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Not among the best comics (trough six issues) by King, wich raises the question of why he decided to take this comic, when he could easily keeps writing his brilliants limited series without been disturbed, and keeping his reputation intact. But, also, it is not a bad comic, altough the pace is slow and sometimes one is afraid that King maybe is making the same mistakes he made in his Batman run. Hope he's not. On the other side, the Trinity short story is brilliant.

This is so political! I love it.

Not great yet, but getting there.

It's a stepback with respecto issue 1.

Good, but not among Tom King finest works.

Not at the level of n.1, but still a good storie.

Wov. This is how you start a run.


One issue and I think is already the best Penguin story.

Can't wait for Tom King run.

Surprising great. Batman doing really detective work, and the Gotham Girl stary was is great too.

It is an ambicious story that it benefits so much when you read it in one volume, because of it's fractured structured. I understand what King tried to do here, but I don't think he accomplished it. Anyway, he's a great writer, one of the best, so it's worth the reading.

Amazing. The pace is so fluid, and the final! I wonder if this is set before War of Jokes and Ridlles.

Amazing start

Batman: One Bad Day (2022): The Riddler #1 Aug 17, 2022

Simply amazing. Best Supergirl comic by far.


The Clock King!!!! Amazing.

If your a father, this comic will break your heart.

Wow. I didn't expect that

Best justice league story since Darkseid War.

Amazing issue. Amazing serie


So great. But, what's the deal with the greeks gods?

My god!!

Great Start.

You have to read it twice, but maybe be the best issue so far.

Well, I did not expect that eding. One of the best Supergirl stories ever.

So great

Greatest supergirl story ever?

So Great. One of best series right now.

What happened to Clay Mann?


Just perfect

The journey continues. The art is just unbelievable.

Amazing, really amazing first Issue.

Painfully masterpierce.

Touching, emotional and incredible art. ¿The best Supergirl story ever?

I didn't understand what happened, but I'm sure is a masterpiece.

So weird. What happens to Clay Mann?

Im a big fan of Tom King's work, but this story is not working, sadly. Claymann art, in other hand, is amazing.


Basically the best serie in DC right now (warning: to understand this issue you have to re-read the previous). Amazing.

Ona of the best comic books of the past five, maybe ten years.

Man, this is the best issue of the serie, so far.

Just two issues and this is already one of the best DC comics.

I think this is one of the best comics in the industry right now. It's to big.

Wow. This was something else. Tom King is triyng to redefine an old and secundary character, and this is a bold and fantastic start.

Really great, it get deeper in the mistery with every issue.

I'am a fan of most of King's work, but this serie is not working at all. Crearly he's triying some new narrative style but that made everything confusing and it ruins any drama o suspense. Clay Mann's art, however, is awesome.

Great, but, after number 10, crearly this serie it is not among Tom King's bets works.

One of the best comics roght now.

Frank Miller!!!! This is a masterpiece.

Idk why Tom Kink, usually great, choose this type of storytelling, in this series.

Good, but still confusing.

The Zdarsky story saves the issue.

So great!


Althought, I still dont know a hundred percent what's going on, the tone, the rythm of the serie, and it's use of mistery is just perfect.

´Good story, not a great one, but good.

Very good.

A good start.

I dont know where the series is going, but has good rhythm. Art's amazing

Nice fight, nice art

A good start

Once again, a great work by Greg Rucka

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