James A 's Profile

Joined: Dec 06, 2019

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Overall Rating

Cabal’s art continues to captivate, Ewing continues to pull on heartstrings in ways that feel real, earned and genuine.

A perfect capstone to Aaron’s Thor run! It beautifully brings to a close the journey that began all those years ago with God of Thunder while at the same time brilliantly leaving things open for Cates to take off with Thor. Was it a little muddled in places? Sure but with Aaron you know what you’re getting into and the highs from this book far outweigh the lows.

To start with I find the Juan Cabal art to be just amazing, I could look at it all day. It’s dynamic, it’s bright, it’s striking and it really fits the story well. If you are a fan of the Guardians this first issue definitely feels like it was made for you, Ewing really starts off exploring the family dynamic the guardians are so famous for, and the slow introspective start really gets you invested from the get go. I will concede that if you are a new reader this might be a bit inaccessible but I highly recommend this to any fans of the Guardians. It also seems to be essentially a continuation of the the “No road home” weekly avenger run, which I might recommend reading to give a little context. Bonus it ends with the introduction to one of my all time favorite marvel characters so how can I not recommend?

Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) #1 Jul 28, 2021
Action Comics (2016) #1033 Jul 28, 2021

I’ve enjoyed the way that this book hasn’t shied away from really slowing down and examining things, now that being said the start of this issue may have taken that a hair too far. But overall I found it very enjoyable, Cabal is still killing it on the art and the end left me excited and wanting more.

It felt a tint but rushed but I love the way that Ahmed has allowed Miles to grow and become his own hero. The art is gorgeous and I look forward to where things go from here.

A promising start to a new arc. The art in this continues to blow me away, and Gillen’s story telling never ceases to grab you.

Really enjoyed this book, I like the way that Johnson portrays the dynamic between Jon and his dad. The set looked great especially the action sequences, though the faces were a little cartoonish. My one complaint is that I have not been hooked by the secondary stories at the end. Over all very enjoyable.

Taken alone it’s a great story that really resonated with me as a person with aging parents, I found it touching and heartfelt. My one complaint would be that it seems like a retread of the first issue of Johnson’s run on the Superman title.

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