VEGES's Profile

Joined: Feb 25, 2022

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DC vs. Vampires (2021) #5 Feb 25, 2022
DC vs. Vampires (2021) #6 Apr 4, 2022

Well this was a perfect low stakes "calm-before-the-storm" issue. I loved how all the characters are set, not jsut their external missions, but also their internal conflicts. I'm specially curious about Kara, who literally has the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet seems to be unconvinced and the story implies, via Ryan Choi, that there's something else in play. I also like that Barbara seems like it's going to be a bit more complicated than originally expected. And the rest is great too. The writer-artist combo are great at creating mood. I loved the humour at the beginning with the exploding vamp, the scene with Green Arrow and Black Canary. All in all, I loved this one :D

This issue is firing on all cilinders and it's just great. The characters are pitch-perfect. That "lone hunter" Green Arrow works like a charm and found his conversation with Grifter (nice cameo) pretty hilarious as does Damian finding the Birds of Prey at the end of this issue's cliffhanger. The pacing is great and each tale compliments the other, the dialogue works very well and I like they are keeping the intrigue and the emotional confrontations: the heroes have already lost and this series is *very* good at making you care whether they'll be able to gain something or simply succumb and join the horde. But what I loved the most was the Supergirl section. I really like how Kara and Steel are written in this, with John showing his paternal protection to keep her safe no matter what (even if he looks harsh towards others), I love that Kara is still a hopeful person and even after everything that's happened she still tries to talk with her enemies, I loved that reveal of who was under Black Manta's mask, that's exactly the kidn of emotional gut-punch this series excels at. And I loved its own cliffhanger.

This was very good again. This series is ending soon and it's been a wild ride. We finally get into Gotham. The little character moments packed with the dialogue, between Supergirl's team, Green Arrow and Hawkman and specially Barbara and Damian are just so very well done, it's a series that keeps you entertained just with those bits. But it also knows how to pack a lot of content in a single issue. The heavyhitters are distracted and we discover how Gotham functions. Green Arrow has surprising plan to save everybody. We find out Damian isn't necessarily that "good" perse, more interested in having revenge. Kara has found the way to get to space, now we'll see what opposition she might face and Barbara decides what limits she wants for herself in this fight and reveals her all-out atatck plan.

DC vs. Vampires Vol. 2 May 8, 2023
Immortal X-Men (2022) #1 May 8, 2023

I actually enjoyed that swerve a lot.

After what I thought was a bit of a haphazardly written end of the first arc and a good but otherwise forgettaable denoument in issue 6, we go back to this series and we get a very strong start of a new arc. The humour works well because it doesn't undercut the drama and drama works well precisely because it's contrasted with the colorful settting.

Loved the humour and the characters.

We go back to this macabre world and this chapter wastes no time in setting the new status quo, atmosphere, stakes (no pun intended) and objectives of our new main characters (who are immediately endearing). I love that Green Arrow priorizes saving people, Supergirl's mission is tied to her nature and family (I smell a confrontation down the line) and Barbara's is personal (even if she won't admit it to herself). The issue is smart in concentrating on a relatively small set of characters so as not to spread itself too thin. The vampire superheroes are delightful villains and I love everytime they appear on screen. The series overall has done a very good job keeping the tension of what's going to happen to who. This is frankly one of the better Alternative Universe stories DC has put in a long time.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #11 Nov 27, 2022

The main story has gotten strong. First time both the main story and the backup are pretty good.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #5 Nov 27, 2022

This was just incredibly, amazingly, stupidly (and it has its fair share of stupid) COOOL.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #1 Feb 25, 2022
DC vs. Vampires (2021) #2 Feb 25, 2022
DC vs. Vampires (2021) #3 Feb 25, 2022

Enjoyed this one-off quite a lot. Harley Quinn is a difficult character to write but I think they nailed the balance of showing her as a person who isn't heroic by any means but who isn't completely devoid of conscience either. I like evil-vs-evil stories so I liked the setting and I liked that the story was pretty low stakes (no pun intended) with most conforntations being emotional ones specially at the end. And I liked the twists. There was this one character whose voice I felt was a bit off at first, but it was actually foreshadowing a twist so nice. SO YEAH, loved the writing here. I take points away because of the artwork though. It wasn't very good to be honest and given how dark and low-key most of the story is I thought it was simply too bright and cartoonish (and frankly, not that good at that either, there are some pages in the middle that look much crispier).

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #1 Jul 24, 2022
DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #2 Aug 17, 2022
DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #3 Sep 27, 2022
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2020) #31 May 8, 2023
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #1 Feb 25, 2022
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #4 Nov 27, 2022
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #6 Nov 27, 2022
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #7 Nov 27, 2022

Enjoyed the reveal but I think the tone shift was too suddem.

BRZRKR #1 Feb 25, 2022
BRZRKR #2 May 8, 2023
BRZRKR #3 May 8, 2023
DC vs. Vampires (2021): Hunters #1 Jun 21, 2022

The backup was excellent as always, but the main story uneven.

Robin (2021) #8 Feb 25, 2022
Robin (2021) #11 Feb 25, 2022
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #2 Feb 25, 2022
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #3 Feb 25, 2022
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures (2021) #8 May 8, 2023
Robin (2021) #9 Feb 25, 2022
Robin (2021) #10 Feb 25, 2022

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