Joined: Oct 25, 2016

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Overall Rating

This series pulls no punches. It’s just off the charts non stop action, twists and cameos galore. The art is great as well. Not one page or panel in the entire run has been wasted or felt like filler. Hands down one of my favorite books right now.

This series hasn’t slowed at all since opening pages of first issue and that’s freaking cool. Have no idea where this is going, but it’s a helluva good time - especially this issues surprise ending. Art is awesome as well.

I found this dull and is it me or do the faces look drawn...weird? Something aboutt the Tim’s face is drawn I didn’t like. Not too much to this issue....especially compared to how dense The Dreaming was.

Cemetery Beach #2 Oct 18, 2018

Cool friggin’ book. Best action in a comic I’ve read all year and the cameos were awesome. Just a bad ass book and its only on issue 2.

I didn’t care for this. I actually did not like the art, nor did I like the lettering. I had no idea what was even going on until I read an article on CBR. No way did I get from reading this that Batman was trying to solve Joker’s murder - at least from this first issue. I know coming into this series that Joker was dead through ads for it, but I actually had zero clue what the heck was going on. I’ll stick it out since only three issues.

I thought this was great. It's a good sign when you read a comic and you are bummed when it ends. I want issue 2 now. Such a cool concept to take the 'gosh, gee whiz' superhero and put him in the current style of dark, gritty comics.

Wow. I thought this issue was great. Cool splash page at the end. I criticized the art in the first issue. Man, Sara redeemed herself here! Really excited for this series

Just not feeling this book and I find the monster designs confusing. I mean where are the eyes?? Just odd art and story to me is meh, so I’m dropping this, but if there is some big twist or it continues to get great reviewsI may get back onboard via the trades.

I am really liking this series. I felt this was the best issue so far and it gave us a hint of what’s going, plus it had a great cliff hanger. Downside is the art - I find it hard to follow in some panels, but I’m on board. Setting a Black Panther storyline in space is turning out to be pretty good.

Anyone reading a book titled ‘Captain America’ and thinks politics won’t be in it is unrealistic. I do not feel Coates is pushing any agenda and while Secret Empire was unpopular I’m glad Coates isn’t ignoring it. It makes for a more layered and complicated Cap, which is also more interesting. Why is there some unwritten rule a writer can’t include another character they are writing in a book? I think it’s cool Black Panther is involved.

As far as first issues go this hits the ground running with a lot of action. Some panels were a little confusing, but overall the art was good. Punisher is relentless and this issue may set up a clash with Iron Man. Definitely on board to see where this goes.

I never got into Sandman and never read a single Sandman issue, but I was getting bored with the typical superhero stories that almost all have a ‘been there, done that’ feel to them that I wanted something I was totally unfamiliar with and picked this up. I enjoyed this a lot and it was easy to follow. A great ‘preview’ of each new title coming out and I loved the characters. I am onboard for The Dreaming and Books of Magic. It may inspire me to start reading The Sandman trades.

I liked this issue. Granted they didn’t reunite and not much happens I have hopes once this series gets going it will be good. However; I did not like the art. It was bad. Too...cartoony?? Amazing Spiderman same way. The splash page with Thing and Alicia was just cringe worthy, but I liked story enough that I’m on board. If you want a first issue of a comic series that starts off running, thougjh, check out Justice League Dark. Now that’s how you start a series!

This issue and series has been epic. I read the Mera mini and thought that was great as well. Abnett doing outstanding job and Ricardo’s art is just incredible. Couple awesome splash pages and things don’t let up with Suicide Squad up next. One of my favorite series.

I liked this. Some deep stuff going on and I like how Coates isn’t ignoring Secret Empire, which I actually didn’t read. Art is good too. Going to stick with this to see where it goes.

