Rachit Mittal's Profile

Joined: Jul 01, 2021

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Rachit Mittal added Savage Avengers (2022) to their pull list Jul 14, 2022

Savage Avengers (2022)

Since his exile from the Hyborian Age, Conan the Barbarian has conquered the most dangerous foes the modern Marvel Universe has to offer - but what happens when this hard-edged Cimmerian finds himself on the run from the cybernetic soldier of the future known as Deathlok? Outgunned and ou...

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #1 Apr 28, 2022

I wasn't planning to read it but God this is terrible.

Bland Art. Forced Drama down to throat. Blatant Misunderstanding of Parker Luck. Digger, Tombstone thing is too bland. Not interested in whatever useless drama Wells had for MJ and Peter.

May was super cringe in 2nd page of her scene. I first page everything was fine then she stood up and putting her hand above chest. Tha more

Amazing Spider-Man #1

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Peter's on the outs with the FF. He's on the outs with the Avengers. He's on the outs with Aunt May! No one wants to see Spider-Man - except for Doctor Octopus. Ock's on Spider-Man's tail and the Master Planner has something truly terrible planned for when he gets his tentacles on Spidey. All that, and what does Tombstone have planned? Just in time...

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Eternals #11 Apr 13, 2022

Must be hard to lose faith in Your Gods for Ajak.

Eternals #11

By: Kieron Gillen, Guiu Villanova
Released: Apr 13, 2022

• The Avengers are done with secrets and demand the Eternals explain themselves!
•  But the Eternals have other plans, as Ajak has made contact with her Celestial god!
•  But will she receive the answers she's been searching for?
•  Doesn't look like it...

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Venom #7 Apr 13, 2022

It's good issue.
Is that Eddie at last?

Venom #7

By: Ram V, Bryan Hitch
Released: Apr 13, 2022

A matter of days ago, Dylan Brock thought his biggest problem was his father's preoccupation with running the symbiote hive as its King in Black. Now, Dylan's father is dead, and the only vestige that is left of him is in VENOM, the dangerous parasitic alien that Eddie implored Dylan not to get close to. And without Eddie's guidance, Dylan stands p...

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Rachit Mittal added She-Hulk (2022) to their pull list Apr 12, 2022

She-Hulk (2022)

The best character ever is back in her own series and about to glam up the whole Marvel Universe! Jennifer Walters, A.K.A. the Sensational She-Hulk, is no longer savage and needs to put her life back together. She's got a career to rebuild, friends to reconnect with (and maybe represent in a court of law) and enemies to... well, she may not want to...

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Rachit Mittal rated Strange #2 Apr 6, 2022

Strange #2

By: Jed MacKay, Marcelo Ferreira
Released: Apr 6, 2022

• Clea comes face-to-face with the mysterious Harvestman, as they both face off against an undead foe!
•  Though just as Clea begins to uncover ways to bring Stephen Strange back, another attack upon the magical realm is at hand!
•  But Clea is not just any Sorcerer Supreme, she is a Warlord...and this second attack will not stan...

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Rachit Mittal added Strange (2022) to their pull list Apr 6, 2022

Strange (2022)

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Rachit Mittal commented on this:
MoonKnight313 reviewed Moon Knight #10 Apr 6, 2022

This series continues to be amazing. It always leaves you with wanting more. I can't wait to see how everything comes together in the next 2 issues.

Moon Knight #10

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Apr 6, 2022

An assassin infiltrates the Midnight Mission, while another hidden enemy strikes at Moon Knight where he is most vulnerable. Attacked on two fronts, the Fist of Khonshu is put on the back foot-but that's where he's most dangerous!

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Rachit Mittal - Apr 6, 2022

This is one of few Marvel series which always had me what's next.

MoonKnight313 - Apr 6, 2022

SAME. I can’t wait to see where it goes after they finish this arc up.

Rachit Mittal reviewed Moon Knight #10 Apr 6, 2022

Just Amazing.

Moon Knight #10

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Apr 6, 2022

An assassin infiltrates the Midnight Mission, while another hidden enemy strikes at Moon Knight where he is most vulnerable. Attacked on two fronts, the Fist of Khonshu is put on the back foot-but that's where he's most dangerous!

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daspidaboy reviewed Devil's Reign #6 Apr 6, 2022

I really enjoyed this event and how it resolves daredevil and kingpin. Good art too

Devil's Reign #6

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Wilson Fisk's hubris as mayor of New York has cast the city in the waiting arms of a cadre of dangerous and deadly super villains! Worse still, Fisk's vendetta against the heroes who have stood against him for so long has left the city defenseless. You may think you've heard a tale like this before, but there will be no last minute bargains struck ...

