hesfkshgf's Profile

Joined: Sep 06, 2017

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Overall Rating
80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: Aquaman #1

Sep 3, 2021

It felt scattered and didn’t have some of the more recent Aquaman writers, instead serving as a coming attractions rather than a celebration

Action Comics (2016) #1017

Nov 27, 2019

Just a total mess of an issue. The Legion of Doom shows up and makes no sense in what is going on right now on so many levels, the dialogue is awful, the story seems thrown together and the art is terrible!!!! Get Bendis away from DC please!!!!

Action Comics (2016) #1018

Jan 1, 2020

Bendis spends so much time trying to convince everyone that he "gets" Superman, but he just comes off as a try-hard who changes things to suit himself, not the character or his fans. The Bendis Speak is in full effect here and makes everyone sound the same at best, but makes me want to punch everyone most of the time. Add to that some of the worst art I have seen in a Big Two Comic Book in years and this issue sucks!!!! Even the cover, which is something that is supposed to at least make you want to buy the issue, looks like a third-grader did it! I know that John Romita Jr. is a legend, but you have to know when to hang it up or your legacy gets tainted and that time has come and gone a bunch of times for JRJR!!!!! This book is Washed up Central and maybe from now on, DC should just tell them they published it, but instead, get a competent team to do the real issue! Those old farts won't even know the truth!

Action Comics (2016) #1019

Jan 29, 2020

Awful! The story is all over the place and the art is just horrendous. This should now be used as an example of letting big name creators go on too long without any editorial interference. DC needs to end this madness!

Action Comics (2016) #1021

Mar 27, 2020

Terrible story, terrible art! Brian Michael Bendis is telling a story that is tied in with things that happened almost half a year ago in the regular books and just gets up to his own identity reveal from the beginning of December!!! He continues to use his books to push his bullshit characters nobody cares about and can't be wondering why this book is failing so bad. Here is a hint, give us some Superman! He tries so hard to show Superman's inspiration, but can't get anyone inspired to buy this book! Stop the Madness DC and get him far, far, away from Clark!

Action Comics (2016) #1022

Jun 2, 2020

Bendis shoves 10 pounds of shit into a 2-pound bag and still can't progress his plot an inch! Romita Jr. needs to retire and if DC is handing Bendis the keys to guide us to the next phase of the DCU, I am out!!!

Action Comics (2016) #1026

Oct 29, 2020

Action Comics (2016) Annual: 2021

Jul 14, 2021

Action Comics (2016) Annual: Midnighter 2021

Sep 1, 2021

Bad art and convoluted story that went on way too long in the Action Comics backups and now gets an Annual? The bar is pretty low these days!

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #2

Jan 27, 2024

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #3

Dec 27, 2023

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #4

Jan 30, 2024

Alien (2021) #7

Sep 27, 2021

This is still a thing? Nobody talking about this at all!

Aliens: Aftermath (2021) #1  
Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #73

Sep 8, 2021

Too confusing and disjointed for its own good

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #74

Sep 30, 2021

We waited this many issues for this?

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #80.BEY

Dec 12, 2021

Others have mentioned the odd sexual stuff and I thought it was cringe worthy as well, but here are other things that drove me nuts. After getting shut down at the front desk of Infinity Solutions (which is holding meta-humans and a shell of beyond) Ock and May sneak in through a second story window? Also, Vapor’s cell has an open slot in the front! This is vapor! Also, Aunt May just gives up because Ock is being Ock. Now, Ziglar makes it not matter by the end, but May is moments away from saving Peter and says she will just start over from scratch! What does that mean, May? That you’ll bitch and moan at the doctors for not figuring out what’s wrong with Peter even though you had the answer in your hands??? Just save Peter, but tell Ock that you won’t talk sexy to him anymore! Cody Ziglar is a hack!!!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #16

Jan 1, 2023

This event has become a joke… un unfunny joke that is.

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #19

Feb 11, 2023

Anyone who still thinks Joe Kelly has anything left worthwhile after non-stop and savage spider-man needs to get their heads checked! Cringe-worthy dialogue and the 10th fake Secret Six in the last 2 months!

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #22

Mar 26, 2023

So boring

Amazing Spider-Man (2022) #28

Jun 28, 2023

Zeb Wells is not good

Amethyst #2

Jun 7, 2020

I like the art, but there is nothing to get behind, character or storywise.

Angel (2022) #1

Oct 21, 2022

A bad start by a bad writer

Angel (2022) #8

Oct 21, 2022

Just plain awful!

Animal Pound (2023) #2

Feb 21, 2024

More Tom King awfulness - he overexplains the obvious while he underexplains everything the reader needs to get a proper context to what they are reading!

Ant-Man (2020) #4

May 14, 2020

A real fun series that more people should check out

Aquamen (2022) #2

Apr 2, 2022

I know that not many people liked or read The Becoming or Black Manta, but this issue pretty much takes all the progression of those and throws it out the window! The art is good, but the dialogue and characterizations are awful. I was hoping this book would be more about the Aqua-Family coming together, but instead it's already a convoluted mess.

Artemis: Wanted (2022) #1

Jul 19, 2022

What most expected - over-dialogued exposition to tell everyone things instead of showing them to the point of this being a total slog of a comic book!

Avengers (2018) #33

May 27, 2020

Are the Avengers ever in this book?

Avengers (2018) #48

Sep 3, 2021

Jason Aaron continues to underwhelm with a book that is boring when it comes to the main character and over-wordy with a character no one really cares about. The art is great, but the Avengers continues to be a skippable book no matter how much Aaron tries to make it big, because, in the end, it never is an Avengers book at all!

Avengers Forever (2021) #6

May 31, 2022

Jason Aaron continues to tell an unfocused story that at points is interesting but hardly as important or gripping than he probably thinks. At this point, if your reading Avengers Forever, you know what to expect, but I wouldn't recommend anyone who isn't reading it to start.

Avengers Forever (2021) #12

Dec 25, 2022

Jason Aaron needs a change of scenery because everything he's been doing at Marvel has felt stale for over a year!

Avengers Forever (2021) #14

Feb 20, 2023

Going Nowhere Slow!

Avengers of the Wastelands #5  
Avengers: Tech-On #1

Aug 16, 2021

Combine a lesser Infinity Gauntlet with a lesser House of M done by a tone-deaf writer who fails at understanding the allure of Sentai action and this is what you get. Jim Zub continues to prove what a hack he is by getting this dud of a book and somehow making it worse than it sounds! At least this isn’t a book he takes over and runs into the ground, but is just his own to fail at!