Wow...ANOTHER issue devoted to two characters I could care less about and it’s even worse as I get an entire issue of their backstory...yippee. WTF is this series?!? I thought last issue we finally got away from these characters and things actually progressed and then we get this issue. 6 issues in and still no Superman. Why the heck is there a Superman llogo on the Doomsday Clock and why did Johns say this is a Superman story when six issues in he’s literally been in less than 5 panels?!? This looks more like a prelude to Three Jokers than a story tying up Rebirth and why Dr Manhattan did what he did with messing with the timeline, plucking Jor-El from Krypton, taking Robin ‘off the table’ etc....that’s what I want. That’s what I thought this was. Instead this series should be called ‘The Mime and Marionettte.’

I didn’t like Man of Steel and I dropped superman and action from pull list before series started. What did it for me was Bendis taking Jon/Lois off the table. HOWEVER; I read interview where Bendis said he will be bringing them back soon and the solicits had Earth going in Phantom Zone, which is kinda cool and definitely a superman level problem so I checked this out. Not too bad. I did like the dialogue between superman, jon and lois when jon/lois were saying bye in man of steel, so that is encouraging for how Bendis may write them when they return. I won’t be getting action. I could care less about the fire mystery in metropolis nor do I agree with this nee fire chief woman who appears to be setting up as a future romantic interest?? If Bendis turns superman into an adulterer I’m out until he is off superman for good, but for now i will check out #2. Rogol Zaat is still one of the worst, most generic, unoriginal villains in awhile whose motives still aren’t clear nor make sense.

This series is complete garbage. Jurgens and Tomasi’s runs were special due to the family dynamic of Superman, Lois and Jon. It brought heart to those books. Bendis breaking up this family is totally out of character if you’ve been following the previous arcs. I think he doesn’’t know how to write Jon, so he got rid of him. Rogol Zaar is just a generic villain . I had Superman and Action on my pull list and I’ve already dropped them.

Wow - this was bad. The story felt disjointed and I am confused about the whole Lois/Jon missing. Why would Clark continue to go to work at the Planet and do Superman stuff with his wife/son missing?? And the reporter commenting about Clark being Lois’ ‘estranged’ husband?? That is totally out of character as the centerpiece of Tomasi and Jurgens’ runs were family and the strong bond of Superman, Lois and Jon. I really hope Bendis isn’t going in the direction of marital strife and breaking up that relationship. Plus the art was inconsistent. How in the heck do you line up this big event book and not have the artists all set up for each issue?? This book had 3 artists and Steve Rude’s pages were bad. Plus Rogol Zaar is a generic villain and his motivation to destroy Krypton over practices??? I still don’t quite understand that. Hopefully things get better with issue 2.

I really enjoyed this series and felt Andrew Constant stuck the landing, here. I mean The Demon pulls friggin’ Excalibur out of Merlin’s do you not like that?!? Fun series. Not familiar with Constant, so hope he writes something down the road or maybe even a second Demon series. I know Demon is going to be in new JLD and wonder if this story gets referenced. Anyway, just a fun comic to read with great art.

Well written. Not what I wanted. Why is so much time being devoted to Rorschach wannabe, Marionette and Mime over 4 issues?!? I could care less about these characters. Still hardly any Superman, still no Dr Manhattan yet Johns wastes an entire issue on fake Rorschach’s origin?!? I loved Rebirth and this was supposed to be the big payoff and four issues in and the majority of it is based on these three characters that came out of nowhere?? And now you add these massive delays?? Man - what a huge friggin let down. DC had something special with Rebirth and I feel they are losing it with how disappointing this has been on top of the ridiculous Metal event that is now completely overshadowing this and add Bendis to Superman, which ended great runs by Jurgens on Action and Tomasi/Gleason on Superman and I think DC may have messed up a good thing. I may give this one more issue before dropping this.

What the heck is going on in this series?!? No way none of this is real. Man, I hope Tom King sticks the landing on this one cause if he does this is about as close to a masterpiece there is in my opinion.

Really enjoying this series and the art is fantastic. This creative team could easily do a Demon ongoing. At minimum I hope they do another mini down the line. I like the interactions between all the characters and it’s a nice twist separating Jason as a ghost from Etrigan. Good stuff

This review just pertains to the Bendis story. Personally, I think Jurgens is one of the best Superman writers ever, but I guess he isn’t the celebrity Bendis is, so it’s ashame he got bumped on this title. His Lois and Clark mini, Superman Reborn, Oz Effect and Booster Shot arcs I thoroughly enjoyed. This set up story by Bendis was meh. It debuted a very uninteresting, one dimensional villain, in my opinion. And of course Bendis needs to retcon Superman’s origin to grab headlines and create controversy. Jurgens didn’t resort to those tactics and I think Bendis has his work cut out for him following after Jurgens. I am definitely on board to see if he can do it.

