Fury's Profile

Joined: Oct 14, 2020

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Overall Rating

Good start, missing McKelvie on art but Cresta does a nice job. Intriguing multiversal story. Not sure the hate thrown down on a title just starting but hey it’s fandom at its best. Solid work, looking forward next issue.

Briton “fuck those other races” and Merl “ shil of the incels” keep living the dream. What remarkable times we live in. Issue gets a 10 for uncovering the stain in the sheets.

Omg, Merlyn “ I hate coloreds, spics, chinks, and cunts” is an absolute dumpster fire! Never disappoints. His particular take, a superlative example of white incel diarrhea. I’m so here for it. Thanks, M. You get a 10 out of 10.

Enjoyed it. Art was exceptional.

Good stuff.

Loved this shit. Nice back end stories too.

Fun little series ramping up for the next twofer.

Good issue. Liking Walker, too smart to be a fucking republican. Probably likes beer too, m’man.

Nice book. Story and art wonderful. Looking forward to more social commentary.

Rachel Stott did a great job on art. Love me some N. Fury, just missed the stubble and stogie.

This creative duo is killing it.

I agree, good arc. Klein’s art excels at the brutal.

More woke shit

Dig the granddaughters. Good issue.

Black Panther (2021) #1 Jan 7, 2022
Black Widow (2020) #13 Jan 7, 2022
Captain America / Iron Man (2021) #1 Jan 7, 2022

Leave Mar-Vell dead for goodness sake.

Darkhold (2021): Omega #1 Jan 7, 2022
Devil's Reign (2021) #2 Jan 7, 2022
Phoenix Song: Echo #3 Jan 7, 2022

Enjoyable series. I’m reminded of Thomas and Buscema’s Red Wolf / Avengers tale which was groundbreaking for the early 70’s.

Some of the toxic garbage spewed by those who loudly whine about the “woke agenda” here reminds me of St Paul’s rejoinder “let us not suffer fools gladly”. Issue gets a 10 just for eliciting the basement responses.

The past few writers have been trying to create a WS/Hawkeye buddy cop vibe which just isn’t working for me. Way too forced. The characters deserve better here than casting them as the idiot savants. The art depiction of Winter Soldier is hilariously cartoonish. Otherwise a great series with great art, panel layout and coloring. Deserves a 10 if not for my previous observations.

While the art has been inconsistent at best, Acuna's issue 24 being the best, Coates' focus on Sharon and the Daughters is absolutely correct, and much needed. This issue continues her soliloquy and bears down on the Daughters, and on Peggy. At first I was put off by Peggy's reboot but in the context of the Daughters I'm settling into a nice vibe here ... especially with the Carter sisters. I believe this will stand the test of time, and cannot thank Coates enough for acknowledging previous iterations by Remender and Spencer. Tidying up their threads needed to be done. Looking forward to a meeting again with James and Nat here. The Black Widow's treatment by Spencer, and the following clone saga in TOS was ... well an abomination. No doubt Nat and James remain an integral partnership, and an important theme to Captain America. Looking forward to the next issue, feeling somewhat let down that this extended issue would have been better served with more of the current plot. Falcone and Cho's piece was lovely only somewhat misplaced in an arc that written by Coates by definition remains methodical.

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