help her! From this point on, Batgirl doesnt walk alone! Its an extra-sized celebration of the greatest hero Burnside has ever known, from Cameron Stewart, Brenden F...

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #49 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #49

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Mar 2, 2016

To unravel the secret of Batgirls bizarre new nemesis, her friends must travel to strange and uncharted territory: the inside of Barbara Gordons spectacular mind!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #48 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #48

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Feb 3, 2016

When Batgirl is down, its Black Canary to the rescue! Dinah and Barbara reteam to try to discover the identity of the malevolent mastermind making their presence felt in Burnside!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #47 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #47

By: Brenden Fletcher, Serge LaPointe
Released: Jan 20, 2016

Batgirls about to lose the greatest weapon in her arsenalher mind is failing her! Is her ragtag group of allies enough to pick up the slack?

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #46 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #46

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Dec 16, 2015

In her civilian life, Barbara Gordon may be sitting on tech research that could be a gold mineand in her life as Batgirl, shes cracked the code that might enable her to take down massive police corruption in Burnside! Its time for Batgirl to level upbut shes going to need allies on both fronts. Enter the Spoiler!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #45 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #45

By: Brenden Fletcher, Serge LaPointe
Released: Oct 28, 2015

As Barbaras friends gather for a major celebration, a familiar face from her past returnsand hes got a lot to say about their future together!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #44 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #44

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Sep 23, 2015

Velvet Tigers got her claws around Luke Foxs throatand only Batgirl can save him!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #43 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #43

By: Brenden Fletcher, Serge LaPointe
Released: Aug 26, 2015

Tech genius Luke Fox has brought his startup to Burnside, and he seems to be hiring all of Barbaras friendsbut not her! Unfortunately, someone else is setting up shop in Burnside as wellthe mysterious Velvet Tiger!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #42 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #42

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Jul 29, 2015

Batgirl can barely hold her own in combat against the new Batman so what happens when Livewire joins the fight with the intention of taking them both out?

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #41 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #41

By: Brenden Fletcher, Serge LaPointe
Released: Jun 24, 2015

Theres a new Batman in townand that spells bad news for Barbara Gordon! Shes already got enough upheaval in her life, with her roommate Frankie in on her biggest secretand now shes looking to get even more involved in Batgirls business!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #40 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #40

By: Brenden Fletcher, Babs Tarr
Released: Mar 18, 2015

A decision Barbara made during her darkest days in Gotham City returns to haunt her! What was it? And how does it tie into the evil impostor Batgirl? Find out here!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #39 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #39

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Feb 18, 2015

For months, Batgirls been hounded by an unseen threat claiming to be the real Batgirland the truth of her enemys identity will shock her to her very core!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #38 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #38

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Jan 14, 2015

Things are going surprisingly well in Batgirls new life! But nothing good ever lasts long in Gotham City and the other yellow boot is about to drop...hard!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #37 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #37

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Dec 10, 2014

The Batgirl of Burnside is the name on everyones lipsbut she sure is acting strange since she took up residence in Gotham Citys outer borough! Dangerous joyrides? Photo ops? Sequins? Either Barbara Gordons gone off the deep end or theres a doppelganger under that cowl!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #36 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #36

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Nov 12, 2014

Batgirls new life is off to a rousing start when her first day of graduate school is interrupted by twin sister assassins on motorcycles!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #35 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #35

By: Cameron Stewart, Babs Tarr
Released: Oct 8, 2014

Barbara Gordon is no stranger to dusting herself off when disaster strikes so when a fire destroys everything she owned, she spots the opportunity for a new lease on life and seizes it! Following the rest of Gothams young adults to the hip border district of Burnside, Barbara sets about building an all-new Batgirl and discovers all-new threats pre...

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #14 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #14

By: Hope Larson, Chris Wildgoose
Released: Aug 23, 2017

"SUMMER OF LIES" part one! Batgirl and Nightwing's feelings for each other have always run deep...but is their bond built on more than Bat Family loyalty and a long-ago childhood crush? When an old villain comes back into Babs' life, she and Dick will have to reopen painful wounds and remember a time they'd hoped would remain forgotten. This is an ...

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #15 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #15

By: Hope Larson, Chris Wildgoose
Released: Sep 27, 2017

"Summer of Lies" part two! Just as Batgirl and Nightwing discover which villain from their past has returned, they realize something worse...it was all a trap! When everything they thought they knew comes crashing down, will they be able to confront their true feelings for each other?

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #16 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #16

By: Hope Larson, Chris Wildgoose
Released: Oct 25, 2017

"Summer of Lies" part three! Batgirl and Nightwing thought Mad Hatter was the worst of their problems, but when the true identity of the mysterious villain hunting them is revealed, they realize the trap set for them was years in the making...and it may be inescapable!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #17 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #17

By: Hope Larson, Chris Wildgoose
Released: Nov 22, 2017

"SUMMER OF LIES" finale! After falling down the rabbit hole, Batgirl and Nightwing must face off against the Red Queen! How will our heroes survive this villain's vendetta? What could they have done in the past to inspire the queen's bloody revenge?

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #24 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #24

By: Shawn Aldridge, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jun 27, 2018

After narrowly escaping the mazes of her own mind, Batgirl swings back into action to help Jacob Cesaro, an old classmate who has recently made some bad life decisions. Little does she know he's now Two-Face's latest recruit-and the key to his plans to take over the city! But Jacob's not in it for the money and power promised by one of Gotham City'...

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #23 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #23

By: Hope Larson, Minkyu Jung
Released: May 23, 2018

"STRANGE LOOP" finale! Trapped in a prison of her own mind's making, Batgirl must act out of character in order to reenter reality. Can she put her need to survive above the needs of those she's sworn to protect? Or is she doomed to wander the mazes of her mind for all of eternity?!

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kokoloko79 rated Batgirl #22 Sep 5, 2018

Batgirl #22

By: Hope Larson, Minkyu Jung
Released: Apr 25, 2018

"STRANGE LOOP" part one! After a routine mission to save the day, Batgirl realizes she's been spending a little too much time in costume. Her life as Barbara Gordon is in a rut, and it's time to focus on changing things for the better. Can the sudden reemergence of her former love interest, Kai, be a sign of good things to come? Or is he bringing a...

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