olliequeen's Profile

Joined: Jan 25, 2014

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Look if you're a racist you won't like this book. If you live under some magical delusion that America is a place where everyone is treated equally than you probably won't like it. If you live in the real world you will see the book using superpowers to address the truth about our country. People that say the writing is bad are just racist. Both the writing and the art are excellent.

So lets start with the positive the art in this book is well done. The premise while in no way unique works. That is where the good stops. The pacing is terrible. The dialog is incredibly bad. The story does not engage the reader in any way.

There is some good, some OK, and some plain bad in this annual. First the Chrononauts story is excellent. It is well written and works well with the art style. The Kick-Ass story is quite good as well. It paces the turns it takes in just a few pages is worth the read. Now to American Jesus. I love this graphic novel. The art here is amazing. Unfortunately the story is not good. It barely is a story. It doesn't add anything to the original story. It just sits there. There is really only enough "story" for two pages instead of 5. `The kingsmen story isn't amazing but it isn't bad. It kind of works, but the art isn't overly good. It's just ok. I have to be honest I think I would have liked the Starlight story if I had more knowledge of the characters and original storyline. The art is very unique, and the story works. I just felt like I was missing something without the background. Now onto the Hit girl story, if you can call it that. This felt more like a child's school project than a professional story. It is a complete waste of time.

More crap from Oni. Their editorial team has no idea what fans want. There's a reason why no one is buying this book. It is a dumb concept with poor execution.

Once again Oni Press tries to be trendy and falls flat on it's face. The premise is idiotic to say the least, a cooking show in space. At no time does the reader care about the characters or the story (if you can call it that). The book is bad, and I guarantee that this series will be selling less than 1500 copies by the end of its run.

Tet #1 Nov 29, 2015
Tet #2 Nov 29, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro-Series #8 Mar 23, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #1 Mar 23, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #1 Mar 23, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #2 Mar 23, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire #3 Mar 23, 2015
TMNT Villain Microseries #8 Mar 23, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1 Jan 27, 2015
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #4 Jan 27, 2015

Just terrible

So of course the issue starts off with shopping, because all girls just want to buy pretty things. Then of course she has clumsily fall into a boy, because that's what girls do when they meet cute boys. Batgirl apparently travels to an anime world when she fights. This comic may be geared towards girls. So they took a powerful, strong character and diminished her to a bubble-headed sexist girl trope. There is nothing redeemable about this comic. Reviewers will gush over anything different. But different can be bad. This is just awful. I have canceled my Batgirl subscription. Don't bother picking this up; go read Ms. Marvel instead.

I can't describe how absolutely terrible this comic is. We gave up Gail Simone for this. The writers apparently think we need to put Batgirl in an episode of HBOs girls. The artwork is sub-par at best. There is nothing redeeming about this. I'm probably going to cancel my subscription if it doesn't get better.

The issue can't figure out what it wants to be. I normally really enjoy Remender's writing, but the dialogue in this issue is terrible. All the characters are speaking in the same voice. They all are making really bad jokes, and then try to sound forceful right before they punch something. This is such a let down after the stellar Uncanny Avengers.

Jae Lee's art doesn't fit for this series.

Batman and Robin (2011) #31 May 29, 2014
Batman: Eternal #7 May 29, 2014

Great way to end the event

Near perfect

Of all the new JLA run books this is definitely the last.

Any other book I would have probably rated higher, but I expect more from Saga. Most of this book was filler.

Smallville: Lantern #11 May 29, 2014

Mostly a filler issue. Simone tries to deal with the loss of Nightwing but does it in a fairly contrived way. The issue is only mildly interesting.

A decent start, but the book is not on the same level that Batman's current series is on.

The artwork is good. The writing and the story are terrible. There is nothing redemptive about them. I am a fan of the comic book men, but this book wouldn't have gotten anything but laughed out of the room if not created by them.

Still good art work from Walt Flannigan. Johnson's story is starting to make some sense, but it still isn't good.

The final issue. The best thing that can be said about cryptozoic man is that it's over. Terrible from beginning to finish. While Flannigan gave Johnson good art to work with at no time will you be glad you are reading this book.

Unless you're a big daredevil fan skip this book. The stories simply aren't that great.

Mighty Avengers continues on as the best avengers book being written right now. Yes if you read internet articles the end has been spoiled for you, but it was still a great ending to the issue. Real drama, emotion, and good fight scenes: Everything you want from an Avengers book that you're not getting from Hickman.

sooo boring.

Hickman continues his boring, plodding writing style. He is able to make fight scenes boring. Final Straw I am dropping this terrible book

Simone writes a very good original story. This idea is new and an interesting one that makes you want to read the next issue.