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Devil's Reign #6 Apr 6, 2022

Ending of Event that lands well. Hmmm.

Enjoyed The Event. Art is absolutely Gorgeous.
BTW, Chechetto never ceases to amaze me by how gorgeous she draws Elektra.
Excited for Relaunch. Though don't really understand why but excited to read what comes next with Fist, Hand, Daredevil. Would Chip use Punisher in next run as he is also associated with more

Devil's Reign #6

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Apr 6, 2022

Wilson Fisk's hubris as mayor of New York has cast the city in the waiting arms of a cadre of dangerous and deadly super villains! Worse still, Fisk's vendetta against the heroes who have stood against him for so long has left the city defenseless. You may think you've heard a tale like this before, but there will be no last minute bargains struck ...

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #93 Mar 30, 2022

It's an odd one.

This didn't feel like true ending, just setting things up more. Sure, Zeb Wells continues as the writer, so I'm not that against it. It just feels odd to end this volume with... such a non-conclusive ending.

Art was great. As Gleason usually is. It was nice to see thoe flashbacks to Clone Saga, to part of me wishes Bagley redraw the scenes he first did 25 yea more

Amazing Spider-Man #93

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 30, 2022

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


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UxasIs reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #93 Mar 30, 2022


What a hot fucking mess...

Amazing Spider-Man #93

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 30, 2022

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


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daspidaboy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #93 Mar 30, 2022

No doubt this will be "divisive" amongst Spider-Man fans, but at least its not as bad as Nick Spencer's final issue. This will have spoilers.

While this story arc is "harmless" and entertaining, I think the problem with this run has to deal with the Beyond Corporation. I did not find them interesting at all, I think the main leader (I seriously dont know their leader's name) was boring, more

Amazing Spider-Man #93

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 30, 2022

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


Rachit Mittal reviewed Silk #3 Mar 30, 2022

This is underrated miniseries.

Silk #3

By: Emily Kim, Takeshi Miyazawa
Released: Mar 30, 2022


•  A powerful, ancient witch is draining the life force out of young people!
•  Silk has to figure out how to stop her before she claims another victim.
•  But Silk doesn't know that SHE is the witch's next target!


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Rachit Mittal added Silk (2022) to their pull list Mar 30, 2022

Silk (2022)

Cindy Moon returns as the web-spinning Spider-Hero SILK in an all-new, all-star series! As Silk gains popularity in the public eye, Cindy is questioning her place in the world. But existentialism will have to wait when a powerful new villain is turned loose!

In a race against the clock, Silk discovers the dangers of anc...

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Dark Ages #6 Mar 30, 2022

Fine issue. Lacklustre ending.

Dark Ages #6

By: Tom Taylor, Iban Coello
Released: Mar 30, 2022

• All the sacrifices made on the day the world went dark could be for nothing if Apocalypse has his way.
•  Some of the greatest minds on the planet have been enslaved by the tyrant and are working on a plan that could end in annihilation.
•  Will our heroes, fighting for their loved ones and lost ones, be able to stop Apocalyp...

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Rachit Mittal rated Swamp Thing #11 Mar 30, 2022

Swamp Thing #11

By: Ram V, Mike Perkins
Released: Mar 30, 2022

By popular demand, the Swamp Thing has returned and is extending his roots into Season Two! The climactic battle between Levi and his brother Jacob led to events that left the Swamp Thing broken up-literally.  Now, with Levi fractured and on the edge of oblivion, an unlikely ally has entered the fray to piece him back together again: Tefé Hollan...

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Sollywoods reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #93 Mar 30, 2022

I was enjoying this issue right up until the end. There were several ways I saw this going and I think the outcome was the one I wanted the least. SPOILER

Making Ben a villian. Anti-hero at best but we don't even know. You can assume by the colour scheme and new name that he's not going to a hero. Marvel needs to stop crapping on Ben Reilly. They have an amazing anti-hero/villain spider more

Amazing Spider-Man #93

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 30, 2022

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


Rachit Mittal reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #93 Mar 30, 2022

I am quite conflicted on the issue.
Felt it was decent ending.
Art was quite decent throughout except one panel where Maxine face looked really wierd.

I felt that Ben and Peter fight was very much immature and forced. I didn't felt that they had legitimate reason to fight.