Avengers: Tech-On #2

Sep 11, 2021

Jim Zub actually sets up some big stakes in the first issue and then takes them away immediately in the second. This is a nothing book done by a writer who is one of the worst at Marvel so it’s easy to see why nobody cares about this garbage book!

Avengers: Tech-On #3

Dec 18, 2021

You can tell this is supposed to be fun, but each issue follows the same lame formula which makes even the little progression in this story take a bunch of steps backwards

Avengers: Tech-On #4

Dec 18, 2021

I don’t know why Jim Zub keeps getting work!

Batgirl (2016) #46  
Batgirls (2021) #1

Dec 16, 2021

The art wasn’t for me, but the story, or lack of one was a bit annoying. This feels like cloonan and Conrad trying to tap into the Batgirl of Burnside vibe from 2016-ish, but that ended up getting old fast so I don’t know why they would go there.

Batgirls (2021) #7

Jun 14, 2022

This book is actually getting better as it goes along. I am not a fan of Cloonrad, but this isn't awful

Batgirls (2021) #9

Aug 13, 2022

Batgirls (2021) #13

Dec 18, 2022

Cloonrads stink and don't even know the continuity of their characters - Cluemaster faked his death in Batman Eternal and Cass had already found out, beat the crap out of him and had him arrested in the last volume of Young Justice!

Batgirls (2021) #14

Jan 22, 2023

Cloonrad sucks

Batgirls (2021) #17

Apr 19, 2023

Awful, but thankfully ending soon!

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #1

Nov 5, 2022

Great art, but almost everyone is over-hyping this book because it's Marc Silvestri. There isn't much of a story as Silvestri seems to think readers don't know who Batman or the GCPD is and holds their hand with generic narration we've read a million times before. I am looking forward to the next issue because I want the story to actually start.

Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #3

Jan 14, 2023

Batman (2016) #53

Aug 15, 2018

Batman (2016) #62

Jan 10, 2019

Batman (2016) #68

Apr 11, 2019

Batman (2016) #82

Nov 6, 2019

With all the things left to tie-up, we get an overlong fight filled with posturing dialogue that all sounds the same. The big tie-in for the run is batman yelling "I'm gonna break your damn back" which is funny because he said it so much in I Am Suicide that they edited a lot of it out for the trade!!! Tom King uses Bane as his Big Bad for 80+ issues and doesn't even get the core of the character! This is just utter nonsense and filler, but it's what I have come to expect from King.

Batman (2016) #84

Dec 4, 2019

Another issue trying to retroactively show that there was always a story here when it is obvious that King was too lazy to do anything of the sort and needed these last dozen or so issues to cover his own tracks. We were supposed to get the answers to Thomas Wayne, but I guess it's the questions that King didn't understand, namely, how was there a Flashpoint timeline for him to come from and why wasn't he dead there? Having the Button story happen isn't the explanation, that is just the first time we asked the same question. Plus, pushing this idea that Batman knew what happened in the Gift with Booster Gold is just wrong and it's the second time it's been brought up as a key point in the story. Batman didn't go with Booster and thus never saw what happened in that alt-Gotham!!! Also, we go through round 3 of "whose plan was it anyway" and I want out! Thank god we have only one issue left because this run is full of lazy, uninspired writing that doesn't hold up under any sort of look and it the fact this HACK has won Eisners just makes that award lesser. In conclusion, Tom King is just an awful writer, an even worse storyteller (which has to be why he keeps putting others' literature and poems in his stories), and a 100% hack who has barely written one story in 84 issues and even stolen one on the way

Batman (2016) #85

Dec 18, 2019

Tom king is always writing h8mself into multiple corners and this is usually how it all ends... forced conclusions at best, but mostly important things are overlooked to make way for fan service nonsense. He had 15 issues to tie up his run and wound up treating it like a kid who doesn't want to take time to study for a final just thinking they can fake your way through it. Well, he failed. BIG TIME

Batman (2016) #113

Sep 25, 2021

Nothing keep happening in this main book

Batman (2016) #114

Oct 5, 2021

Can’t wait for tynion to be done. The lack of ideas and progression in this is staggering. We are told it’s a huge experiment by the Scarecrow and Gotham city is on the brink of collapse yet all we get is multiple issues chasing down Peacekeeper-1 to get him more and more messed up. 7 issues have gone by with tie-ins and that’s what we’ve gotten. Oh yea, miracle Molly is the savior and figures out what’s going on because Batman can’t do anything right according to tynion. Please get a Batman writer who actually likes Batman on this book!

Batman (2016) #115

Oct 19, 2021

Boring nothing of a story pawned off as an "Event". Batman is nothing but a bit player as Tynion tries to push his own characters before leaving DC

Batman (2016) Annual #4  
Batman / Catwoman (2020) #6

Aug 17, 2021

Same crap, different issue #

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #7

Sep 7, 2021

Nothing but fan fiction gone wrong. If this is the story that would have completed King;s run of Batman then I can see why he was kicked off the book. Plus, is this really what he thinks his fans want for Bat/Cat? Odd and confusing on all levels

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #8

Oct 19, 2021

Awful fan fiction-level writing that only makes the characters look weak and/or awful!

Batman / Catwoman (2020) #12

Jun 29, 2022

Tom king should do everyone a favor and stop writing comics!

Batman / Catwoman Collected

Dec 22, 2022

Who would put themselves through this awful story again?

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War (2023): Red Hood #1

Sep 26, 2023

Not Needed and bad!

Batman: Fortress (2022) #5

Sep 27, 2022

Nobody cares about this book! Gary Whitta is a joke and might be the only one who can write a Batman book that doesn't sell!!! He should stick to writing screenplays that get rewritten by better writers!

Batman: Gotham Nights (2020) #6

May 27, 2020

A lame story with a moral twist that you could see coming 50 miles away and the wannabe Greg capullo art of bogdanovic

Batman: Killing Time (2022) #5

Jul 8, 2022

Suck a slog to get through - I thought King said this would be fun?!?

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1

Aug 18, 2022

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Two-Face #1

Sep 20, 2022

One bad read!

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Bane #1

Jan 19, 2023

These keep getting worse and worse

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): Clayface #1

Feb 21, 2023

the same tired cliches and tropes that reviewers somehow say are unique and new,

Batman: Secret Files (2021): Huntress #1

Jul 29, 2021

Tamaki needs to just write her non-superhero books which are good. She doesn't understand pacing and story in capes and tights stuff

Batman: Secret Files (2021): The Gardener #1

Nov 20, 2021

Calling this a Gardener issue is so misleading! It’s about Ivy and not much more, plus James a Tynion changes the whole origin of the 2 ivy’s set up in the Harley/Ivy mini-series only to shoehorn his character into the story

Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #23  
Birds of Prey (2020) #1  
Black Manta (2021) #1

Sep 7, 2021

What the hell did I just read???

