Philip Clark's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Dark Knight News, DC Comics News Reviews: 150
8.6Avg. Review Rating

Not only is King's writing at its absolute finest, but the artwork in this series matches the writing perfectly. De Latorre and Maiolo do a fantastic job at enhancing the reading experience by creating such an immersive world through their artwork.

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The Penguin #11 was yet another spectacular comic but, sadly, has the unfortunate pride of being the penultimate issue of this fantastic series. That's right folks, the next chapter will be the final one, so hold on to your hats because something tells me it's going to be a wild ride!

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I really enjoyed this short run, although I wish there were a little more to it. Maines does a very good job at giving us both a complete story, and a teaser of these characters, and she's co-writing Absolute Power: Ground Zero. Suicide Squad: Dream Team #4 wraps things up nicely in this arc while still leaving the door open to Dreamer's return.

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Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #5 is probably the best chapter of the entire series, in my opinion. it ties up all the threads from the previous issues, and if you look hard enough, you can even see previous scenes happening in the background of this one.

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The Penguin #10 is another fantastic offering from Tom King and the team. The pieces are being put into place, and now we ride it out until the end. It feels like we're in the home stretch and I'm excited to see how all the threads tie up.

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This series is getting stronger and stronger, with Suicide Squad: Dream Team #3 as the best of the bunch, so far. I'm looking forward to catching the next issue and seeing what else Nicole (Dreamer) Maines has in store for us!

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The issues keep getting stronger and Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #4 is no exception. There's definitely been a pattern to the last three issues and I'm curious to see if next month's chapter will continue it.

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Honestly, I don't know what more this creative team can do to make these issues any better. The Penguin #9 is by far the best of the bunch. Honestly, King is quickly cementing himself as one of my favorite comic writers, and this run is becoming one of my favorites.

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Suicide Squad: Dream Team #2 continues setting the scene for Maine's run, which so far is going well. I'm looking forward to seeing what she can bring to the story and seeing how, or if, the team will survive their missions.

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I can tell that this is going to be a series that will continue to grow and improve. I've already noticed an increase in confidence in the creative team from the first issue to this one; they're really finding their feet and starting to run. Hold onto your hats people, because we're going for a ride!

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I would honestly be okay if DC just gave King the helm to all of Batman's Rogues' Gallery and let him create stories like this for other villains that may be seen as a joke. A Mr Freeze series, or heck, even a Riddler run would be so cool to read! King and the team are putting out stellar comics each time, and every time I think the next chapter can't get any better it does!

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Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1 delivers a very solid start to the series. We get new characters, a new mission and the same old Amanda Waller. Things look very promising, and I'm really looking forward to more.

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Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #2 really shows things heating up and progressing quickly, which is great because I feel like that's exactly what Suicide Squad is and should be; an enjoyable, fast, high-action collection of one-liners.

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The Penguin #7 is another great issue. There aren't enough words for me to go on about how much King is bringing to this character. Just know this, if there's anything you do in 2024 as a comic book fan; whether you're a Batman or Penguin fan or not, it's to read this run. The man's a storytelling genius.

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Honestly, Suicide Squad: Kill Arkham Asylum #1 delivers a solid start to the prequel series. Layman gives us enough of a backstory without bogging us down with the intricate details. We get to know everything we need to, and the issue ends on a story beat that will make you want to keep reading.

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The Penguin #6 was a very well-rounded issue, although it seemed a little out of place with the way the main story was progressing up to this point. King has me hooked on this series, so I'm along for the ride either way. I just want to get back to our normal story, and creative team as quickly as possible.

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The Penguin #5 is a pretty spoiler-heavy issue, and I don't want to give anything away. Let's just say we're treated to more insight into Cobblepot's plans, and how things are being run by his children in Gotham currently.

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Waller vs Wildstorm #4 gives us a solid end to the collection. While this comic run didn't exactly hit the ball out of the park, it certainly batted above average. This is a nice read if you're just looking for something to delve into a tale that's a little different from the usual mainline comics.

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Yet another fantastic piece of work from King and the creative team. A real storytelling masterpiece, each issue giving us more than the previous, and leaving us wanting more in the next!

