Godofspeed's Profile

Joined: Aug 04, 2017

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Godofspeed reviewed Batman #37 Jan 2, 2018

While the story was good it waa confusing to keep track once everyone switched clothes.

Batman #37

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Dec 20, 2017

"SUPERFRIENDS" part two! Torn apart by betrayal, Batman and Superman try to find a way back to friendship, to trust. Both understand that the future of the DCU depends on this relationship; both understand that without the help of the other, their lives will fall apart. And yet, one is still the spoiled rich boy, and the other is still the naive fa...

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Invincible Iron Man #594

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Stefano Caselli
Released: Nov 22, 2017

•  THE SEARCH FOR TONY STARK continues, as some very surprising people from his present, past and future come together to help.
•  Who will wield the power of Iron Man?
•  It's all building to one of the most-anticipated moments in Iron Man history!
Rated T+

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Godofspeed reviewed Harley Quinn #32 Nov 23, 2017

Dc rebirth is killing it

Harley Quinn #32

By: Amanda Conner, John Timms
Released: Nov 22, 2017

"Vote Harley" conclusion! One of the people Harley loves most in this world is dead, and the Mayor is to blame! Revenge won't make Harley feel better...but that doesn't mean she won't take it!

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Godofspeed reviewed Batman: Who Laughs #1 Nov 19, 2017

Best comic ever

Batman: Who Laughs #1

By: James Tynion IV, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 15, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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Godofspeed rated Batman #35 Nov 18, 2017

Batman #35

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Nov 15, 2017

"Dream of Me" part three! Has the Caped Crusader passed the point of no return? Turns out he's going to need a little help from his friends, but this help comes with a downside: Batman's true intentions will be exposed.

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Godofspeed rated Harley Quinn #31 Nov 16, 2017

Harley Quinn #31

By: Amanda Conner, John Timms
Released: Nov 8, 2017

"Vote Harley" finale! It's all come down to this: Harley and her adversary, Mayor DePerto, have trotted out every dirty trick in the book...and now it's up to the people to decide who will lead New York City into the next decade! No matter who wins, let's be honest with each other: it might be time to consider moving to L.A.!

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Fell flat for me. Good book but just missing something

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #32

By: Robert Venditti, Ethan Van Sciver
Released: Nov 8, 2017

A METAL tie-in! "BATS OUT OF HELL" part two! The Dawnbreaker descends on Coast City, ready to suck its light away before moving on to the rest of our world. Backed up by the power of the Justice League, Hal Jordan stands ready to stop the perverted Lantern-until the Batman Who Laughs steps out of the shadows.

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Godofspeed rated Justice League #32 Nov 2, 2017

Justice League #32

By: Robert Venditti, Liam Sharp
Released: Nov 1, 2017

A METAL tie-in! "BATS OUT OF HELL" part two! The Justice League have been separated by the dreaded Dark Knights and are forced into twisted Bat-Caves designed to kill them! The Batman Who Laughs and the Murder Machine experiment on Cyborg, seeing how he reacts to the horrors of the Dark Multiverse! Can the Justice League survive their worst nightma...

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Godofspeed rated Flash #33 Nov 2, 2017

Flash #33

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Oct 25, 2017

"BATS OUT OF HELL" part one! After the harrowing events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL #3, the JUSTICE LEAGUE has scattered around the world to find the only artifacts that can fight back against the invasion of the Dark Multiverse. The League thinks they know how to take back their world, but they are not prepared for who is standing in their way. The Seve...

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Godofspeed reviewed Batman: The Drowned #1 Oct 29, 2017

This series has been awesome. Each provides a shocking twist. Love it

Batman: The Drowned #1

By: Dan Abnett, Philip Tan
Released: Oct 18, 2017

As the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL rock the DC Universe, the creatures of the Dark Multiverse stand ready to invade our world! How can even the World's Greatest Heroes stop a horde of deadly beings that appear to be powerful, nightmare versions of familiar figures? Find out in these special tie-in issues!

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Godofspeed reviewed Despicable Deadpool #287 Oct 13, 2017

Did not like it all. A pointless meaningless fight

Despicable Deadpool #287

By: Gerry Duggan, Scott Koblish
Released: Oct 11, 2017

Deadpool's going back to his vile beginnings as a mercenary and wanted killer.  No more being a hero.  No more X-Men.  No more Avengers.  And if he wants to break bad again, what's more despicable than killing your best friend? Cable better get ready because his old friend Wade...