Black Panther: Legends (2021) #2

Nov 19, 2021


Black Widow (2020) #10

Aug 26, 2021

Liked most of it, but so forced to have the antidote allow Lucy to not only keep her powers, but make sure they don’t kill her going forward!

Bloodline: Daughter of Blade (2023) #1  
Briar (2022) #1

Oct 2, 2022

This book is boring, awfully paced and just a slog of a read! Listen reviewers, you don’t get extra fancy points for liking Cant(write)Well books - nobody but the 10 shills here are even going to read this and if you want proof - look for his name on any sales charts - here is a tip… start at the bottom!

Cable (2020): Reloaded #1

Aug 25, 2021

Another Al Ewing Book where an editor needed to step in and keep him on track, especially as a Last Annihilation story! Long-winded and over-narrated, this has some good art, but for a book full of action, was a real chore to get through! For 90s Cable fans only IMO

Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022) #4

Sep 8, 2022

Why is every writer embarrassed to write Steve Rogers? I know it's always been politically tinged, but can we just have a good versus evil story without the writers apologizing for everything bad that has happened in America? Maybe just start with something basic and get to the heavier things later

Captain America: Symbol of Truth (2022) #8  
Carnage (2022) #5

Aug 25, 2022

Just an unfocused and boring book. I know a book like this isn’t going to have a lot of characters to root for, but at least make them slightly interesting!

Carnage (2022) #7

Jan 1, 2023

Carnage (2022) #8

Jan 1, 2023

Catwoman (2018) #22

Jun 2, 2020

Catwoman (2018) #48

Oct 19, 2022

Tina Howard is a bad writer who doesnt understand Selina - that is a very bad combo!

Catwoman (2018) #53

Mar 22, 2023

Please get a new writer fpr Selina!

Catwoman (2018) #54

Apr 19, 2023

Just an awful, awful run!

Champions (2020) #8

Jul 15, 2021

Overly wordy with nothing to say

Checkmate (2021) #1

Jun 28, 2021

Checkmate (2021) #3

Aug 24, 2021

Another nothing issue of a book that nobody cares about! This is what we get from Bendis at DC Comics and it's just sad

Checkmate (2021) #5

Oct 26, 2021

Why does this book even exist? It's boring all the way around, barely tells a story and is just plain awful! Stop the madness DC and cut ties with Bendis before he brings the whole company down with his nothingness!

Crush & Lobo #3

Aug 3, 2021

Crush & Lobo #4

Sep 7, 2021

Great art, nothing story

Crush & Lobo #5

Oct 9, 2021

One of the worst books DC is putting out and the sales #s show it! Utter failure!

Danger Street (2022) #2

Jan 11, 2023

People praise King for writing obscure characters, yet don't understand the irony - he does it because then he can write them out of character and force them into his crap stories and only the handfull of readers even know. People praise King until he writes their favorite character and then they understand. Don't believe me, ask Wally West fans!

Danger Street (2022) #7

Jul 11, 2023

Daredevil (2022) #8

Feb 16, 2023

This book should have ended instead of coming back with a new #1

Dark Ages (2021) #1

Sep 3, 2021

A decent start, but I need more before I can say this just isn't DCeased all over again for the first time here at Marvel.

Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League (2022): Green Arrow #1

Oct 13, 2022

Stephanie Phillips is an awful storyteller and while a one-shot usually forces a bad writer to buckle down and have their story have a concise beginning, middle and end, she meanders about with concepts but never gets any sort of real plot going. Plus, the fourth-wall breaking narrator was not needed, especially when the cliffhanger reveal is an eye-roller! Phillips is one of the worst writers at DC right now, but unfortunately, that is a pretty long list nowadays!

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #1

Jun 21, 2022

A boring story that unfortunatley is one of the first Dark Crisis Tie-Ins so hopefully it doesn't scare people off

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #2

Jul 19, 2022

Fitzmartin doesn't know these characters at all!

Dark Crisis: Young Justice #4

Sep 20, 2022

How can anybody read this and think it's a good depiction of these characters?

Dark Knights of Steel (2021) #10

Apr 1, 2023

This book feels like it’s become an afterthought and Taylor, and a lot of readers I’m sure, just want it to end.

DC Pride (2021): Tim Drake Special #1

Jun 14, 2022

My rating has nothing to do with sexuality and all to do with a poorly written story. It is not well written! So many reviewers will use this one to virtue signal that it isn't even funny!

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #4

Oct 20, 2022

It’s rare to have a comic that is this much of an unreadable mess!

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #6

Dec 23, 2022

worthless tie-in that never seemed to figure out what it wanted to do

DCeased: War of the Undead Gods #7

Mar 24, 2023

This issue feels like a “wrap it up and let’s get this over with” deal. It’s bad enough that the story is told in an over-narrated way, but big thing just happen and some of them are just eye rolling. Taylor should have stopped all this while he was ahead because this is a dud.

Deadpool (2022) #1

Nov 4, 2022


Deadpool (2022) #3

Feb 3, 2023

Everything Wong touches turns to crap!

Deadpool (2022) #5

Mar 31, 2023

Thank god this boring story is over, but alas, Alyssa Wong is still writing the book! This book has no hype or buzz whatsoever and will probably be ending after this next arc is done.

Defenders (2021) #1

Aug 12, 2021

What a complete slog to get through! Leave it to Al Ewing to take a book that everyone gets excited about and turn it into a complete vanity project that seems only to exist to stroke his own ego. This is yet another example of Ewing with no editorial restraints and it is far from good and far from readable! People may love the Immortal Hulk bit that one surprise hit is going to be responsible for churning out this sort of crap for years to come!

Detective Comics (2016) #1038

Jun 28, 2021

Detective Comics (2016) #1059

Apr 26, 2022

I am so glad that Tamaki only has a couple of months left on Detective and Sina Grace should never write Gotham Girl again!

Detective Comics (2016) #1060

May 24, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1063

Aug 23, 2022

Cringe dialogue that sounds like a middle schooler's idea of "dark poetry" and a story that, like all of Ram V's stories, will concentrate on minor characters than his main character and will have half of the plot unexplained by the end. Ram V is the newest in the line of writers who are elevated just because - the last one was Tom King

Detective Comics (2016) #1065

Oct 25, 2022

Awful pacing, hardly any batman and when we get him, it doesn’t feel like him anyway!