Haven’t gotten my books yet for the week, but this is one of the best covers I’ve seen all year. Fantastic series. Can’t wait to read this issue!

This was a great issue. I have really been enjoying Jurgens run on Action. Superman Reborn, Mr. Oz and now Booster Shot have all been great story arcs. I am going to miss Jurgens writing Superman and in my opinion Bendis has a hard act to follow. Here’s hoping for a Jurgens ongoing Booster Gold series!!

Great series. Really looking forward to DC’s upcoming line where creators can tell out of continuity stories of DC’s biggest heroes. It’s fresh and interesting. I keep waiting for the issue where Sean just blows it, but after six incredible issues it looks like he may stick the landing. One of my fave series in last year.

This series is a train wreck. Even the art isn’t best. It’s like the inks are too heavy or something and the story seems unevenly paced. Is it me or is everyone yelling all the time? That being said; I can’t stop reading it and I need to know how this train wreck ends, so Adams is doing something right, I guess. Plus I like Deadman a lot.

I liked this. It didn’t blow me away and I really don’t like the art. However, it’s original and definitely has my interest, so sticking with it.

Enjoying this series a lot. The art is great and this issue had awesome character development with Constant giving us both Jason and Etrigan’s perspective on being tied togther and how it affects each of them. This team could do a Demon regulat series in my opinion. Too bad nobody would buy it.

Change in artists and this book hasn’t missed a beat. Issue was a little predictable with king shark showing up, but damn this series firing on all cylinders. Looking forward to Mera’s limited series.

Can’t decide if I like this series. It’s definitely not original, in my opinion. It’s just a mash up of sci fi, fantasy, horror, etc of things we’ve seen before and it’s written in almost an amateurish way; almost as if you were in high school and had to write an original story for a creative writing class or something. I liked cliffhanger and will give this a couple more issues to see how it goes.

I like Tom King, but you can't win them all and after some outstanding work I feel he falters here. None of the characters sounded right and them switching uniforms I just didn't buy it. Plus Catwoman acting giddy about getting married seemed off. I just don't picture her being the type to get giddy. And Lois drinking from a flask? I don't missed the mark for me.

I would say 'worst' of the series and worst in quotes as it is still better than most books. It's a filler issue between his sentence and execution. Granted it is a nice filler issue to really get to know and care about these characters even more so whatever happens has added weight. 5 issues in and I am captivated by this book and it is on par with The Vision in my opinion.

I like this series. The art is great and the writing has me wondering just what is going on. The Demon's appearance made sense and I am looking forward to next issue.

Booster Gold! So good to see him back and written so well. Really enjoyed this issue, but the Lois subplot didn't fit and took me out of the story. Otherwise, excited for next issue.

Rumble is back! I absolutely loved volume 1 and I recommend people pick it up. This starts the second volume albeit with a new artist who I didn't care for that much and this issue is not a good jumping on point, so read volume 1 first. That being said the story is still good. It has heart, humor, monsters, weirdness...just an awesome book and character, so Read Rumble!

I don’t think I’ve given a 10 before. I don’t read Batman. I would rather read newer, more original comics than Batman beating up the same villains over and over. I heard about Tom King having Batman marry Catwoman, which struck me as a gimmick and not believable. I picked this up due to the hype. Like The Vision series this book stuck with me after reading it. It’s amazing what Tom King can do for what is typically a filler issue when it comes to annuals. This is about as flawless as a comic can get. I wish other writers would put this much effort in their storytelling.

Have a very mixed reaction to this. Started off cool with Simon and the art and I really liked how Priest showed that being in the JL is like a job with Batman acting as boss and coordinating their efforts, but as I kept reading I found myself liking the art less and what happened with the nun just didn’t really hit me emotionally and the ending was just kind of meh. I’m in for next issue to see where this goes.

