Geralt_Rivia's Profile

Joined: Jun 17, 2017

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Overall Rating
Crimson Cage #1

Dec 9, 2021

Fun Fun comic! I was never into wrestling, but this comic made me really buy into it and it made me forget that wrestling is all a show! The comic does a great job at looking behind the curtain and also making you suspend disbelief. I enjoy the Macbeth retelling, its cleverly done in a modern way, and the art is also very well done! Horror without being horror.

Gun Honey #1

Oct 1, 2021

Interesting first issue. If it’s going to be about guns tho I think the writer should show some more knowledge other than what was showed. The gun knowledge seemed lacking and feels like a missed opportunity to show the authenticity. Also, art was good but just Ok. Better than most. Didn’t like the slight political jab. Is she a refugee or illegal? Seemed kinda odd. What does it even matter? Thought that was odd and left a bad taste in my mouth.

Jennifer Blood (2021) #1

Nov 3, 2021

Gore, it’s there. Action. A bit slow but it’s there. Bad guys who you know are bad, there. Good people saving the day? Eh not really. When you read it, feeling like who knows what’s about to happen but it’ll be damn cool. There. Yeah I like it.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #3

Nov 3, 2021

I’ve been enjoying this comic, maybe it’s nostalgia, maybe it’s the art, or seeing the characters written pretty well. But there’s a few things in this issue that turned me off. A few overt political comments that Superman made, really buying into a narrative and preaching it into the comic. I thought that sucked. Way to alienate half the audience who is potentially reading this series, preaching things as fact and then feeding it to the masses. Guess the writer must be religious. Which is fine. But still, didn’t like that. The rest of the series is pretty good. Like it for the most part.

Justice League Infinity (2021) #5

Nov 4, 2021

I’m a sucker for good nostalgia. I still get that from this. The multiverse story is interesting. But I wish it was more focused. That they A, had more fun with it by focusing on our core characters and B, focusing on the multiverse story more through our characters. I didn’t like the writers nod to a one world government. Thought that little bit of ideology was gross. I really enjoyed wonder woman’s characterization. I really dig how the writer writes her. The Martian man hunter stuff is pretty boring. Overall. Comic was okay.

Knighted (2021) #1

Nov 4, 2021

Nice littler teaser. I dig the art. I dig the setup and the world. How raw everything is. I dig the realness in the writing. Actually sounds like people talking. No preaching here. Just solid story telling! I really enjoy this publisher and they are yet again making a solid comic. Good writing. Good art. What more can ya want?

Knighted (2021) #2

Dec 9, 2021

Boy do I enjoy this comic. It treads the line of being Alan Moorish but if Alan Moore was a funny guy doing funny comics. Its as if Miracleman or the parallel that the Watchman brought in critiquing the big two, were not as serious but was more or less funny. Thats not to say that this comic is a joke book. NO way. Its a good story and a compelling one at that. But it embraces humor and it makes it a fun comic to read. Great issue. Lets keep it up and read more from this creative team and publisher! AWA has been on fire!

Little Monsters (2022) #10

Feb 11, 2023

I’m digging the story. Still a bit slow. Need more answers or progression. The pronoun stuff with Romie is super annoying. Makes the comic hard to read. Though this from the first issue when I noticed it. Does not translate well and I think the writer should reevaluate the use of new pronouns that have no basis in grammar or objectivity. The story has been good. A lot of storylines happening at once which isn’t bad, but can be confusing at times.

Spawn #322

Oct 1, 2021

It was so nice to just see a character just straight up punish evil. No added drama, just evil being punished. Quite refreshing.

Spawn #323

Nov 4, 2021

Vampire action? Fitting for the past month of October. I appreciate how they constantly make spawn pretty OP, but they still have a way to humanize him by making him vulnerable at times. Been digging this and the art. The story doesn’t progress much, but it’s so much fun I don’t mind. And at 2.99? Gonna be a reader for a long time to come.

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