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While this issue has been the weakest in the run so far, it's still a very good comic that brings in some secondary characters that I'm sure will become important at a later date.

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The vibe that King delivered with the first issue of this new series continues over into The Penguin #2. The repeated use of muted colors and expressive close-ups really lean into the noir, gangster motif. The creative team really continues to deliver with this series, so there's not much else to say except that someone should turn this into a TV show!

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Ackerman and Narcisse turn up the heat in Waller vs. Wildstorm #3, in more ways than one. Starting the issue with Battalion's crusade against Waller, and finishing it with Lois is a wonderful way to book-end the issue. Once again, Cifuentes does a great job throughout the majority of this comic. The tension between characters can be felt from the very pages. Merino is a fine addition to the team, I couldn't even tell there were different artists working on it!

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It feels like Ackerman and Narcisse have created a world that they've just dropped us in the middle of. They name drop a lot of people, and places with next to no explanation.Why is everyone afraid of the Weatherman? Who was the previous Cybernary pilot? There are just a lot of unanswered questions.

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The Penguin #1 is my idea of a perfect comic. It's full of suspense, never knowing when, or if Cobblepot will break. None of the internal monologues are his, instead, they are those of the people interacting with him. I find that simply fascinating, having an outside perspective of the central character reads something like a Martin Scorsese film, a real gritty gangster experience.

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Overall, the creative team did a great job with this piece and gave us some depth to a character that I didn't realise needed to have it. It makes me very excited for the upcomingThe Penguin run!

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There's not a lot to go on here, as it's the first issue after all. What I will say is that I felt bombarded with exposition, which didn't feel right with the flow of the story. Battalion's betrayal by his teammates and Waller fell short emotionally, simply because we weren't given enough about them. They were revealed on one panel, and a few images later we got the betrayal. The writing just seemed a little scrambled, and I'm unsure if it's because the two writers got some wires crossed or not.

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All the characters in this book have a lot of promise, and it's in safe hands with Diggle and the art team. I was impressed with what I read and look forward to any further installments.

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This series is quite simply a must-read. It has action, mystery, humor, and love. It has all the trademarks of going down as one of DC's best mini-series, although I doubt it will receive the following or love and attention it deserves. Though if there's one thing Young Justice has shown us, it's never to underestimate the power of the fans. So, fans, I implore you. Please get this series on the radar of comic book lovers everywhere! I can't wait for the collected edition.

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I don't think I say enough good things about this series, or issue. Seriously, find a way to read it! Even if you're not a Young Justice fan, you'll enjoy this.

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I mean, where was this when we went two and a half years without any Young Justice content at all?! This is an excellent continuation of the story and characters from the show, as well as being good enough for a stand alone read too. This has been my absolute favorite issue so far, and I only hope that it continues in the way it has been going.

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Weisman's taking the story in a very interesting direction, one that I look forward to seeing the end of and any twists and turns in between.

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Yet another stellar performance from the creative team. Long may they reign.

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This issue is an excellent start in what I hope turns into a long-running collection of short stories. I know I can't wait for issue two!

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Honestly, Robins #6 is the best issue of the whole series, right down to the end.

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Honestly, I can't rave about this series enough. I love team books and what better than to get one about the world's greatest sidekicks!

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I do think that Seeley is setting up whatever his vision is very nicely. He's playing into the villain's hands very well, creating rifts between the heroes as we, the reader, yell at the pages of Robins #3, trying to tell the heroes what we know.Rivas and Fajardo have done a great job a1 bringing the different styles of each Robin to the pages of this comic, and this issue is no different. The design of new character Jenny Wren is a very interesting design, she has a blend of both Batman's and The Joker's protegees which I find to be incredibly fascinating and look forward to seeing her character develop more.

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So far so good! I enjoyed Robins #1. It was well-paced and had plenty of good character interactions. I, yet again, have way more questions than answers, though. I guess that this is only to be expected from the first issue of a new comic run, especially one like this. It's fresh, I go into it knowing nothing of what to expect.