The ending did not disappoint. Great series with great art. Apparantly they will continue Theseus’ story, so looking forward to next volume! Highly recommend people check out the trade in January.

Great issue. Seeing the brief interaction with Batman was poignant and it was nice seeing Supe and Hal together and excited for the return of....well, I won’t spoil it even though it’s in the solicitations already. Heck, I liked this better than Doomsday Clock #1!!

Hard to rate this as it appears this is going to read better as a trade. Very difficult to put a rating on this issue. Have no idea who the heck marionette or mime are. And I think it’s mistake having this be a direct sequel to end of Watchmen as it just doesn’t hold up to Alan Moore’s original story. Johns should write like Johns and not try to continue what Moore did, so overall very disappointed, but it is only one of twelve and Johns is playing the long game, so I am undecided on this so far.

This comic is cool. That’s all I have to say.

I read King’s Vision. This is on par with that. I have no idea what is going on. No way this is all real as I find it hard to believe Highfather and Forager were killed off. It’s excruciating seeing what whomever is putting Scott through this. It’s just a brutal comic. Writers who get assigned a limited run can either play it safe and make it forgettable or they can produce something that transcends comics. Along with Murphy’s White Knight this is truly something special so far.

Had zero expectations for this series, so this is a pleasant surprise. The art is great and so is the action. Definitely interested enough to stick this out. Man, really digging all these minis DC is producing with Nightwing, White Knight, Captain Atom, Swamp Thing from earlier in the year...just fun stuff. Looking forward to the upcoming Demon mini next.

This issue felt a little rushed with the quick about face of Jor-El. I know it’s explained with Superman breaking his staff, but to all of a sudden switch from one panel to the next seemed far fetched. However, great issue. I thought everything was explained and made sense EXCEPT the reason for the name Mr. Oz. I think Dr Manhattan snatched Jor-El from Krypton and used him with the hope of taking Superman off the table by having him leave earth with Jor-El, which didn’t work and I hope his motivations are explained in Doomsday Clock. The end panel of Superman hearing all the cries for help and desperate people and him flying off to help is everything Superman is about. Art was great too. Can anyone write Superman better than Jurgens?? Not many.

My favorite book. The art, the colors, the story, the interaction between the girls, the time travel, all the weirdness of the robots and different characters we’ve encountered throughout the first 17 issues and we get posters to boot as well as a cool letters column - and it’s only $2.99!! Better quality with more happening than two or three comics put together! This book is the definition of what a comic is all about.

This issue was fantastic and it was so cool and hilarious and creative to see the batcave turned into some tourist trap. Just brilliant.

Awesome series. Great art. Some panels throughout the series are downright scary. Can’t wait until issue 6.

Good story. I’m on board. Art was absolute crap..almost amatuerish. The police chief’s head looked like it got bigger within a couple of panels.

Man..really was disappointed with this. The glow in the dark cover was pretty cool though.

This arc should have been more epic than it was, but I liked it. It was cool seeing Dr Manhattans hand at moment he stoled 10 years from DCU. Bummed the real Atom being replaced by Choi. It seems like Ray's story not over yet as Batman wants him to look into things in the microverse so maybe he''lll be in doomsday clock.

Man, this story arc is uneven. I praised last issue, but this one had some problems. I get that Jurgens is weaving in current events like workplace shootings, the Syrian chemical weapons attack, a shot at Trump with the fake news commentary, etc to show the dark side of humanity, but it's to on the nose and I wasn't expecting the Oz storyline to end up being social commentary; especially with the huge build up to finding out who Oz was. Jonathan was written and drawn totally out of character, too. He's much smarter than that. Jurgens wrote him like he was naive and the art makes him look 5, not a pre teen.

Detective Comics (2016) #966 Oct 17, 2017

Very dense and thought provoking. If the rest of the series is as good as this issue it may go down as one of the classic Batman stories ever.