Detective Comics (2016) #1067

Dec 29, 2022

Continues to be a boring, slog of a read

Detective Comics (2016) #1070

Mar 28, 2023

I think this story will go on for at least 30 years before we get anything going - a book with the slowest story progression decides to take up time introducing a new team for Ram V's mini????

Detective Comics (2016) #1073

Jun 29, 2023

Not only is Ram V boring, but he obviously hates Batman and has no interest in writing Batman!

Detective Comics (2016) #1074

Sep 26, 2023

You would hope that a two-month break would get Ram V more focused to tell a more cohesive story - nope, just the opposite happens! Ram V doesn't care about giving readers any real story progression, which is why that if you insist on reading this, wait for the trades

Detective Comics (2016) #1079

Jan 27, 2024

Detective Comics (2016) #1080

Jan 27, 2024

Detective Comics (2016) #1081

Jan 27, 2024

Edge of Spider-Verse (2022) #4

Sep 22, 2022

Does anyone even care about this junk anymore?!?

Empyre: Avengers #0  
Event Leviathan #3

Feb 28, 2020

Event Leviathan #6

Nov 12, 2019

Seriously???? There was no reason for this "Event" except for Brian Michael Bendis to force a character nobody cares back and into his Super books and use this bullshit of a story to make Superman want to reveal his identity! We were told that the two greatest Detective Squads were on the case, but there never was a case and thus nothing for them to do but stand around and talk in out of character ways! Brian Michael Bendis sucks and he is sucking the life out of DC Comics!!!! Actually, Tom King is his partner in crime - Batman, Superman, Action Comics, Heroes in Crisis and now this. I am ashamed to be a DC Comics fan.

Excalibur (2019) #5

Jun 7, 2020

A convoluted and uninteresting mess

Fantastic Four (2022) #2

Dec 12, 2022

I see so many people saying this is good because it’s something that John Byrne did on FF. First off, that just saying that it’s not original at all. Secondly, Ryan North isn’t and will never be John Byrne!!! This is another nonsense issue in a run that probably won’t reach 10 issues!

Fantastic Four (2022) #4

Feb 15, 2023

not good

Flash (2016) #753

May 6, 2020

I think this entire run has gone 40+ issues too long. Each new issue and arc feels like a repeat of what we got before with only minor differences thrown in to fool the people who keep saying this whole thing is great. In my opinion, it's not great at all, but just middle of the road storytelling at best. This issue we get Reverse Flash and Barry and though Williamson seems to think this will be a big WOW moment, there isn't much going on to progress the story and feels ho-hum overall. The art is great, though, but that can't carry it alone and in the end, this is just another mediocre installment to a mediocre run. Sales have been dipping in the months prior to the shutdown and it's obvious why.

Flash (2016) #754

May 26, 2020

Just another issue with things happening without explanation, but what can you expect from this series any more? Add to that, a huge editorial screwup that YourGreenMuse already pointed out and I just need Williamson's run to end!

Flash (2016) #773

Aug 21, 2021

Just a good book with a classic feel and heart through and through

Flash (2023) #1

Sep 26, 2023

Flash (2023) #6

Feb 29, 2024

Flash (2023) #9

Jun 1, 2024

awful issue, awful run!

Future State (2021): Justice League #2  
Gold Goblin (2022) #2

Dec 28, 2022

Cantwell drones on and on and just makes Norman a one-dimensional simp with his heavy handed writing! It’s obvious now how Norman will return to being Green Goblin, it’s just a matter of when.

Gold Goblin (2022) #4

Feb 17, 2023

Green Lantern (2018): Season Two #3

May 6, 2020

Another one-shot issue that will likely tie-in to everything by the end, but I am sick of having to wait a year to have anything make sense and mean something in this series. Morrison is a legend who gets to do what he wants, but that doesn't mean I have to like it and I haven't liked this Second Season at all. In fact, I didn't like the Black Stars interlude much and wonder why I am still reading. I guess it's the art and the car wreck nature of seeing what the hell Morrison will and won't do next. Lately, he WILL confuse the reader, and WON'T tell a seamless and coherent overall story. Liam Sharp can be commended for the effort of a painted issue here, but I'd rather have his regular art and it was a jarring change.

Grim (2022) #4

Aug 25, 2022

Don’t believe the hype - Stephanie Phillips is one of the worst comic book writers in the business today!

Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) Annual #1

Aug 6, 2021

A 3-page joke that goes on for nearly 30! Plus, this is a mini event going on and this joke of an issue (word play!) makes everything less. I am done with the Infinite Destinies story with this issue and Al Ewing is 100% to blame!

Harley Quinn (2016) #72

May 12, 2020

Humphries is busy telling awful jokes and making Harley unrecognizable to real fans and never tells a full story. We get it, Harley's mom died! You don't have to remind us every single issue, but since it's the only thing he's done in all these issues, it keeps coming up. This book just is not fun which is a sin for a Harley book.

Harley Quinn (2016) #73

Jun 9, 2020

Awful, awful, awful!

Harley Quinn (2021) #13

Mar 23, 2022

Awful fan fiction

Harley Quinn (2021) #15

May 28, 2022

Stephanie Phillips started out ok on this book, but it just sucks now! She tries to combine goofy Harley who keeps bringing up tired jokes with smart Harley narration and both fail miserably, especially when combined. Get Stephanie Phillips off this and every other DC book PLEASE!!! BTW, Phillips likes to wear the "You killed Comics" as a badge of honor, but you might also want to try writing some good ones in the mean time!!!!! Remember, sometimes people hate your work because it's just not very good!

Harley Quinn (2021) #18

Aug 5, 2022

Just awful! Why do we get this crap run for Harley’s 25th anniversary?

Harley Quinn (2021) #19

Aug 12, 2022

This garbage is what we get for Harley’s 25th birhday?

Harley Quinn (2021) #21

Aug 24, 2022

With everything at WB getting cancelled, the person who greenlit this book (which was selling poorly) to be weekly should get fired ASAP! Please, things have to change at DC and while Stephanie Phillips isn't the worst writer on the current roster, she might be in the bottom 5.

Harley Quinn (2021) #24

Nov 26, 2022

Garbage fan fic

Harley Quinn (2021) #25

Dec 30, 2022

Nothing issue from a nothing run- but DC claims it’s epic… what surprise

Harley Quinn (2021) #26

Jan 27, 2023

Can’t wait until this run is done!