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Honestly, Batman/Fortnite: Foundation #1 is one of the best one-shot comics I've read for quite some time. It gave us some answers to questions that were hanging over from the previous series, while also leaving us with new unanswered ones.

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Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #6 about as close to the perfect issue as we could have gotten, as all of the unanswered questions and little breadcrumbs left by Gage throughout the run were neatly tied up in a bow. We're also given a look at the puppet masters behind The Loop and Deathstroke's involvement.

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Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #5 delivers the epitome of who Batman is. He is a survivor; intelligent, resourceful and logical. Behind all the gadgets and martial arts, this comic shows the true Batman. You can drop him into any situation, anywhere and he find a way to survive.

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I will say this. Gage, if you're reading this… enough with the cliffhangers already!

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I could honestly wax lyrical about this comic run for hours on end. Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #3 is fast-paced and kept me gripped until the very final page. The artwork does a perfect job of blending Batman's gritty seriousness and the comical bright side of the Fortnite game.

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The story beats are really picking up as we're taken through a lot in this issue in only a few pages. Christos Gage does a wonderful job in talking us through multiple runs, without the book feeling complicated or jarring to read. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue and finding out what happens after this chapter's horrible cliff-hanger.

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I should probably say this in hushed tones, but I'm actually looking forward to the next one.

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The artwork in this issue is simply gorgeous. Everything has a real, genuine western feel about it; cowboys, cowgirls, even saloons and flintlocks. Aside from the very obvious space and alien artefacts, it feels like an old timey cowboy story. I loved it.

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Teen Lantern's story is brought to the forefront, and she really takes centre stage in this issue! The interactions between the team are, as always, spectacular. The group's as quippy as always and they really show the family feeling they've always had. All round Young Justice #20 was one of, if not, the best issue of this title in quite some time. I'm really going to miss this series.

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Bendis is quite well known for leaving a plot hook like that simmering for a while, so I'm not surprised that it took him 17 issues to get bring about the resolution. What I am surprised at, is how perfectly written the issue was. Wonder Girl has always been one of my favourite characters, and seeing an issue like this focused on her put a smile on my face. I'd love more chapters like this, focusing on a character's story arc and progression, with the team fully supporting them.

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The artwork in this issue particularly stands out to me, as it differs slightly from the usual Young Justice style. The typical artwork is bright and colorful, but this issue takes a darker and grittier turn. This was done in a very obvious way, to mimic the feel of a Batman comic, as this issue focuses around two former Bat family members.

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Young Justice #17 was a very good issue, one that takes a step back from the fast-paced hell ride that the rest of the series has been. It was definitely a much needed change of pace. I feel that, if Bendis and Walker had kept up with the heart pounding action, I would've needed a new heart!

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That being said, I don't want to take anything away from Scott Godlewski's artwork either. The fear and pain that he compliments the writing with just adds to the pure emotion dripping off every page of this comic. Throw in Gabe Eltaeb's continuously incredible coloring and the characters really come to life.

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With emotions high, and having a team that's split momentarily – to catch some respite – who knows what's going to come next!

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Young Justice #14 is another brilliant, must read issue for all fans of the series!

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While the story and writing continues to be great and really driving the comic forward, Young Justice #13 suffers from a mix match of art. Now, I've dealt with inconsistent artists (I'm looking at you Suicide Squad), but I don't think it's ever been as different in one comic as this one. I mean, we go from early 00's Cartoon Network to 90's comic and back again. It was just a very jarring visual experience.

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There's only one thing I know for certain, and that is I cannot wait for the next issue. Again.

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Everything about this comic is so freaking good! I look forward to seeing where Bendis and co. take this.

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I always look forward to this comic. I loveYoung Justice and everything Bendis and the team are working on over there. Bring on issue 11!

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Gorgeous artwork that really helped to tell a very entertaining story. Dan Jurgens has done absolute wonders with basically a new character since jumping on board. Every issue is a must pick up and never put down again!

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I'm certainly excited to see where they take this next issue!

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Where they go from now, is anyone's guess though.

