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Joined: Sep 27, 2022

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thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #9 May 26, 2023

So this issue starts out showing that Tim is actually a pretty good detective and was MAYBE trained by the bat. It's a rare thing in this book. Then, almost immediately, the rest of the issue goes back to romance fan fic and Tim being a complete dumbass. The same thing that is in every issue of Fitzmartin's run. That's it. That's the review. Nothing else really deserves to be said.

Tim Drake: Robin #9

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Nikola Cizmesija
Released: May 24, 2023

Batwoman's got blood on her hands as a familiar enemy rears their head and creates a rift between her and Robin. Do we really know what we're capable of?


deep breath Only two issues left, only two issues left…

Alright let’s get to the positives, this intro is actually kinda good. There is a decent narrative flow, Tim using his analytical mind that’s communicated in a visually interesting way. The art looks good throughout, and the final scene is really haunting and has great use of imagery.

That out of the way, this book more

Tim Drake: Robin #9

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Nikola Cizmesija
Released: May 24, 2023

Batwoman's got blood on her hands as a familiar enemy rears their head and creates a rift between her and Robin. Do we really know what we're capable of?


Okay, Nikola Cizmesija should have been the artist from the get go. This art style is much more fitting to Tim’s character and better communicates the “puzzle” element of the paneling. I finally understand what Riley Rossmo was trying to do in the first arc. While Nikola is no Belen Ortega, it does feel very reminiscent of the Urban Legends tales where her artwork shined. And I will give cre more

Tim Drake: Robin #8

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Nikola Cizmesija
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Who's ready for a Bat-team-up for the ages? Batwoman shows up at the Gotham Marina with a mystery only the world's best Robin could solve. Together, Robin and Batwoman will help each other...or die trying.

+ LikeComments (4)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Apr 27, 2023 (edited)

Lord knows I’m guilty of that type of scoring too but I’m not angry anymore just profoundly disappointed

wakizashireviews - Apr 27, 2023

Me too. If I give a very high or very low score, I will point out why I think so, the same as you. A lot of "reviewers" on here just hand out 1s and 10s with zero explanation. I can't take those reviews seriously.

LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #8 Apr 26, 2023

So, yes, the art is better, and the plot proved a little more linear, with fewer distractions, but the writing still leaves a whole hell of a lot to be desired. Fitzmartin continues to struggle with understanding who Tim is, with showing genuine character interactions, and the continued failures here render me completely underwhelmed with this new arc. I still don't feel much for the characters, e more

Tim Drake: Robin #8

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Nikola Cizmesija
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Who's ready for a Bat-team-up for the ages? Batwoman shows up at the Gotham Marina with a mystery only the world's best Robin could solve. Together, Robin and Batwoman will help each other...or die trying.

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:
thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #8 Apr 25, 2023

Best issue so far but still terrible. Read somerandomsamrta55"s review for an in depth study of why this book is so substandard.

Tim Drake: Robin #8

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Nikola Cizmesija
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Who's ready for a Bat-team-up for the ages? Batwoman shows up at the Gotham Marina with a mystery only the world's best Robin could solve. Together, Robin and Batwoman will help each other...or die trying.

+ LikeComments (2)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Apr 26, 2023

Oh now you’re gonna make me blush. And tbh it applies to the whole series. But I will agree, best issue so far

thecimmerian - Apr 26, 2023

True, the whole series has been poor "entertainment".

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:

Honestly, the people who rag so hard on this book either haven't read many comics, or just hate gay people. Just saying it like it is, as they're too cowardly to do themselves.

Tim Drake: Robin #7

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Serg Acuna
Released: Mar 29, 2023

A new dawn rises on Tim Drake and the Gotham Marina as a new chapter of Robin’s story begins! But how long can this sense of calm last with a certain someone still roaming free in Gotham?

+ LikeComments (16)
tron - Apr 17, 2023

If u take out any mention of tims sexuality, this book is still 1 of the worst written books in the last 10 years. Saying people just hate it because they're bigots makes YOU the bigot and shows you just want 2 be contrary 2 most people's opinion because your bi yourself & will take up 4 any representation of yourself even if it sucks. That or your just an asshole. If u think anyone who dislikes this doesn't read many comics your also either a fool or don't understand basic story structure.