This storyline is getting a bad rap as I''m enjoying it. I liked the last two issues of backstory and felt it seamlessly tied into the Rebirth one shot. Art was decent too.

Art, in my opinion, is absolutely terrible. The faces look weird and it just seems too heavily inked - just seems dark to me. Other than flashbacks all the panels seemed to be drawn against dark black pages instead of white or something lighter. I''m sticking with this as I''m enjoying the story. Just a bummer about the art.

Man, great story with a direct link to Rebirth as it appears Ray is witnessing the actual cracks in reality caused by Dr Manhattan and I'm looking forward to next issue. I liked the fact the issue was devoted to the back story as I felt it was necessary onowing that story. BUT.....the art was terrible, so this gets a lower score.

Wow. I was skeptical with the reveal last issue, but damn does Jurgens write this in a way that makes sense and is obviously connected to rebirth. It was brilliant how he wrote Superman Reborn by combining pre flashpoint superman with new 52 superman and he's continuing that genius with Oz Effect. He makes what you think would be complicated with these stories into plausible, believable outcomes and explanations. Jurgens was born to write Superman.

This is a great comic. I liked it before Sejic's art. With his art just bumped this book to a different level. I over heard my comic shop upping their orders of Aquaman and for good reason!

Kill the Minotaur #4 Sep 23, 2017

I have been hard on this series, but I''m still reading it. It all seems so convoluted and with the new metal of batmanium it crossed over into campy. The whole barbatos thing is confusing. I've read Final Crisis, but maybe I need to go back and read Return of Bruce Wayne. I'll keep reading it as it's nice seeing characters I haven't seen in a while.

Great issue. Granted, this could be seen as 'filler' but when I got to the end I was bummed as I wanted more time with Hal and his dad. Looking forward to next issue.

I''m hooked. Variant cover is one of the best covers of the year.

Action Comics (2016) #987 Sep 13, 2017

A breath of fresh air after reading that convoluted mess called Metal. Just a straight forward comic book story. Good stuff! Ending surprised me.

This was an incoherent mess. 'Wagon comes from the root word Wayne...'' Are you f------ kidding me?!?! Man, Snyder just tries too hard, man. None of the characters sounded themselves, either. Cyborg saying he's scared? And another panel he's shaking?? The end with the surprise appearance of a certain character cemented how this book is all over the place. It just does not fit into Rebirth - at all. When Johns writes event books they seem organic. Snyder on other hand just tries way too hard to be clever and it feels forced.

I had dropped GA as I was tired of the Ninth Circle and Ollie keep getting his ass handed to him. However, I found myself missing it. These last two arcs are great. This issue is probably weakest one, but still good. Percy just does great character work and that is why I missed it despite this ninth circle storyline going on way, way too long. Can't wait for when Ollie finally kicks their ass!

What the f--- is this about??? I am not feeling this 'something in the metal' storyline. Duke has metal in his blood?? Joker seems to know everything??? Hal's ring didn't work? Hal could wipe Joker out without even thinking about it, but his ring conveniently doesn't work? I stopped Batman after Court of Owls as I got tired of Snyder having to reinvent everyone he touches. At least when Johns does it I feel it's more organic. Maybe not reading Batman is why I'm confused. Plus this event is odd right in middle of rebirth. I''ll give Metal #1 a shot, but thinking of passing on this one.

Great read!! Not sure why I picked this up. It wasn't on my radar, but a lot of indie books I'm reading either wrapped up or were on hiatus, so I gave this a try and I'm hooked. Excellent first issue. Looking forward to issue 2.

Wow - what a f****** rip off. This book was $4.99?!?! There was multiple pages of NO dialogue and it ended so abruptly. This comic is worth no more than $2.99 at best. It was good and a story I believe is worth telling, but this to a $2.99 issue of Paper Girls and you will see just how much of a rip off this is. Marvel is crap. They have zero respect for their own fans. They want the most amount for a book at the lowest amount of story. I haven''t bought a Marvel book for over a year prior to this issue and it will be a long time before I buy another one. Oh, art was good, but the depiction of the Emperor was terrible. Didn't even look like him. He looked odd to me with how he was depicted.