Harley Quinn: The Animated Series (2021): Legion of Bats! #6

May 11, 2023

One of THE worst books coming out right now written by one of the most toxic writers of all time. They twist compliments around to be insulting and always play the victim no matter what.

Hawkgirl (2023) #1

Jul 18, 2023

I thought this was a Hawkgirl book?

Hawkgirl (2023) #3

Sep 21, 2023

Best issue of the series

Heroes In Crisis #7

Mar 28, 2019

What about the Puddlers?

Heroes In Crisis #8

Apr 24, 2019

Heroes In Crisis #9

May 28, 2019

Just awful! I know some will say I’m missing the point but you can’t just have people hug at the end and claim it’s about healing. Wally was forced into this book then King had him do horrible things and ruined Rebirth once and for all. A hack job that made me look back at all of kings work and realize he isn’t as good as I once thought. My eyes are now opened!

Hulk (2021) #11  
Human Target (2021) #1

Nov 1, 2021

Supergirl is just Tom King ripping off True Grit and this is just D.O.A. Does Tom King not realize that people have also seen these movies. Oh yea, when he is called out on it, he will just say it's an homage! Bull!!!

Human Target (2021) #6

Mar 27, 2022

It seems like more people are here defending the book than are actually buying it! Looking at the sales rankings, it seems a lot more people are getting tired of Tom King's one-trick storytelling. This issue continues the Tom King fetish of writing awful characters in awful situations, possibly for his own twisted fantasies. Guy isn't the worst part, it's Chance and Ice watching a "Guy" die, getting turned on by that, and going off to have sex. There isn't a likable character in the series and Smallwood is wasted at times drawing 9-panels of a ringing phone. Just seeing people praise King as one of the best writers out there shows you everything you need to know about the state of comics today!

Human Target (2021) #11

Jan 28, 2023

I Am Batman (2021) #0

Aug 13, 2021

I know most are just yelling, “Bruce is Batman”, but that’s not my problem here. My problems are this is obviously just a couple of chapters of Second Son shoved together to make a #0 issue for a new print book. The art is obviously Digital First quality (same artist as digital second son book) and the storyline just continues from Second Son without barely a mention. So many people will be so confused thinking they can just jump into this book without prior knowledge. My other problem is that the story is not very good and continues the trend of John Ridley struggling to write anything that isn’t boring overall. I don’t mind someone other than Bruce being Batman (loved Dick Grayson as Batman and am a fan of batman beyond) but it has to be good and this isn’t.

Iron Man (2020) #10

Jul 15, 2021

Cantwell is Tom King-lite over at Marvel where he uses the concept of inner demons, personal discovery, and the man behind the mask, but never makes it work more than on the surface and often uses Deus Machina to make it work, if we are luck! Instead of seeing a depowered Iron Man (which so many reviews claim we get), he powers up with bio-energy from an ancient broken-down relic. Just plug-and-play energy! Get this, Cantwell shows Tony has addiction issues but only maybe down the line. He misses Patsy. but gets to talk to her telepathically, but she can't figure out where he is. And the big moment at the end of the book, Mr. Tech Tony Stark decides he likes this remote village on an unknown planet - after letting a bunch of people die because he is talking about not using his Uni-Beam, which he uses right after they get eaten. Way to go Tony!!! I just think he wanted the second in command's job and let her and the others die. Please stop with this idea that Cantwell is a genius writer doing things nobody has done because crappy comics have been around for a long time, and just saying that this is deeper and more personal doesn't make it so.

Iron Man (2020) #11

Aug 19, 2021

Christopher Cantwell continues to mimic Tom King’s Batman run with Tony “miserable man behind the mask” Stark not doing much while Patsy plays the “Cat” role and does all the heavy lifting. I am sure that when this is all said and done, Patsy will leave a broken hearted Tony behind to pick up the pieces.

Iron Man (2020) #12

Sep 17, 2021

Cantwell tries too hard to look smart most of the time and there are issues, like this one, that end up less when it becomes obvious that things haven’t been set up well enough. Very eye-rolling ending!

Iron Man (2020) #13

Oct 14, 2021

Score is all for Cafu art. This was a huge missed opportunity to make something out of all of this, but it landed with a thud!

Iron Man (2020) #21

Jul 26, 2022

So glad Cantwell is off this book, but what will the 7 fans of this book read and review each month now????

Iron Man (2020) #23

Oct 21, 2022

Same horrible writing - I can't wait until he is off this book and every book for that matter! Cantwell Cantwrite

Iron Man (2020) #24

Oct 21, 2022

I can never understand why people who seem to hate a character always seem to end up writing that character. And oh yea, Cantwell also Cantwrite

James Bond (2019) #1

May 21, 2020

Where is Bond? Where is anything interesting? Not here!

John Stewart: The Emerald Knight (2022) #1

Dec 29, 2022

Just a last example why this run was awful and cancelled

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #2

Nov 5, 2022


Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #3

Dec 10, 2022

This book is the typical Rosenberg mess - cool concept but crap delivery

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5

Feb 7, 2023

Nothing of a book with nothing at all going on - Rosenberg is a mid-writer at best and will be forgotten in a couple of years

Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7

Apr 4, 2023

Nothing is happening in this book except Matthew Rosenberg failing at being funny!

Justice League (2018) #44

May 12, 2020

I don't mind action and realize that with Venditti's time on the book limited, he isn't going to delve into a deep, long story, but this is nothing memorable. It's like a summer popcorn movie, you have enough fun while reading it not to be mad that you paid the price of admission, but you won't be thinking about it much once it's over.

Justice League (2018) #45

May 27, 2020

Venditti always gets back to having issues where nothing happens at all

Justice League (2018) #47

Jun 23, 2020

Justice League (2018) #63

Jun 28, 2021

Justice League (2018) #65

Jul 20, 2021

How can one of the most important books be this awful? It's so obvious that Bendis is using it to push his characters and other books. Everyone involved should be ashamed!

Justice League (2018) #66

Aug 3, 2021

Justice League (2018) #68

Sep 29, 2021

The 2 points are for the Justice League Dark, which isn't great, but at least something happens

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #3

May 11, 2022

So bad, plus it feels like an afterthought that is left behind by the rest of the dcu

Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) #5

Aug 25, 2022

Does anyone care about Gold Lantern and this book?

Justice League: Last Ride #4  
Knight Terrors (2023): First Blood #1

Jul 4, 2023

Not a good start to something that will shut down most of the DC books for the summer!