Amazing Psycamorean - Apr 17, 2023

Bigotry is based in prejudice, and luckily there are ample examples of these people clearly being bigots for me to pull from to prove I'm not being prejudiced, I'm just right. I don't know if you skipped my detailed critique of this book's representation in the comments, but you should give that a shot before you make the claim I'll just accept any and all representation. I know the idea of independent thinking is tough for you to grasp. 🙏

wakizashireviews reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #7 Apr 3, 2023

This issue proves that ANYBODY can become a comic book writer so long as they meet certain "criteria." It's an absolute mess of a "story" with truly incomprehensible plot points. I'm starting to think Fitzmartin is actually trolling everyone. It has to be a joke, right?

Why read it then? Because like Morpheus told Neo: "You have to see it for yourself!"

1. I mean the line abo more

Tim Drake: Robin #7

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Serg Acuna
Released: Mar 29, 2023

A new dawn rises on Tim Drake and the Gotham Marina as a new chapter of Robin’s story begins! But how long can this sense of calm last with a certain someone still roaming free in Gotham?

thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #7 Mar 28, 2023

WTF was this? Yes, Bernard gets fleshed out in this issue but it's just standard garbage. He's gay, his parents disapprove, he's the better person out of the three. Yawn. And the writing is sooooo bad. Bernard's not supposed to know Tim is Robin but Tim is in the bedroom of their tiny boat home changing from his costume to his suit while Bernard is telling him they're late. How did he not se more

Tim Drake: Robin #7

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Serg Acuna
Released: Mar 29, 2023

A new dawn rises on Tim Drake and the Gotham Marina as a new chapter of Robin’s story begins! But how long can this sense of calm last with a certain someone still roaming free in Gotham?

Dave reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #7 Mar 28, 2023

Bad writing makes a book bad. People giving this a ten do you even read comics?

Tim Drake: Robin #7

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Serg Acuna
Released: Mar 29, 2023

A new dawn rises on Tim Drake and the Gotham Marina as a new chapter of Robin’s story begins! But how long can this sense of calm last with a certain someone still roaming free in Gotham?


You can put glitter on a turd all you want, it’s still a turd.

Tim Drake: Robin #7

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Serg Acuna
Released: Mar 29, 2023

A new dawn rises on Tim Drake and the Gotham Marina as a new chapter of Robin’s story begins! But how long can this sense of calm last with a certain someone still roaming free in Gotham?

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LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #6 Mar 2, 2023

I still hold to the idea that Fitzmartin never had any intention of honoring the concept and legacy of Tim Drake but instead seems to have taken this as her cue to write whatever fantasy ideas she has of him. This isn't about "trying to live up to the images of other people." When given a character like this, it's about making them the best version of who you can while still honoring the roots se more

Tim Drake: Robin #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Released: Mar 1, 2023

The final showdown! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?

Dave reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #6 Mar 1, 2023

A critic gave this book a 10 drugs are good

Tim Drake: Robin #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Released: Mar 1, 2023

The final showdown! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?

hesfkshgf reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #6 Mar 1, 2023

Just avoid it like most other readers

Tim Drake: Robin #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Released: Mar 1, 2023

The final showdown! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?

thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #6 Feb 28, 2023

Worst book DC has put out in the last decade. Tim gets his own knock off version of clay face here but that's about it. I read this book just to dump on it (because it truly deserves it) but I do hope it will get readable one day. Tim is my favorite Robin after all.

Tim Drake: Robin #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Released: Mar 1, 2023

The final showdown! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?


Tim Drake has never, ever, Ever, EVER wanted to be Batman!!!! IT’S BEEN THE MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF HIS CHARACTER SINCE HIS CREATION!!!!

Tim Drake: Robin #6

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Ricardo Lopez Ortiz
Released: Mar 1, 2023

The final showdown! Tim Drake comes face-to-voice with the villain who’s been taunting Tim by using his metahuman powers to create ghostly animals. When this Moriarty’s identity is revealed, all hell breaks loose in the marina. Can Tim keep things afloat, while simultaneously dealing with his relationship with Bernard?

LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #5 Jan 25, 2023

Just when I thought Fitzmartin had finally left all those old detective stories alone, we're greeted with the most uninspired villain touting himself as worthy of comparison to the Joker. To be fair, this current version of Tim Drake is by no means giving Batman a run for his money at this rate either. Moriarty. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take this seriously when nothing about this run has g more

Tim Drake: Robin #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Tim's mysterious new admirer/nemesis is closing in and they could be anyone. With everyone he trusts potentially compromised or in danger, the World's Greatest Robin has no one and nowhere left to turn for help...except for himself. But can Tim Drake get out of his own way for long enough to catch up to a villain who seemingly knows everything abou...

thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #5 Jan 25, 2023

This series is as enjoyable as a swfit kick to the jewels.

Tim Drake: Robin #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Tim's mysterious new admirer/nemesis is closing in and they could be anyone. With everyone he trusts potentially compromised or in danger, the World's Greatest Robin has no one and nowhere left to turn for help...except for himself. But can Tim Drake get out of his own way for long enough to catch up to a villain who seemingly knows everything abou...

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:
Dave reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #5 Jan 24, 2023

Are the critics reading the same book?? I have yet to meet anyone who likes this book except the critics above. The only thing worst than the art is the writing . I like Tim Drake but the glory days of Chuck Dixon, Tom Grumette, and Mike Wieringo are gone and now we got no talent havks

Tim Drake: Robin #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Tim's mysterious new admirer/nemesis is closing in and they could be anyone. With everyone he trusts potentially compromised or in danger, the World's Greatest Robin has no one and nowhere left to turn for help...except for himself. But can Tim Drake get out of his own way for long enough to catch up to a villain who seemingly knows everything abou...

+ LikeComments (1)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Jan 25, 2023 (edited)

I’ve met a few people who like this book, every single one of them have read little to no Tim prior. I’m in the process of rectifying that


This book is crap, because of TimBer
What does Tim, see in him?
It’s not because Bernard’s a guy.
I will take anyone else.
Pleeeaaasssee (Please go away), Just make him ple-ease go away (timber), Plleeeaaaaseee (timber)
Wooooah (timber), anyone else (please), wooooah (this book is crap)

Alright one of the first things we see is Rossmo drawing Nightwing more

Tim Drake: Robin #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Tim's mysterious new admirer/nemesis is closing in and they could be anyone. With everyone he trusts potentially compromised or in danger, the World's Greatest Robin has no one and nowhere left to turn for help...except for himself. But can Tim Drake get out of his own way for long enough to catch up to a villain who seemingly knows everything abou...

Halodystroyer44 reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #5 Jan 24, 2023

I weep for DC.

Tim Drake: Robin #5

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Tim's mysterious new admirer/nemesis is closing in and they could be anyone. With everyone he trusts potentially compromised or in danger, the World's Greatest Robin has no one and nowhere left to turn for help...except for himself. But can Tim Drake get out of his own way for long enough to catch up to a villain who seemingly knows everything abou...

SomeRandomSmartA55 reviewed Batman #131 Jan 3, 2023

Normally I don’t like multiverse stories, I think they are overdone and O feel the multiverse needs to come to an end, but damn Chip you got me hooked!

I know this is blasphemy to say….but I like Hawthorne’s artwork more than Jorge’s ( starts dodging tomatoes ) Sorry, not sorry. Just something about it feels more Batman-y to me, I don’t know how else to put it.

I ca more

Batman #131

By: Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero
Released: Jan 4, 2023

Gotham City has never been darker or deadlier. And after Failsafe, there is no Batman to save it. Can the fractured ghost that roams the streets survive? Whatever happened to the man known as...Bruce Wayne?

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(*In old-timey announcer guy voice*)
Previously on “Thanks I hate it” Starring Timblr & Bernard as the “Manic Pixie Femboy”. Timblr acted so out of character, after taking down a squad of fake Robins. But Bernard is now Tim’s boyfriend so it makes it all better. Will SmartA55 be able to make it through this issue with all his hair attached to his head?

(We now return to y more

Tim Drake: Robin #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Bernard has been kidnapped and only one person can save him: his boyfriend, Tim Drake! Plus, the Gotham Marina continues to be the target of both political unrest and a string of bizarre crimes. With every part of Tim’s life seemingly ready to explode, can the young sleuth crack the case of his abducted admirer before it’s too late?

+ LikeComments (3)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Jan 2, 2023

Sadly, it is a fitting name.