Good solid comic with great art.

This arc was a mess.

Mitch Gerads needs to be on a monthly Swamp Thing book ASAP! Some of the panels were just fantastic. Good one shot.

I'll keep saying it...this series is a masterpiece.

Scott Snyder just gets too cute with his storytelling. It seems like he has to try too hard to have some spin or surprise that alters a character's origin or makeup. Case in point; the surprise revelation at the end of who the boy was running from the bobbies in London. Sometimes I wish he would just tell a story that doesn''t have to redefine a character; which obviously too me it looks like he is going to do here with a major supporting Bat character. I like Rafael's artwork, but it looks out of place in a Bat book. There were depictions of Bruce that seemed out of character. A couple panels showed Bruce terrified and I hardly believe anything is going to terrify Bruce/Batman or at least cause him to have that kind of scared expression on his face. Just seemed out of place to me. I''ll give this one more issue.

I don't think I've read a single issue I didn't like and I've read them all. There's never a dip in quality; never a 'filler' issue....every issue has been relevant, has moved the plot forward and always has great art. One of the best books on the shelf, in my opinion.

I love this series, but this issue was a little weird. I think it's awesome how little things in past issues show up again as important aspects in future issues. Case in point; seeing the characters trapped at the end that appeared in previous issues like the characters who robbed the fair in what appeared to just be a filler issue that now has more importance. As well as characters from the two issue Frankenstein arc - so very cool. I'll be bummed if and when they leave Hamilton for Metropolis. It added a wholesomness to Superman.

Stupid issue. Absolutely stupid. It made zero sense. If Valofax had the power to get rid of the hordes of dead army just by saying I release you then why didn't the sword do that last issue before his granddaughter was even taken??? And why did Valofax make a point to tell Emmett he can't help him if Balegrim uses the leverage of those he held dear when Valofax had the power all along to defeat Balegrim as soon as Balegrim picked up the sword?? I was waiting for Valofax to be in real trouble when Emmet went under Balegrim's spell and Balegrim picked him(?) up...but no, just kidding guys! I''m an all powerful sword, so I got pointless. Just makes it so pointless to put Emmett through seeing his wife when Valofax could have taken out Balegrim as soon as his dead army showed up. I''m dropping this. One of the most over rated books on the shelf.

Not what I was expecting. The arrival of *spoiler* came out of nowhere and even though it was cool to see how the fight scenes were done with the minute countdown I couldn't help feel it was filler as there are a lot of panels with no dialogue. I was expecting an issue showcasing Barry and Bruce's detective skills. I am sure this will be cool in the end, but this issue kind of disappointed me.

Just a beautiful issue. The art, the writing, the interaction between Superman, Jon and Damien...just flawless. This series is special and should be recognized as one of the top books of the year. This issue had a great suspenseful ending and two weeks is going to seem forever to wait for what happens next.

This is a filler issue as not much happens. Some guy recruits a couple villains and Superman's origin - which everyone already knows - is recapped. Very skipable issue, so save your money and wait for next major arc, which I am really looking forward to!!

I wasn't impressed with this series, but stuck with it due to Landis stating there was a big surprise by issue 7 or 8. I''m glad I did as this issue by itself made it worth sticking around and now I am intrigued as how this will end. Incidentally, I guess the big thing that inspired Landis to write this happens next issue.

Best value on the stands. You get a quality comic, a poster, good page count, quality paper, minimal delays between story arcs and it's only $2.99. This may be a masterpiece when it's all said and done.

Great issue!! But what a let down with Lark's note at the end saying he needs a break.....for a year. That's a lot to ask to remain vested in any story where you have to wait a full year for the next installment. Rucka coming out with a sourcebook and 6 issue mini series, but it's all filler. What a bummer.

This was a fast read and may seem like filler, but I enjoyed it and I'' enjoying series. Despite it being a 'filler' issue people seem to forget a major thing happened in this book (spoiler warning) with the dark knight returns batman no longer being old due to lazarus pit and is probably set up now for future dark knight series. Miller said he's planning another one. I thought the art was great. I hope the last issue is a fitting end for the series.

