Sup3rsa1yan1990's Profile

Joined: Nov 05, 2019

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Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville (2023) #6 Feb 12, 2024

It’s the second issue and there’s still not one drop of payoff. At $5 an issue, i will not tolerate decompressed writing anymore

Another book wants to get “pOlItIcAl” AWESOME! Yet another book I can drop from my list and more money I can save! I hope the implosion comes sooner than later, the industry needs to die already

DC Power (2023) #1 Feb 6, 2023

I can hold the suspension of disbelief for a bit, but Batman re entering space with just his suit is crazy, still liked it, but was the ending an “it was all a dream” cop out?

That reveal…..😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Body positive Robin is a hilarious

Batman: Fortress (2022) #2 Jul 4, 2022

Black adam features psychopath diversity hire, Malik, who talks like a caricature from the 90s, who looks to replace him. Fuck this trash

Batman: Fortress (2022) #1 May 28, 2022
Naomi: Season Two #3 May 10, 2022
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #11 May 10, 2022
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #10 Apr 12, 2022
Nightwing (2016) #90 Mar 15, 2022
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #9 Mar 12, 2022
Captain Carter (2022) #1 Mar 9, 2022
Naomi: Season Two #1 Mar 9, 2022
Superman vs. Lobo (2021) #3 Mar 9, 2022

The immortal diversity (h)iron fist

The tumor known as bendis looks to be FINALLY exiting DC in the next few months. Since the only person that wanted him is gone (dan didiot), hopefully he can hit the road and never come back

Nightwing (2016) #89 Feb 15, 2022

It’s clear that DC can’t get rid of tom king,(only one who clearly saw anything in him was Dan didiot) so they are clearly keeping him in his own little corner and letting him do what he wants. It’s hilarious, so who cares let him run wild with his egomaniacal self impressed BS

One of the best JL stories I’ve read in a long time

Since the spawn’s universe one shot, the ENTIRE spawn line has been killing it. Buying every book and can’t get enough.

Decent story, good coming of age story for Robin., was interesting how they linked croc to Robin and showed him as a dark reflection of dick. Not a fan of the art. Watercolor doesn’t belong in a big two book

The only saving grace is the art. WTF joe Kelly??? Who the hell are those angel people? Left that out of the recap. And of my two favorite words “global warming”. Fuck this.

This series was perfect until this issue, Superman is lifting metropolis from falling, then there a flash and everything Is back to normal? Really disappointed. Good series overall and it captured the look and feel of the movies but the ending really fell flat

Welp, Tom Taylor managed to deliver the final death blow to one of the most beloved new characters in recent memory. Hope all that dopamine from all the virtue signaling was worth it, these sociopaths never learn the tried and true adage, “get woke, go broke”

This has got to be THE CRINGIEST cover I’ve ever seen. I just find this hilarious, Jon Is dead, so Tom Taylor (his co-murderer) can do whatever he wants with him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Seeing how this book is barely hanging on to the top 50 by the 8th issue, I’m curious to see how low it goes


Race baiting POS can go fuck himself

DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 May 18, 2021

The only things Dan slott is good at are being a short fat bald HIDEOUS gremlin

Children of the Atom (2021) #2 Apr 15, 2021

Writing dragged forever and just never seemed to end. Only good thing was the art

Mark Russell is a fucking loser

I’m a big fan of joe Kelly, but Chris bachalo’s art is absolutely atrocious, I can’t understand how he keeps getting work

WTF this issue was awful.....

Eat shit bendis, you untalented, waste of life

The Next Batman: Second Son #3 Mar 9, 2021

Maybe “the acclaimed writer of 12 years a slave” should make a sequel to “the acclaimed film 12 years a slave” and GTFO of comics

Bendis can go fuck himself

If there is EVEN IBE straight white male on this book, I will hound marvel comics on Twitter until the fire him and ruin his life until he is either homeless of suicidal!!! #YAzzzzzKWeeennnnn

Fuck Tom king

Future state and the new “writers” they brought in are dogshit

Future State (2021): Superman of Metropolis #2 Feb 2, 2021

Dumpster fire

Didn’t read this, didn’t need to. If it’s bendis, it’s shit, and he can go to hell

Mark Russell is a political ideologue with TDS. EVERYTHING he writes is political propoganda. Get out of comics already, you suck

Great to see that quality writers like tomasi, venditti and jurgens were dropped for losers like this

Of course the BLack screenwriter can ONLY write about black characters

Detective Comics (2016) #1017 Dec 19, 2019

Tom king is the worst writer of all time

Bendis is a loser

Will perpetua have an uncle from the future past of another multiverse in which Batman has planned for 7 years for this exact occurrence??

Didiot, you are a talentless hack, a void of infinite trash and nothingness. How dare you waste Shane Davis’s talents on your garbage

Portland hipster trash

Another home run from the amazing dan jurgens

Welp, guess it was fun. So fat neck beard al Ewing is having hulk fight climate change, billionaires, politicians. Just can’t keep his SJW trash out of the book, so BYE BYE

Bendis, you are trash, RETIRE

Superman (2018) #16 Nov 7, 2019

Just two more months and hopefully this trash will be retconned

Go to hell, bendis

Exactly what I expected from no talent fraud, Tini howard. Word vomit exposition dumps and horrendous pacing, couldn’t get though even 10 pages of this trash

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