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Godofspeed rated Flash #32 Oct 12, 2017

Flash #32

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Oct 11, 2017

"BLACK HOLE RISING"! While the Flash's negative Speed Force powers begin to take their deadly toll on Barry Allen's life, Black Hole begins its most audacious assault yet when the criminal outfit finally assumes control of S.T.A.R. Labs!

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Godofspeed rated Batman: White Knight #1 Oct 12, 2017

Batman: White Knight #1

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Oct 4, 2017

In a world where Batman has gone too far, The Joker must save Gotham City.
He's been called a maniac, a killer and the "Clown Prince of Crime" but "white knight"? Never. Until now...
Set in a world where the Joker is cured of his insanity and homicidal tendencies, The Joker, now known as "Jack," sets about trying to right his wrongs. First ...

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Godofspeed added Batman: White Knight to their pull list Oct 12, 2017

Batman: White Knight

In a world where Batman has gone too far, The Joker must save Gotham City.
He's been called a maniac, a killer and the "Clown Prince of Crime" but "white knight"? Never. Until now...
Set in a world where the Joker is cured of his insanity and homicidal tendencies, The Joker, now known as "Jack," sets about trying to right his wrongs. First ...

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Godofspeed reviewed Punisher: The Platoon #1 Oct 7, 2017

Boring read with a bunch of army mumbo jumbo

Punisher: The Platoon #1

By: Garth Ennis, Goran Parlov
Released: Oct 4, 2017

By the time the Punisher was born in Vietnam, Frank Castle had already become a dark legend of the battlefield. Stories about him were told in whispers, if at all. Now the legendary Punisher team of Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov (PUNISHER MAX, FURY MAX) brings the first of those stories to light: the tale of Frank Castle's first command, and his fir...

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Godofspeed rated Harley Quinn #29 Oct 7, 2017

Harley Quinn #29

By: Amanda Conner, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Oct 4, 2017

"Vote Harley" part two! He's already sent killers after her and her loved ones...what more can the Mayor do to get Harley Quinn off his back-especially now that she's gone public in her campaign against him and become shockingly popular? The answer will surprise Harley...and you!

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Godofspeed reviewed Marvel Legacy #1 Oct 5, 2017

As someone who is just recently getting into comics (started about 5 months ago) I can say that I stayed away from marvel. Dc always worked better for me. But after heating all the fuss about legacy I decided to give it a read. This issue was awesome and gave me a reason to buy into every single character. Marvel legacy left me wanting more marvel.

Marvel Legacy #1

By: Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic
Released: Sep 27, 2017

It begins at the dawn of the human race, and ends with a child's prayer! In between, empires fall, mysteries brew, secrets are revealed, quests are undertaken and legends are forged! All leading up to the dramatic return you've been waiting for - and one you've been dreading!
Jason Aaron (MIGHTY THOR) and Esad Ribic ...

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Godofspeed added Marvel Legacy to their pull list Oct 5, 2017

Marvel Legacy

It begins at the dawn of the human race, and ends with a child's prayer! In between, empires fall, mysteries brew, secrets are revealed, quests are undertaken and legends are forged! All leading up to the dramatic return you've been waiting for - and one you've been dreading!
Jason Aaron (MIGHTY THOR) and Esad Ribic ...

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Simply awesome.

Harley Quinn: 25th Anniversary Special #1

By: Amanda Conner
Released: Sep 13, 2017

In a story written by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, with art by Conner, learn what really happened when Harley, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy hit Vegas!
Then, a tale written by Paul Dini with art by Chad Hardin takes us back to Harley's days with the Joker to see the hell he unleashes when he makes the mistake of scheduling the biggest heist o...

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Godofspeed dropped Edge of Venomverse (2017) from their pull list Sep 14, 2017

Edge of Venomverse (2017)

EDGE of VENOM-VERSE starts here!
The series that sets up the epic VENOM EVENT of 2017 STARTS HERE! Each issue introduces another major Venomized character that will feed into VENOMVERSE itself! THIS ISSUE, the young mutant clone designated X-23 collides with a cryogenic tube containing a strange alien symbiote during her frenzied escape from Th...

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Godofspeed reviewed Harley Quinn #27 Sep 13, 2017

Nothing special but a great break with familiar character that provide entertaining moments.

Harley Quinn #27

By: Amanda Conner, Eleonora Carlini
Released: Sep 6, 2017

Harley and the Penguin struck an uneasy truce the first time he started extending his criminal empire into New York City... but now he's plotting a massive real estate deal right in Harley's Coney Island -- including coming after her own building!