Great issue. Great series. Tomasi and Jurgens have brought Superman back in Rebirth. Superman represented hope and fun while Batman represented cynicism and seriousness, but the hope and fun of Superman got lost. It's great reading fun Superman stories and the addition of Jon and the family dynamic adds a wholesomeness that comics are lacking nowadays. The ending has me excited for next issue. What is going on with that cow?!?

Reborn did a great job explaining the blue energy in past issues of Superman as well as the other Clark Kent and even what Lana was dealing with in Superwoman. It was genius how it all cane together in a way that was plausible. Question; as Mr Oz is talking in last panels it appears the very last panel focuses on a red planet. Is this a clue as to who is behind everything?

So I have been bashing this series from the start, but I haven't dropped it yet. Couple things; Valofax is a dumb name and a talking sword is even dumber, BUT I really liked the interaction between Roy and his wife over beers. And the art was great. The panel of the dead creature sneaking up behind Roy was pretty spooky and the end made me want to read the next issue - if I can just get past the talking sword... A better book involving a cool sword (that doesn't talk) is Rumble. Highly recommend.

So glad I stuck with this book. It definitely grew on me and I am having fun reading it. It's a weird book and it took some time to get used to the art, but I am definitely on board. The use of Wild Dog is cool too. New issue of Green Arrow has a Wild Dog reference. So....a Young Animal ongoing Wild Dog book, perhaps?

Flawless issue. Great art. Great chemistry between Jon/Damien and witty dialogue. I think DC has gold with this duo. It would be great to see them portrayed in other media. Animated series perhaps? Fun stuff.

Great issue, but I found the last page confusing in that how would the character know about that unless they were aware of our real world?? I highly recommend reading Superwoman tie in before this issue. It's not a great issue, but has important background directly related to this issue.

I won't be a jackass and spoil the reveal like another user did, but I did not guess it and if I didn't get the hints provided at end of Supe #18 I wouldn't have had a clue at all. I like this arc alot, but I am not a fan of Mahnke's art and I do feel this and Supe #18 felt a little padded to make two issues, but it's a minor complaint. Jurgens and Tomasi have brought Superman back and his titles are among the best Rebirth titles. Oh, to the user who spoiled the surprise in their review - any true comic lover knows that is the #1 cardinal sin!

I think this series is a masterpiece and is what reading comics is all about. I saw an interview where Remender said he's looking at about issue 40 or so to end this series and I for one will re-reading these issues over and over again once it ends. This would make an excellent tv sci fy series as there are so many shocking cliffhangers and surprises that people would get hooked.

I don't get all the hype surrounding this book. The ending was corny and how this guy who just had alzheimers is all of a sudden arrogant in front of a giant god is a stretch to me. I think the awesone covers has peope fooled that what's inside is also awesome,, because it's not. So many books out there better than this.

I''m not a big Green Arrow fan and I'' not sure why I''m reading this book. I keep saying I''m going to drop it, but Percy keeps ending these issues on ciffhangers that I just need to find out what happens next. Also, I have come to care about the characters. It's a truly family type core these characters share. I just wish Ollie would be the hero in his own book more! Seems like everyone else is always bailing him out! Anyway, can't wait to see how this shakes out with Roy next issue.

One of the best books on the shelves along with Black Science and Southern Bastards. This is why I read comics.

So with this arc I decided to give Flash another try. Glad I did as this arc has been great and with the upcoming Flash/Batman crossover I''ll be sticking with this for the forseeable future. Loved the art and the realistic way Barry took out the Rogues. Seriously; with Flash's powers nobody on The Rogues is a real threat other than Mirror Master or maybe Weather Wizard. Trickster? No way. Even Captain Cold isn't a threat as Barry can just take his cold gun out of his hand before Cold even takes his next breath, but I give Josh credit for knowing this by showing how easily Barry dispatched everyone. I found it a little bit of a stretch that Cold got the drop on him, but you do have to have a story and it was made at least feasible.