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The artwork in this issue is also fantastic. From the set pieces in Teen Lantern's backstory, to the chaos on Earth 3, both Araujo and Timms lend their talents expertly. I especially love the panels with Keli and Iorl, their facial expressions were brilliant! All of the scenes with Teen Lantern trying to figure out what's going on on Earth 3 are gorgeous. Timms does a excellent job with the fight sequences, and Eltaeb really brings out the colours!

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Stunning artwork with brilliant writing.Nightwingis heading in a very good direction. Those that stopped reading after the change of hands are missing out!

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Looking atHarley Quinn on the surface, the comic seems like a crazy comedic wild ride. But once you get past that and dig deeper, it's a beautifully emotional comic.

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Please don't make me wait another two months for the next issue. Please!

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Nightwing #63 is an excellent issue in a title that got a lot of stick for the changes it made, but has only gotten stronger since.

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Once again the writing in the issue is fantastic! It's a slower issue, but reads at a quick pace. This issue does well in setting up a future for Ric and the Nightwings, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes.

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Reading through this comic was just so fast and fluid. That's a testament to the style and writing of this issue. Everything is coming together very nicely, and I look forward to the next issue!

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An incredible issue by the creative team, that gets me excited for the next one.

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Safe to say, I am highly excited for the rest ofNightwing, and seeing where Jurgens takes this story.

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I'm loving everything that's coming out of the creative team here.

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I'm very excited to see what Bendis has in store for the young heroes next!

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Another strong issue from the team, and I look forward to next month's. I have a few ideas as to who the fire monster is, or who they may be controlled by. I'll let you know if I'm right when it's revealed!

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This issue is fantastic from start to finish. The artwork is gorgeous. The writing is sublime.

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Not only is the writing of this issue spectacular, but so is the artwork. Once again, I'd like to refer you to the panels in which the team escape prison. The dynamic poses that are drawn on those panels really make you feel like these are people capable of those feats. But then there are also the emotional moments in the issue that are drawn with such detail that you really feel for the characters!

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Yet another solid issue ofNightwing. People that left after the transition from Dick to Ric, are really missing out!

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I hope DC manage to keep Humphries on this title, he's doing such a great job withHarley Quinn. He should never leave!

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This is one of those comics that is is literally for a reader of any age. So get out and pick it up! You will not be disappointed.

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Can we just talk about the art for a second too? I mean, Travis Moore and Tamra Bonvillain do such a wonderful job drawing up the comic. Moore does a great job at both the action pieces and the emotional close ups. Bonvillain colors the panels beautifully. I really love the coloring of The Nightwings costumes as well as Joker's Daughter.

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I'm loving this series so far and looking forward to reading what comes next. I do still have one burning question though. Who is Teen Lantern?

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Overall yet another fantastic issue ofNightwing as one story line comes to an end and another begins. I look forward to going on the journey as we discover what the nefarious villain has planned for The Nightwings and Bludhaven. Lobdell and Kaplan have started something spectacular here.

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This issue had it all. A brilliantly woven story that is only going to get better. Great artwork throughout the issue. Truly a masterpiece.

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The run as a whole has been genuinely brilliant. Irregardless of what I've said about the inconsistent artwork, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this comic. Now that it's come to end, I hope it's not for long and someone else jumps on board. If DC are looking for writers, I know a few that would be excellent choices within the ranks of our humble website!

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In case you haven't realised yet, I am simply loving this story run. There's an underlying story that has been built up to in the last few issues. A new story thread was introduced in this issue that I can imagine Humphries spreading over the next few issues. I'm certainly looking forward to whatever Humphries and the creative team has in store forHarley Quinn.

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I loved the story in this issue. Ric's finally becoming a character in his own right, as opposed to who Dick used to be. The artwork in this issue is solid, although I feel it's not been as good as in previous instalments.

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Genuinely, one of the best opening comics I've read in a long time. Brian Michael Bendis sets up a multitude of interesting stories and character arcs already.

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Overall, this issue was a let down for me. Were it not for the increased quality of theHarley Quinn comic, this would have fit the previous style. There has been a marked improvement over the last few issues, which means that this one falls short.

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Yet another solid issue ofNightwing from the creative team. I cannot give this series enough praise. I know a lot of fans will still need some convincing. Pick up an issue and read it, that's all the convincing you should need.