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The art is plain weird and everything sucks up until the really good deadpool vs gwenpool fight.

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #4

By: Cullen Bunn, Dalibor Talajic
Released: Aug 23, 2017

• Gwenpool! Moon Knight! Ms. Marvel! The Guardians! Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur!
•  Bad news, buddy - they're all gonna die in here!
•  It's right there in the title! Buy the ticket, take the ride!
Parental Advisory

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Godofspeed reviewed Edge of Venomverse #5 Aug 26, 2017

The only issue in this series that I hated. And I'm a big deadpool guy.

Edge of Venomverse #5

By: Clay Mcleod Chapman, James Stokoe
Released: Aug 23, 2017

•  "Deadpool's bonded with the Venom symbiote, blah, blah, blah," you're saying to yourself. Well HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, TRUE BELIEVER!
•  Bringing you a terrifying tale of VenomPool trying to save a hospital full of innocent people who've been infected with a DANGEROUS MIND-CONTROLLING PARASITE is none...

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Godofspeed added Edge of Venomverse (2017) to their pull list Aug 26, 2017

Edge of Venomverse (2017)

EDGE of VENOM-VERSE starts here!
The series that sets up the epic VENOM EVENT of 2017 STARTS HERE! Each issue introduces another major Venomized character that will feed into VENOMVERSE itself! THIS ISSUE, the young mutant clone designated X-23 collides with a cryogenic tube containing a strange alien symbiote during her frenzied escape from Th...

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Godofspeed reviewed Flash #29 Aug 25, 2017

Interesting story idea. Yet lackluster and easily forgettable

Flash #29

By: Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Aug 23, 2017

"NEGATIVE" part two! What's a Rogue to do when The Flash goes bad? Get worse. Operating from behind bars in Iron Heights, the incarcerated Rogues graduate from costumed crooks to true kingpins of crime, unleashing the new villain known as Shrapnel upon the chaotic and unprotected streets of Central City.

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Godofspeed reviewed Batman #29 Aug 19, 2017

The greatness of this issue suprised me. The joker and the riddler at dinner as Bruce controls them all. It's a perfect set up that ends on a cliffhanger that makes u want to know what happens next.

Batman #29

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four ! Batman has done his best to keep the peace, but with neither faction backing down, he may have to choose the lesser of two evils if he wants the violence to end. Will Batman embrace the murderous anarchy of The Joker or the bloody fascism of the Riddler? If he wants to win, he'll have to choose a side-and ...

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Godofspeed reviewed Harley Quinn #25 Aug 19, 2017

Harley Quinn. That's all folks

Harley Quinn #25

By: Amanda Conner, Chad Hardin
Released: Aug 9, 2017

"BIRTHDAY!" It's an oversize anniversary issue as Harley's entire cast of crazy characters comes together to celebrate the birthday of cyborg senior citizen Sy Borgman... but is there actually a bigger secret behind this gathering? And in "Harley Loves Joker" part nine, Harley's spent a fortune building out The Joker Gang's new hideout, and now the...

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Godofspeed added Harley Quinn (2016) to their pull list Aug 19, 2017

Harley Quinn (2016)

"Die Laughing" part one! Welcome back to Harley Quinn's crazy world on Coney Island...now get ready to wave goodbye, because everyone there just might get eaten alive! Harley's gotta protect her neighborhood against an all-out zombie apocalypse! Break out the chainsaws, everybody!

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Godofspeed reviewed Edge of Venomverse #4 Aug 12, 2017

This is the first time ever I read about old man Logan and I thought it was fantastic. Definitely worth a read.

Edge of Venomverse #4

By: Ryan Key, Andre Araujo
Released: Aug 9, 2017

•  Logan's adopted son, Scotty, has been missing for years...
•  ...but Warren Worthington III, formerly the X-Man called Angel, has found Logan at the bottom of a bottle to bring him a message: Scotty is alive, and Angel knows where he is.
•  A new and original story from Ryan Key, lead singer of Yello...

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Veido - Aug 17, 2017

You need to read the original OML series by Millar and the new one by Lemire, they're great.


This series is not getting the attention is deserves. Watching how red skull controls deadpool yet deadpool wanted help is a fascinating story.

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again #3

By: Cullen Bunn, Dalibor Talajic
Released: Aug 9, 2017

• Gwenpool! Moon Knight! Ms. Marvel! The Guardians! Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur!
•  Bad news, buddy - they're all gonna die in here!
•  It's right there in the title! Buy the ticket, take the ride!
Parental Advisory

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