I think I know what's going on. Woman at end invented time travel using Apple technology - hence all the Apple references throughout series. This issue shows her maiden time jump and I am assuming she will cross paths with the girls and this meeting will be the main crux of how the girls get involved with everything as it appears young people in future are using time travel to collect old artifacts and old people don't like that; hence the war between old and young, which apparantly these girls are crucial to that war to the point that old dude is trying to find them. Okay; so I have a headache now! Who knows, but darn this series is fun!

Good issue. Art was good, but some of the layouts were confusing and there was some cheesy dialogue, but overall this series continues to be exciting and action packed with another cliffhanger of an ending.

Frustrating series! If Abnett would just cut out the juvenile bickering and stop portraying Roy like an idiot and stop being too cute with humor this would be such a better series!! The potential is right there - case in point; the whole Wally/Superman interaction was fantastic and spot on! So stop trying to be cute Abnett and starti living up to this series potential!

Hmmm.... so this comic happened. I haven''t read a first issue like this in a while. So little is given or explained to the reader that it's hard to even assign a rating. I feel it deserves an 'N/A' for a rating. Very decompressed and if this will be pace of series going forward this may be better as a trade. That being said; last page was pretty cool and I will at least be back for issue 2.

Aquaman is a solid book.

This book gets so much hate from critics and fans alike. It's been called a cash grab and it has been criticized for its delays. I don't care. I like this book. I like the Dark Knight world; I like the art; I like the mini comics and, dare I say, it's one of the few books that, in my opinion, is worth the price tag. I cannot wait until next issue when the Amazons get involved!

Good set up issue. Has me intrigued as to where this is going to go. It's great to have Captain Atom back again!

I thought this was an exciting, fast paced issue with a great reveal of who the archer is that is framing Ollie. The dialogue with the police chief was a little over the top, but I can see how that factored into making what Ollie did at end more meaningful as now maybe police will lay off Ollie going forward. All in all I really am enjoying this series!

This is a solid book. Art was fantastic and I was bummed when the issue ended as I wanted it to continue. I am glad I only have to wait two weeks! Percy has a great feel for these characters and he balances the light hearted parts with the seriousness of what Ollie is facing perfectly.

Great issue! This issue really did have a summer blockbuster movie feel and it kept me excited throughout the story. Stuff really hits the fan with the last page and I'm glad I only need to wait two weeks for next issue!

This is the best single issue I've read of all the Rebirth titles I've checked out since the relaunch. Tomasi and Gleason are putting together a run on Superman that may go down as a classic. I am glad to hear Tomasi will be writing the new SuperSons series and I am looking forward to it!

Great art and story. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman's characterizations are spot on and the last page really has me excited for next issue.

Good first issue. Too bad Meyers is leaving as I really enjoyed the art. It was great seeing Goliath and it appears Percy has a great feel for Damien. I just hope the new artist is a good fit and I'll be on board for this one.

So Barry rebuilds a bridge?? Last I checked Barry wasn't an engineer and does he now have Superman level srength in order to lift the steel to build the bridge? I'm being over critical here, but I at least like some plausibility in my comics. Not a bad issue. I enjoyed the discussion with Wally and Barry and the last page was pretty cool.

Borderline masterpiece.

One of the few books out there that is actually worth $4.99. Great stuff.

One of the biggest disappointments of the DC Rebirth. Wally's portrayal in the DC Rebirth one shot indicates he is a major character in the Rebirth story line and I was really excited to follow his story into Titans, but the difference in tone and the way Dan Abnett is writing Titans just doesn't seem to match with the initial feeling I got when reading Rebirth. This comic is just an average, generic team book with cheesy dialogue and a lame villain. A lame villain that appears to also be important to the Rebirth story line, which is also disappointing.


This is a GREAT comic! It has everything you could ask for; humor, action, monsters and at it's core it is full of heart. It is getting better with each issue and I really enjoy the heck out of this series!

What more can you ask for? Superman fighting dinosaurs with his son and a guy riding the back of a pterodactyl shooting a gun. Not every comic needs to involve some earth shattering story line or reinvent its hero/villains (I'm looking at you, Scott Snyder). This is what reading comics is all about. Just plain fun stuff!

Reviews for the Week of...