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

Bendis just making stuff up to fit his own narrative. Awful dialogue as usual, but good art. Totally skippable

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #2

Dec 19, 2019

Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) #6

Jun 9, 2020

More Bendis shit! Can he please retire and let somebody with talent write these books?!?!?!?

Lois Lane (2019) #10

May 12, 2020

This book is all over the place and this issue is no exception. I figured we'd get a more focused book as it is a limited series, but after 10 issues, it seems like Greg Rucka hasn't figured out what his main focus should be. That's not good with only 2 more to go! Mike Perkins tries some interesting things with the art, but I don't think it does the story any favors overall.

Lois Lane (2019) #11

Jun 9, 2020

What a waste of a series! one more issue to go and we will see if Rucka can pull a hail mary out of his ass!

Madballs vs. Garbage Pail Kids #1

Jul 21, 2022

who would have thought that a book with Garbage Pail Kids would be such trash? I guess just about everyone! Sholly Fisch is a nothing writer who writes nothing books that nobody reads and this is yet another. There is a reason that their are no reviews up until now - nobody is reading this book!

Marauders (2019) #10

May 27, 2020

Just the Emma scene alone makes this an awful pile of shit!!!

Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #4  
Masters of the Universe: Revelation #1

Aug 18, 2021

Awful first issue and comic in general. Tim Sheridan goes so over the top with dialogue and narration that I felt like I was being lectured at against my will! The art is ok but the story was just bad

Masters of the Universe: Revelation #2

Aug 18, 2021

I hated the first issue and so,how, this one was worse. Tim Sheridan needs to stop writing comics because he is not good at it!

Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #32

Nov 10, 2021

This arc was only here to waste time until Miles gets caught up in Beyond corp and ASM. This may be the worst resolution I’ve read in a while… don’t have enough time to complete bounty, so I will let you go and not tell you who wanted you either. So, Taskmaster, you did exactly nothing in this story except taking up space.

Moon Knight (2021) #16

Oct 27, 2022

This book looks great, but it goes through periods of boring exposition and that’s what we get in this issue. It sets ups things that could be good, but is a slog to get through in the here and now.

Moon Knight (2021) #19

Jan 16, 2023

Filler issue and really, Jed MacKay keeps getting praise for this book which hasn't been good for a while now. Yea, it's moody, but it's also dull.

Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #1

Oct 7, 2022

The series nobody asked for written by two writers nobody likes

Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #2

Jul 7, 2022

How is this book such a mess so soon?

Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #4

Oct 7, 2022

Multiversity: Teen Justice (2022) #5

Oct 7, 2022

Looks good, but the story is barely readable - Danny Lore and Ivan Cohen are two of the worst writers in comics right now!

Murderworld (2022): Avengers #1

Nov 20, 2022

It’s a Jim Zub book which means old-guy trying to be funny jokes, generic plot and characters lifted from something bigger and better (Squid Games among others here), too much dialogue and absolutely no hype or sales.

Murderworld (2022): Spider-Man #1

Jan 1, 2023

Murderworld (2022): Wolverine #1

Feb 3, 2023

Typical worthless Jim Zub book!

Namor: Conquered Shores (2022) #1

Oct 24, 2022

Another tedious slog of a read from Cantwell, but that isn't a shocker! It's a What If concerned with everything that isn't exciting and cool!

Namor: Conquered Shores (2022) #2

Dec 4, 2022

Another Cantwell butcher job

Namor: Conquered Shores (2022) #4

Jan 22, 2023

Naomi: Season Two #2

Apr 12, 2022

Nobody cares about this series, the character, or the television series. Speculators hoped for another Miles or Riri and ended up with nothing even close

Naomi: Season Two #5

Jul 14, 2022

Dc might have finally admitted they jumped the gun on this failure after the show cancellation and this mess of a “season 2”

New Mutants (2019) #31

Oct 31, 2022

Cringe writing

Nightcrawlers (2023) #3

Apr 23, 2023

Simon "I wish I was Grant Morrison" Spurrier has struck again! I am so glad he is doing more at DC coming up so maybe they can get someone better on the x-books!

Nightwing (2016) #82

Jul 20, 2021

Another writer changing things by making someone a peoce of crap! No thanks!!!

Nightwing (2016) #97

Oct 17, 2022

Nubia: Queen of the Amazons #1

Dec 20, 2022

Awful book by writers who don't know the character they are writing

Nubia: Queen of the Amazons #2

Jul 7, 2022

Just boring

Outsiders (2023) #5

Mar 13, 2024

Lanzing and kelly are wannabes who, instead of developing their own style, seemingly pick out of a hat who they want to try to ape with each book they do! If you don’t believe me, sit and really try to describe their style without saying stuff like “well, that book felt kinda like they were trying to be (insert past great writer here)” At least they pick Warren Ellis here, but if you are going to try to imitate the best writer your source material has had, you have to do a better job or else why not just read the far superior original? Everything they write is bland and generic which is a crazy juxtaposition to whom they are trying to be - Morrison, Ellis, Moore… the art is ok, but wasted on this issue and series that nobody cares about, talks about or will remember a week after it is canceled!

Poison Ivy (2022) #4

Sep 9, 2022

This was expanded from 6 issues to 12 and after 4 issues, it's a good thing they did that because barely anything has happened!

Poison Ivy (2022) #8

Jan 10, 2023

Something happened with this book to go from a dark story to this drivel. We are supposed to care about a woman whose only character work is that she has a tumor on her liver and needs surgery, but she doesn't want Ivy to take out her evil boss because she will lose her health insurance?!? So, Ivy calls in some favors to get her the surgery, so it was ok to take the bad boss down. What about the people last issue who told Ivy they need their jobs to support themselves and their families? The problem is, normally Ivy would take down the evil owner and move on and it wouldn't be an issue, but G Willow wanted to put in commentary about how good people accept bad things because they have to, but then lets it all fall apart by the end.

Power Girl (2023) #5  
Punisher War Journal (2022): Blitz #1

Jun 23, 2022

No story and awful dialogue

Reptil (2021) #3

Jul 22, 2021

This may be the worst-written book in comics right now, but it IS the worst-selling book at Marvel!

Reptil (2021) #4

Oct 5, 2021

This book is poorly written while also being way over-written as well!

Rogue & Gambit (2023) #1

Mar 7, 2023

Lazy writing that is so out of character

Rorschach (2020) #11

Aug 10, 2021

Rorschach (2020) #12

Sep 14, 2021

Savage Spider-Man (2022) #2

Mar 24, 2022

I thought that Non-Stop Spider-Man was bad, but this is even worse!