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Overall though, a great issue that I enjoy reading the next of.

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Let's just hope it's only the art style that the creative team pull from New 52 for inspiration.

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This issue is perfection. And the best thing is, I can only see the comic getting stronger and better. A solid artist on the issue and I think we'd have one of the best DC comics currently out on the shelves.

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The artwork in this issue really keeps in theme with previous ones, as well as the vibe that Bludhaven gives off. I love the look and feel of Bludhaven, it's gritty and dirty. Which goes well with the characters and story in the comic too.

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All round, I have no complaints about this issue ofBatgirl, or this arch to be honest. Keep it up guys!

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I'm really enjoying the artwork inNightwing at the moment. It's giving me a very 90s vibe, along with a gritty cop movie vibe and I think it's perfect for the environment of Bludhaven.

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Another brilliant part one of what looks to be set up for a fascinating run that may shake the foundations ofSuicide Squad even further, and oh my gosh… what a cliff hanger of ending!

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The artwork in this issue is also sublime, one of the best drawnHarley Quinn issues for a long time. A brand new artist working on the comic is exactly what was needed.

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I absolutely love the feel and aesthetic of this issue. It's written, drawn and coloured in such a way that makes it feel like a gritty noir film. The creative team have done an excellent job on this issue.

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If it continues to be this good however, I think we'll be seeing a lot more branches of theSuicide Squad.

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Both the story and the artwork are brilliant, both really adds to the other, creating an excellent read. There's even a short story with Secret Squirrel at the end!

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This is my only complaint, otherwise I think it's a pretty great comic. The story is fantastic, as is the writing. Just the artwork lets it down for me.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this comic, and the two-part run that it was a part of.Harley Quinn is going from strength to strength and that's down to the creative team working on the project. I certainly hope they keep working on it all together. And I look forward to seeing where it takes Harley next.

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Much like the titular character. It's the same style and feel to the body of work. Just a new mind running the show.

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An excellent filler issue to tie the fans over until the next story run. Williams and Briones add an extra layer to the beloved character of Captain Boomerang.

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Overall, this was a breath of fresh air from the staleHarley Quinn title. I hope it continues that way. A good start to what I hope is a solid story arch from the creative team.

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The timeline is a little confusing inInjustice 2, because while this is happening, Ra's and his followers should be in Atlantis having peace talks with Batman and the new Justice League. Unless those talks have already happened, in which case, what was the outcome? A little niggle about an otherwise great issue.

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Overall, the issue sets up the premise of the next few very well.

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Overall, a pretty good story based issue that sets up the next few issues nicely.

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Overall this was a fantastic issue ofBatgirl. The only thing that let it down for me was the artwork. I feel like the art style just didn't fit the feel of the comic. I'm not a fan of Barbara's new look in this comic. Bring her old costume back!

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Amancay Nahuelpan does a great job this issue with the artwork too. Able to capture the craziness of the race, as well as the emotion behind Nightwing's actions. I particularly love the look of The Silencer, I think she has such a cool look. As do most of the secondary characters in this comic.

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In essence, this is a crossover I didn't realise I needed until it happened, and now I kind of want more.

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Overall, I found this to be quite a disappointing issue ofHarley Quinn. Nothing seems to fit quite right in this comic and as much as I love the character, I think the team behind the comic are running out of ideas.

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Another excellent issue from Rob Williams. I love the new direction that the comic appears to be going in. The artwork in this issue is great as well. I love what Luis and Tarragona have done with the character designs of the new characters.

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Well worth a read. Especially if you appreciate a little crazy.

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The artwork, while not as good as it has been, is still fantastic. Amancay Nahuelpan really leans into the chaos and insanity of this motorcycle race, which works really well with the whole feel of the comic.

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A great read, and hopefully, not just a one-off story. I want more!

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I freaking loved this issue. I loved the story, as well as the visual style. Schmidt's artwork only compliments the tone of the Percy's writing. I think, what I enjoy most about the Nightwing comics is that he is being pushed to his limits. It's obvious that Dick's having a hard time fighting Wyrm, especially as he doesn't fully understand what he's fighting against.

