Ferrrnandodo's Profile

Joined: Jan 09, 2019

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Ferrrnandodo added Justice League Dark (2018) to their pull list Jan 21, 2020

Justice League Dark (2018)

From the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE! Earth's magic once belonged to them. Now they want the magic back. But who exactly are they? It's up to the new Justice League Dark to find out and stop this nightmarish new threat at all costs! After the events of NO JUSTICE, team leader Wonder Woman guides the misfit magic mix of Zatanna, Swamp Thing,...

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Ferrrnandodo reviewed Batman: Damned #3 Jun 26, 2019

It's like reading a goddamn Cortázar book. That's felt. And it's fu**ing amazing!

Batman: Damned #3

By: Brian Azzarello, Lee Bermejo
Released: Jun 26, 2019

The stunning conclusion to the groundbreaking miniseries by the critically acclaimed team of writer Brian Azzarello and artist Lee Bermejo is here! Batman's most baffling case brings him face to face with his worst nightmare in this highly anticipated finale!

Ferrrnandodo reviewed High Level #5 Jun 26, 2019

This issue is wrapped up with tension, and the cliffhanger heightens it even more.

High Level #5

By: Rob Sheridan, Barnaby Bagenda
Released: Jun 26, 2019

Religious cults, terrorist cells, witch tribes, mutants, mafias, sunken cities, drug dens, false prophets, real prophets, fetish camps, cybernetic enhancement junkies...Thirteen and Minnow have survived them all just to get to this moment. At last, our heroes arrive at High Level. But will the legends prove true? The answers will shock you.

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Ferrrnandodo reviewed Heroes In Crisis #4 Jan 9, 2019

Clay Mann's art keeps up the level; it's so damn gorgeous! I'm in love with his work in here.
The problem is, as in many cases of literature and adaptation of, that we can't yet elucidate who caused all the chaos and murders around Sanctuary. But it's normal, I guess; it's just the fourth out of nine (I think they're gonna be 9).

Heroes In Crisis #4

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 2, 2019

Wonder Woman versus...Booster Gold?! Diana finds out the hard way that Booster can be a formidable opponent when his back's against the wall. Of course, being the prime suspect in a superhero massacre and exposing a secret trauma hospital for metahumans will do just that. Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash combine their detective skills to investigate...

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Ferrrnandodo added Heroes In Crisis to their pull list Jan 9, 2019

Heroes In Crisis

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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Ferrrnandodo added Green Lantern (2018) to their pull list Jan 9, 2019

Green Lantern (2018)

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

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Ferrrnandodo added Green Arrow (2016) to their pull list Jan 9, 2019

Green Arrow (2016)

As Oliver struggles with how he can fight "the man" when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone.
THEY SAID IT: "My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make th...

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Ferrrnandodo reviewed Green Arrow #48 Jan 9, 2019

The art is, specially, the best of this issue, undoubtedly! It transmitted the whole effects of Count Vertigo to me ñ, making me feel I'm in there, as anyone will feel.
About the script, it raises the level in comparison with the previous issues, totally.

Green Arrow #48

By: Collin Kelly, Javi Fernandez
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Count Vertigo stages a jailbreak and turns Seattle into a surrealist maelstrom that threatens to consume the entire city. But when Ollie learns Vertigo's true motivations, the Emerald Archer's fragile psyche will be ripped to shreds. Is Ollie throwing himself into the hero game because of a death wish? Not if Black Canary has anything to sing about...

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