Second Coming #1

Oct 2, 2023

Second Coming #6

Oct 2, 2023

Secret Invasion (2022) #3

Jan 6, 2023

Ryan North is writing two crap books at Marvel right now, but this is the worst one

Spectacular Spider-Man (2003) #1  
Spider-Punk (2022) #1

Apr 8, 2022

Cody Ziglar seems to be writing a punk book that is more early rap mixed with lame! The biggest punk thing in the book is Riri has a whiteboard/poster that says Punk Rulez! The most non-punk thing ever! Plus, with a chance to establish Spider-Punk and his Earth, he is busy somehow thinking that calling their base the "Spider-Base"???? He even references it again as if it is some sort of clever joke. Spoiler - It isn't! The art has its own style (though again, it's more of an 80s graffiti-style with dayglo colors than anything that screams out "punk"), but the dialogue and character work are awful. Avoid!

Spider-Punk (2022) #3

Jul 13, 2022

Cody Ziglar is not even close to being a good comic book writer! He isn't even close to being just ok

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #24

Sep 30, 2022

This book continues to get worse as Alyssa Wong wastes time trying to tell a story nobody but her cares about!

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #28

Feb 3, 2023

I saw some others saying that Aphra is barely missed in this issue, but it’s because Wong has written a terrible version of her and newer readers who haven’t read the prior series will have no idea what makes her so great!

Star Wars: Hidden Empire (2022) #2

Dec 9, 2022

Pretty boring so far

Strange Adventures (2020) #2

Jun 19, 2020

Strange Adventures (2020) #12

Oct 14, 2021

Tom king is loved until he writes your favorite character because he will destroy them before he is done

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

Aug 3, 2021

What a surprise! azzarello seems to want to please those who miss all the sexism, ultra-violence and controversy in comics, but never brings much else nowadays. There are plenty of better suicide squad books to spend money on, but also just better comics in general. He is another writer, like Bendis, whose time has come and gone and just hasn’t realized it yet.

Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum (2024) #1  
Supergirl (2016) #41

May 27, 2020


Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #4

Sep 21, 2021

Tom King doing what he does best - proving he knows nothing about the characters that he writes and destroying them all the same!

Superman (2018) #17

Nov 13, 2019

Time for the truth, but you have to wait until next month! Seriously, the gall Bendis and Dc have to end Event Leviathan with a non ending and on the same day try to trick people into buyong this garbage, nothing of an issue? Besides awful dialogue not following any continuity, what goes on in a Bendis book????? I'd usually wait for the trade but 6 issues is not enough time for him to start a story. I wish writers got paid an amount equal to their story progression because that might light a fire under their asses! DC commited a classic blundet by hiring a name without looking at recent output. That gets sports GMs fired, but DC must think nothing is wrong. SPOILER ALERT - ALMOST EVERYTHING IS WRONG!!!!!! START ACTING NOT REACTING BECAUSE YOU ARE ALWAYS BEHIND THE CURVE ON THESE THINGS AND YOU ARE FAILING!!!!!

Superman (2018) #32

Jun 28, 2021

Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) #6

May 27, 2020

Bad ending to a promising start

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #12

Jun 14, 2022

Another boring issue with almost no story progression!

Superman: Space Age (2022) #2

Sep 27, 2022

Superman: Space Age (2022) #3

Feb 20, 2023

Suprise Suprise - Mark Russell doesn't stick the landing!

Superman: Up In the Sky #3

Sep 29, 2023


Swamp Thing (2021) #6

Aug 3, 2021

Swamp Thing (2021) #16

Jan 1, 2023

Tales from Earth-6: A Celebration of Stan Lee #1

Dec 29, 2022

100% cash grab that shows why the Stan Lee Just Imagine stuff never caught on in the first place and exposes the awful "talent" that DC Comics calls writers these days.

Task Force Z (2021) #12

Oct 1, 2022

This series was a complete mess to the point where it's hard to even come up with what the main story was even about

Teen Titans (2016) #41

May 27, 2020

Not good at all!

Teen Titans Academy (2021) #14

Apr 26, 2022

Awful issue of an awful series

Thanos (2023) #3  
The Infected: Deathbringer #1

Dec 4, 2019

100% garbage. There is no reason to buy this. Zoe Quinn is an awful writer and I wonder when this madness will end and they hire someone who can actually write a decent story to replace this crap. Writing lots of words doesn't mean you have anything to say and by the end, we are left with an issue that will be forgotten by this weekend.

The Spectacular Spider-Men (2024) #1  
The United States of Captain America #4

Sep 23, 2021

A nothing book that nobody cares about and while I know that comic books have fought for social justice and have been political through most of their existence, it can be done in a subtle way or in a way that those who don’t care for politics can still enjoy them. This book is not subtle at all, but doesn’t have anything new to say for itself, it’s just Cantwell trying to virtue signal on every damn page. There is nothing beyond that, so it all falls flat!

Thunderbolts (2022) #3

Oct 31, 2022

Jim Zub is 100% the definition of Mid! Just his name on the cover means it won’t sell and will be forgettable by the end! “Jim Zub is my favorite writer!” - a phrase never once said or heard!!!

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #1

Sep 27, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #2

Oct 25, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #4

Dec 29, 2022

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #5

Jan 27, 2023

Story is a mess

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #6

Mar 1, 2023

Just avoid it like most other readers

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #7

Mar 31, 2023

There is so much wrong with this issue from Bernard being a Physics-Biology-Chef, to the lack of any sort of setups to what is going on with Firefly and Phobia to the fact that it appears that Bernard and Tim just walk away from a burning restaurant with people still inside, including Bernard's parents. Fitzmartin just makes things happen because they suddenly need to happen and ruins what could have been a cute date night with Tim and Bernard.

Tim Drake: Robin (2022) #10

Jun 28, 2023

Titans United: Blood Pact (2022) #6

Feb 24, 2023

This mini actually started out pretty good, but boy did it end with a thud! cavan scott seemed to paint himself into a corner that he couldn’t get out of without using magical mcguffins and nonsense

Trial of the Amazons (2022) #2

Apr 30, 2022

This ending showed that there was never much story to begin with! There weren't ever any real trials and things just happen to happen to keep Nubia as Queen. It's nice to unite the 3 tribes, but they didn't need to have an "event" to do what was just the right thing to do. Plus, setting up the Anki people and Ultuum for nothing felt odd.

Trial of the Amazons: Wondergirl #2

Apr 23, 2022

Seriously? One more issue left in whatever this “Trial” is supposed to be and we got a prolonged “hang in the parlor while the detective reveals the murderer” moment that fails to give any sort of motive and the clues are nothing a reader could have guessed or have played along with? This could have all been done in two pages and left some space for what is supposed to be the big event - The Trial!