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There wasn't really all that much to go on in this issue. But that being said, it was a fantastic read, something I find myself saying constantly aboutBatgirl these days. Scott has done a brilliant job laying down the foundations to a great story. The artwork in this issue is beautiful too, really adding to the overall feel of the comic.

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My only hope is that the future of the mainstreamSuicide Squad comic blends with this Annual issue. If not, I hope this becomes an extended run, and not just a mini-series.

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I have to say, I really am enjoying this run so far. Although we're only two issues into it, I can see it being a real hit the fans. It's got conflict in places you wouldn't think there'd be any. There's action at every turn. The writing is spectacular, as is the artwork. It is just genuinely a pleasure to read.

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I really enjoyed the first two stories in this issue, with the third feeling like a throw away. The first two stories were so compelling, with fantastic plot lines and excellent characters.

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Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this issue ofHarley Quinn. I like what Sam Humphries is doing. There are some mentions and what seem to be plot threads littered throughout the issue, as well as the last run, that seem interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing what else Humphries has in store for the wonderful Harley Quinn.

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The artwork in this issue is probably one of the strongest I've seen in aSuicide Squad comic for a long time. I only hope that they keep the creative team on board with this run. This comic is going from strength to strength, I would seriously recommend picking it up this week.

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That changed this issue as, come the end of the comic, I found myself thinking that there wouldn't be anyone else more suited to ending Granny Goodness' badness.

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I suggest to all you fans of insane space fights to pick this issue up. If you're a fan of comedic characters and great writing, also pick this issue up. You justhave to pick this issue up, and keep picking up the ones afterwards too. You will not be disappointed at all.

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Benjamin Percy is one of my favourite current comic book writers. He strings his reader's along for a wild ride. He'll sprinkle little clues throughout the comic and expect you to keep up with them. He doesn't write the comic to ease the reader's experience, he writes it as if you were Dick Grayson, which is a breath of fresh air in this day and age.

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Overall I am enjoying this run ofHarley Quinn. I look forward to reading what kind of crazy chaos she gets up to on Apokolips. Personally, I just hope it doesn't drag on too long, and that she gets back down to Earth.

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This was everything it could have been. It was the perfect conclusion to one of the best stories I have read in a very long time. This was genuinely perfect. I loved everything about it. The art, the writing. More like this please!

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Overall, this is a fantastic issue. The story is definitely one that I look forward to reading more. I'm curious to find out what Humprhies has planned for Quinn on the chaotic, fiery world of Apokolips.

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Benjamin Percy has done a brilliant job with this story so far. It has been an absolute pleasure to read. The journey has been an incredible adventure, straight from the get go. I've loved this series and only hope that Percy is given a good run onNightwing, he has certainly earned it I feel.

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I would quite happily read a continuation of this story arch. I'd love for Aldridge to have a lengthy run withBatgirl.

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Yet another strong issue from the creative team. Sebela writes an interesting story, with characters that are easy to relate to. The artwork is great in this issue as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the comic and look forward to where the story goes next.

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Once again the artwork in this issue is the only thing stopping it from getting full marks out of ten. The artist changes halfway through the comic. With Philippe Briones drawing the first half and Hugo Petrus drawing the second. Both are obviously very capable artists. However, I feel that Briones' art style fits this issue a lot better than Petrus'. The art in the second half of the issue, unfortunately, lets the whole issue down.

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I loved this issue ofHarley Quinn and look forward to Sebela's run on the comic. The story is fantastic. The artwork is beautiful and compliments the writing style perfectly. All round this is an excellent read, I would recommend you pick this up now. I can only imagine how good the next few are going to be!

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The creative team working onthis run ofNightwing are doing an excellent job. Seriously, I cannot give enough praise to Percy and Mooneyham. They are doing a sublime job on this run and I look forward to seeing their run extend beyond this story arc.

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The artwork is yet again sublime in this issue. Minkyu Jung and Jose Marzan Jr do a brilliant job bringing Batgirl and her mind to life.

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Please DC, give the comic a run of good artists. It is currently the only thing this run is missing.