Thanks Zeb for reminding me why I am always so picky on Ben Reilly. It's fucking memories thin more

Amazing Spider-Man #93

By: Zeb Wells, Patrick Gleason
Released: Mar 30, 2022

•  SPIDER-MAN VS. SPIDER-MAN! You may surprise yourself with who you're rooting for.
•  Don't miss the conclusion to one of the most surprising Spider-Stories of the past decade.


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This is so hard to describe. How can someone feel so slow, yet so rushed at the same time? The revelations here are a mixed bag. Some work, some don't.

Overall a very messy finish to Spencer's run, which I had enjoyed until Chameleon Conspiracy. That wasn't bad, just meh. But this?

This is not a good one.

Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 15: What Cost Victory?

By: Nick Spencer, Federico Vicentini

Nick Spencer's Spider-Man saga reaches new heights! The Sinister War between Doctor Octopus and the Vulture is about to turn Spider-Man's life upside down! And the fact that "King's Ransom" and "Chameleon Conspiracy" already did that twice over might give you an idea of just how hard this latest crisis is going to be for the wall-crawler! But as tw...

Rachit Mittal liked this:
Afre reviewed Sinister War Collected Mar 15, 2022

So, that felt like a waste of time. Not a lot happened here, pretty skippable to be honest.

Sinister War Collected

By: Nick Spencer, Mark Bagley

Doctor Octopus is back! He's assembled a new Sinister Six - and if you think he's thought big in the past, think again. But what Doc Ock doesn't know is that the Vulture has a sextet of his own: the Savage Six! Brace yourself for all-out war between two of the greatest villains in the Marvel Universe - and the only person they hate more than each o...

Rachit Mittal reviewed Carnage #1 Mar 23, 2022

Great isdue

Carnage #1

By: Ram V, Francesco Manna
Released: Mar 16, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Rachit Mittal liked this:
daspidaboy reviewed Carnage #1 Mar 20, 2022

Really enjoyed this issue. Cant wait to see how this goes.

Carnage #1

By: Ram V, Francesco Manna
Released: Mar 16, 2022

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Rachit Mittal added Carnage (2022) to their pull list Mar 23, 2022

Carnage (2022)

Look for more information on this title in future issues of Marvel Previews.

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Rachit Mittal added Eternals (2021) to their pull list Mar 20, 2022

Eternals (2021)

What's the point of an eternal battle?
For millions of years, one hundred Eternals have roamed the Earth, secret protectors of humanity. Without them, we'd be smears between the teeth of the demon-like Deviants. Their war has waged for all time, echoing in our myths and nightmares.
But today, Eternals fac...

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Eternals: The Heretic #1

By: Kieron Gillen, Ryan Bodenheim
Released: Mar 16, 2022

Thanos is now ruler of the Eternals! But believe it or not...he's actually not the worst leader that the Eternals' society has ever seen. No, that honor belongs to someone even more horrific. Thanos is evil, yes, but who was the original evil from whom all Eternal evils descend? Meet Uranos, the Undying. And may the Celestials have mercy on your so...

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #92.BEY Mar 16, 2022

Beyond once again showcases it really doesn't grasp what kind of scope it wants to have. Is Beyond a bigger event with multiple characters, or is it focused on Ben Reilly once again being Spider-Man?

And this is why this one is not very good for me. It's a collection of side-stories that finish any storyline that felt was dropped the issue it was introduced. And none of them really inte more

Amazing Spider-Man #92.BEY

By: Jed MacKay, Luigi Zagaria
Released: Mar 16, 2022

• WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LIZARD?! And what could he (or more accurately, it, after recent ASM events) possibly have to do with what has been battering Ben Reilly around?
•  Only one issue to go, so you know, BIG STUFF IS HAPPENING HERE!!!



Amazing Spider-Man #92.BEY

By: Jed MacKay, Luigi Zagaria
Released: Mar 16, 2022

• WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LIZARD?! And what could he (or more accurately, it, after recent ASM events) possibly have to do with what has been battering Ben Reilly around?
•  Only one issue to go, so you know, BIG STUFF IS HAPPENING HERE!!!


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Rachit Mittal rated Thor #23 Mar 10, 2022

Thor #23

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Mar 9, 2022


It's the final chapter in Thor's brutal war against the God of Hammers, and after a horrific and tragic loss, Thor is more determined than ever to finish the fight, once and for all. But can he triumph without Mjolnir at his side? Either way, by issue's end, Thor's life will be irrevocably changed!


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