Trinity Special (2024) #1  
Ultimate Invasion (2023) #4

Sep 27, 2023

Boring, overwritten slog that was too expensive and didn’t need to exist - just reboot the Ultimate Universe and get to it

Venom (2021) #13

Nov 20, 2022

Venom (2021) #16

Feb 2, 2023

What If...Miles Morales #4

Jun 17, 2022

The writing in this issue is cringe-worthy and full of offensive stereotypes. This series is bad but this issue is just awful.

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #1

Nov 8, 2022

Such a confusing start to what is bound to be Mathew Rosenberg's latest bomb!

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #3

Jan 10, 2023

WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #4

Feb 16, 2023


WildC.A.T.S. (2022) #11

Sep 26, 2023

Wonder Girl (2021) Annual: 2022

Sep 3, 2022

Waste of a character

Wonder Woman (2016) #83

Dec 22, 2019

I was looking forward to Steve Orlando being back on this book (I love G Willow as a writer, but even she admitted numerous times she never got the voice of WW down), but after an issue that seemed to point to things getting back to a Rucka/Rebirth feel, this is just garbage. Adding Silencer in made no real sense which is bad, but Orlando doesn't even get her powers right! Plus, the whole thing was crushed under awful dialogue and a story that went against the narrative of the last issue and just was there to get to the cliffhanger that should have just happened months ago. There really is nothing worth reading here and the amount of reviews just shows the sorry state that Wonder Woman has found herself in.

Wonder Woman (2016) #754

May 18, 2020

So much wasted space

Wonder Woman (2016) #756

Jun 7, 2020

Everyone stands around talking about what they've been talking about for issues and issues, only to show that none of that really matters as Warmaster and her crew and Diana and Donna do what we always knew they were going to do anyway!

Wonder Woman (2016) #757

Jun 17, 2020

Really???????? After all that and the ending is the Phantom Stranger showing up out of nowhere?????????

Wonder Woman (2016) #774

Jun 28, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #775

Jul 15, 2021

Wonder Woman (2016) #779

Sep 14, 2021

What a complete nothing of an ending to a 10 issue story!

Wonder Woman (2016) #787

May 10, 2022

Reads like awful fan fiction. Tell me you nothing about DC Comics and it’s characters without telling me…

Wonder Woman (2016) #788

Jun 14, 2022

Cloonan and Conrad need to be taken off this book! They seem to be writing this as a parody of toxic-maledom, but it just comes off as forced and silly. It's not like Dr. Psycho isn't already the worst, but they try too hard to push the trope that it ends up coming off silly. They have set up an interesting villain team, they just don't do anything with it.

Wonder Woman (2016) #789

Jul 12, 2022

This is an all-time low for Wonder Woman!

Wonder Woman (2016) #791

Sep 17, 2022

Wonder Woman (2016) #792

Oct 11, 2022

Wonder Woman deserves better than this crap! Cloonrad is awful and shouldn't be allowed to write any comics, let alone an iconic character like Diana

Wonder Woman (2016) #793

Nov 12, 2022

Cookie cutter fill-in issue that continues to prove that Cloonan and Conrad have no clue how to write the characters in the DCU, including their main on Wonder Woman! Just grabbing obscure characters from the cartoons or silver age means nothing if you do nothing with them!!!!

Wonder Woman (2016) #794

Dec 18, 2022

Complete and utter nonsense! This Milk crap was never good and has gone on way too long and the issue is just dull! DC needs to get these clowns off of Wonder Woman - there is a reason it's the lowest-selling book of all the ongoings - It stinks!

Wonder Woman (2016) #795

Jan 14, 2023

This book continues to be boring, even with tons of fighting, and it just feels small overall.

Wonder Woman (2016) #798

Apr 19, 2023

A bad issue, a bad event tie-in and a bad series! Cloonrad are almost done their reign of boredom!

X-Corp (2021) #4

Aug 18, 2021

So boring! One of the worst books from Marvel at the moment

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) #1

Aug 18, 2021

Leah Williams is one of the worst writers! She can't write dialogue, yet writes way too much of it!!!!

X-O Manowar: Unconquered #1

Mar 25, 2023

If Liam Sharpe's art is enough for you than it's worth it. Great art - Bad writing

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

Dec 21, 2019

Actually, just commenting on the Crime Syndicate. Since when did Johnny Quick and Power Ring switch voices? Power Ring is always afraid (opposite of willpower) and Johnny is a trash talking jerk. What gives here?

Yondu (2019) #1

Nov 6, 2019

Utter Crap!!! This book will be one of the worst sellers within 3 issues. Those reviewers giving this an 8 are hacks and just trying to suck up to Marvel!!!

Young Justice (2019) #12

Jan 10, 2020

This is why people hate Bendis! Instead of ever giving a solid story or answers as to why the characters that people love are even together, the book becomes a vehicle to push his Wonder Comics line. If readers wanted the Wonder Twins or Dial H, their solo books would not be on the bottom of the DC sales charts! Naomi is popular enough, but I'm guessing fans of the character would rather get Season Two of her solo book (and possibly some character progression) than appearances in every Bendis book that always end up being a recap of her 2 days (?!?!) since getting her still up in the air powers! Bendis speak os in full effect here and it appears he is setting up a fight between the Legion book as to which can jam the most characters and dialogue on a page at once. Unfortunatley, the loser in that battle is the reader and believe me, it's a battle to wade through this nonsense! John Timm's art is very good, but it gets lost is all the confusion that has sadly become par for the course in a Bendis book!!!

Young Justice (2019) #13

Feb 10, 2020

What can you say about a book that has the same problems each and every issue? Well, I guess you list them in hopes that someone at DC will wake up and do something about it! Bendis doesn't seem to ever want to focus on his core characters so this issue we get a recap of Warlord's origin which is fine, but why do I now know more about Warlord than 3/4 of the Young Justice team??? We get the usual Bendis speak - everyone talks exactly the same snd they fon't even listen to each other! The Wonder Twins and Impulse say they have to go to New Mexico and Wonder Girl agrees...to go to Nevada!! WTF???? Each character is stuck in a rut of repeating the one thing Bendis has for them - how many times is noami going to remind everyone she just got her powers? So, instead of developing his one dimensional characters, he adds more???? That and Oeming's art sticks out like a sore thumb! Love Mike Grell's art though. This book is just a waste!

Young Justice (2019) #15

Jun 16, 2020

Reviews for the Week of...