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Suicide Squad has gone from strength to strength over the last few issues and Williams has produced yet another stellar comic. We see the return of Amanda Waller at her best; the cold-hearted woman we all know and love to hate, proving herself to, yet again, be unwavering in her convictions that, no matter what, Taskforce X are the worst of the worst and should be treated as such. Tensions are rising in the Squad's ranks and decisions are made in this issue that will certainly continue to have impact on the team further down the road.

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This is one of the best comics I have had the pleasure of reading in quite a while. The new creative team have started something fantastic and I am looking forward to the future of this title.

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Continuing the trend, a new issue brings with it a new artist. Jack Herbert lends his artistic talent to this issue ofSuicide Squad and he does a brilliant job with the action panels. This issue however, could have done with an artist more suited to facial expressions. This issue was wrought with emotion, but sadly, the art didn't accompany the writing or feel of the comic. Still an excellent conclusion overall though.

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"Old Lady Harley" is a great one-off story. It offers a nice respite from Harley's main timeline. This comic is crazy, weird and wonderful. Much like the main character herself. A definite pick up for those hardcore Harley fans, or those that enjoy an apocalyptic adventure.

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With a new issue, comes yet another artist. Neil Edwards adds his unique art style to this issue. The action panels in this comic are brilliant. I'd just like to see an artist be given a decent run on this title.

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Overall, this is a fine conclusion to the "Angry Bird" story arch. With Harley back in her old stomping grounds, with her crew back in toll and a lesson well-learnt. That she can't do what she does alone.

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Everything about this comic screams brilliance.Batgirl is quickly becoming my favourite title at the moment.

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I'm looking forward to seeing where the comic goes from here and what Williams has planned for Taskforce X.

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Rob Williams does an excellent job at tying up the mini series in this issue, bringing to conclusion Hack's story line. At the same time he starts anew arc for The Wall. The switch from action to emotion in this issue is what sells it for me. We see that, as much as they deny it, the squad actually care for each other. The art team changes yet again, and with it comes another stunningly drawn comic. I do however, wish that DC would stick to one art team and let them run with the issue. Overall, another solid comic from Williams and crew.

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Williams brings back a character and completely tips them on their head. The writing in this issue is fantastic, Williams does an excellent job yet again. The art in this issue is nothing to be scoffed at either, with Pansica and Ferreira back at it again. The expressions that are conveyed by each character feel real, instead of the same face plastered on all the characters that some comics have been guilty of.

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Barbara hasn't always been in the spotlight, but with the news of a solo movie in the works that is surely going to change. I feel that Barbara needs to start cropping up in more comics across the DC universe. Hopefully, Larson's run on Batgirl continues as she proves to be an incredible talent. It is obvious through her writing that Larson has a lot of love for the character and this translates into a fantastic story. The artwork continues to be sublime, which is refreshingly gorgeous.

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Overall, a fantastic issue with much room to grow.

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Overall, this issue starts off as a lighthearted look into Barbara's life as Batgirl, before taking a slightly more serious turn midway through as she goes full Batgirl. It has reinvigorated my love for the character, and I look forward to finding out what's happening to Burnside and who, or what, is behind this freak snowstorm. I've certainly missed Barbara and her mentality on the world.

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Once again, the creative team absolutely kill it with this issue. The writing and artwork match each other brilliantly, and as the conclusion to the two-parter they had taken control of, they do a fabulous job of leaving you wanting more of their work. I will be very sad to see them go.

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Si Spurrier has sky-rocketed himself to a writer that I look forward to reading more of. I sincerely hope that Fernando Pasarrn and Oclair Albert stay on this story as the artwork they have produced in this comic fits Spurrier's writing perfectly. This is a must read if you want a fresh new look at the narrative of a comic and the standard tropes that can be found in comic books.

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Si Spurrier has sky-rocketed himself to a writer that I look forward to reading more of. I sincerely hope that Fernando Pasarrn and Oclair Albert stay on this story as the artwork they have produced in this comic fits Spurrier's writing perfectly. This is a must read if you want a fresh new look at the narrative of a comic and the standard tropes that can be found in comic books.

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