Finally a Superman story that feels like a superman story. The artwork is very good.

A very solid story about wolverine. It's a new storyline, but the writing gives us the exposition without sacrificing the action. The artwork is just outstanding. You don't normally notice a colorist unless their bad, but you notice Curiel's top notch colors.

X-Men (2013) #10.NOW Feb 14, 2014
Batman: Joker's Daughter #1 Feb 11, 2014
Black Widow (2014) #3 Feb 11, 2014
Captain America (2012) #16.NOW Feb 11, 2014
Forever Evil #5 Feb 11, 2014
Forever Evil: Arkham War #5 Feb 11, 2014
Green Arrow (2011) #28 Feb 11, 2014
Ms. Marvel (2014) #1 Feb 11, 2014

The first story is by far the best. It really captures the Animated series feel of the characters. The other stories were descent.

Not a lot of action in this issue, but it still holds your attention. Plus who can resist a joke about a little girl getting a relaxer.

Hickman's writing baffles the mind, not in a good way. It's more of a how did marvel give the avengers to this guy?

Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #11.NOW Feb 5, 2014

The book starts off a little slow getting us updated on the crew after the events of the movie. If you haven't seen the movie and the show, what the hell are you waiting for? By the end of the book you just want more. If you loved the series and the movie, you'll love this book

Superman (2011) #27 Feb 4, 2014

Big let down from the usual greatness of this book

Saga #1 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #2 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #3 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #4 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #5 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #6 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #7 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #8 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #9 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #10 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #11 Feb 1, 2014
Saga #12 Feb 1, 2014
Aquaman (2011) #27 Jan 30, 2014
Batman and Robin (2011) Annual #2 Jan 30, 2014
Damian: Son of Batman #4 Jan 30, 2014
Earth 2 Annual #2 Jan 30, 2014
Justice League Dark #27 Jan 30, 2014
All-New X-Men #22.NOW Jan 29, 2014
Justice League (2011) #27 Jan 29, 2014

The story is as good as anything else you'll read. The art is simply amazing. The art is also realistic. There is one scene where the main character is nude. While she is sexy, she is drawn like a woman of her age would look.

Wolverine and the X-Men #40 Jan 29, 2014
X-Men (2013) #9 Jan 29, 2014

Boring. Nothing really happens, and DC decides to use the magical negro as a plot device.

Good issue. Hopefully this is going to lead to a larger arching story rather than a mission a month story.

Just a fun book. Nothing serious.

Of all the Batman books this is definitely one of them. The end of the story was about as good as the arc as a whole, not very.

Batman (2011) #27 Jan 26, 2014

Really good.

Action Comics (2011) #27 Jan 25, 2014
All-New X-Men #21 Jan 25, 2014

If you like constant action, you'll love this book.

Good Aquaman story, but has the misfortune of following up the best aquaman run ever.

More Hickman made up science explanations that can be mind numbing. No real interesting characters and a blatant crime syndicate ripoff.

Avengers World #1 Jan 25, 2014
Avengers World #2 Jan 25, 2014
Batgirl (2011) #27 Jan 25, 2014
Batman / Superman (2013) #7 Jan 25, 2014

Blair Butler's story is worth buying the issue on its own.

Good story and a good setup for the series. Looking forward to some multi-issue story arcs.

Catwoman (2011) #26 Jan 25, 2014
Damian: Son of Batman #3 Jan 25, 2014
Detective Comics (2011) #27 Jan 25, 2014

One of the best DC titles doesn't disappoint.

Forever Evil: A.R.G.U.S. #3 Jan 25, 2014
Forever Evil: Arkham War #4 Jan 25, 2014

A little bit of a let down from the first three, but still good.

Jeff Lemire is just killing it right now. Some of the best Green arrow writing in years.

Infinity Heist #4 Jan 25, 2014
Inhumanity: The Superior Spider-Man #1 Jan 25, 2014
Injustice: Year Two #1 Jan 25, 2014
Justice League Dark #26 Jan 25, 2014

Would be better if this story wouldn't have dragged along for too many issues

Nightwing (2011) #27 Jan 25, 2014
Savage Wolverine #14.NOW Jan 25, 2014

Smallville is getting better.

If you're a fan of the show, you'll be a fan of the comics.

Not a lot happens in this book, but the flashbacks are somewhat interesting. And Deadshot being deadshot proves why the character needs his own title.

Superman Unchained #5 Jan 25, 2014

Humor and action intertwined seamlessly without being cheesy.

Magneto is back!

Only the last few pages were interesting. The first few pages felt like a review

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