2ndThought - Jan 11, 2023

Tim couldn't have been staying at Wayne Manor; last I checked, Bruce had moved out a while ago, leaving the place dormant. That does raise the question of where Tim has been staying before he moved to the Marina, but given Fitzmartin, probably something like he'd been sleeping in the various mini Bat-Caves around Gotham.

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:
Midnightanon reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #4 Dec 30, 2022

Was Tim always this bad at being a detective? I thought we were done with the weird ghost things that I guess aren’t very ghostly anymore. None of this is making sense. And why hasn’t tim even tried to figure out how these things are being made? I thought he was a genius detective. And why does the bad guy look like some rejected joker? Might as well give Tim the D-list prince of crime because more

Tim Drake: Robin #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Bernard has been kidnapped and only one person can save him: his boyfriend, Tim Drake! Plus, the Gotham Marina continues to be the target of both political unrest and a string of bizarre crimes. With every part of Tim’s life seemingly ready to explode, can the young sleuth crack the case of his abducted admirer before it’s too late?

+ LikeComments (1)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Dec 31, 2022

Tim was never a bad Detective, he figured out who Batman was when he was 8 years old, the guy in this comic can't even be smart enough to close his damn curtains!! And yeah I'm kinda rooting for Maximillian Pegasus to kidnap Bernard and keep him forever so Tim can go back to being himself again.

LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #4 Dec 29, 2022

Let me start by saying, having seen more comments about the matter, that Rossmo's art isn't the main issue here for me. While I do continue to agree that this style wasn't the best fit for a Tim Drake book, it's still a style that has its place in the industry. Part of the issue with the art, though, is that it gives us one sense of a story while the actual story itself provides another, and I fee more

Tim Drake: Robin #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Bernard has been kidnapped and only one person can save him: his boyfriend, Tim Drake! Plus, the Gotham Marina continues to be the target of both political unrest and a string of bizarre crimes. With every part of Tim’s life seemingly ready to explode, can the young sleuth crack the case of his abducted admirer before it’s too late?

thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #4 Dec 28, 2022

Art=trash, characters=trash, dialogue=trash Don't spend your money or time on this title. I love Tim Drake but right now I'm hoping the villain wins and burns the marina into the ocean along with Tim, Bernard, and all the rest of the idiots living there.

Tim Drake: Robin #4

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 28, 2022

Bernard has been kidnapped and only one person can save him: his boyfriend, Tim Drake! Plus, the Gotham Marina continues to be the target of both political unrest and a string of bizarre crimes. With every part of Tim’s life seemingly ready to explode, can the young sleuth crack the case of his abducted admirer before it’s too late?

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:
RobinsFan reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #3 Nov 24, 2022

Soooo this was better than the last issue but it's still really bad. I don't know where she gets some of this stuff she says about the other robins because it's not anything like them at all and Tim still doesn't act like Tim at all in here. Like is saying he's solving crimes all its takes to make him a detective now because he's also really bad at that. And like other people have said why did Tim more

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

+ LikeComments (3)
RobinsFan - Nov 26, 2022 (edited)

I dunno. Like it would make him more interesting that's for sure but also they've hyped him up and this whole thing about being the best love of his life and then he turns out to be someone trying to kill him? maybe if MF had written this whole thing better from the start it would play off ok but to do that just seems like a bad take for Tim's first same sex relationship to turn out like that. but I can see her doing it and not caring or thinking about what that implication would be. feels bad.

SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 28, 2022

Eh, I’m a sucker for a hero/villain romance, and it could be done to create some inner turmoil for Tim, making him question everything all over again. Pretty much anything would be better than what we are getting right now

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:
Ebonyc reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #3 Nov 24, 2022

Atrocious is the word

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

+ LikeComments (2)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 24, 2022 (edited)

I thought Bird was the word. I know I’d love to give this book the bird.

Ebonyc - Nov 24, 2022 (edited)

Good one :D Flip it hard!

thecimmerian reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #3 Nov 23, 2022

By this point all you need to know is this. If Meghan Fitzmartin is involved in any way, RUN!

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

LoveAndLoss reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #3 Nov 23, 2022

Overall, this was still a badly written issue, but dropping the pursuit of various older detective stories and allowing some semblance of a plot to form was one of the better things about this particular one. That being said, still not a great time being had here.

Fitzmartin's grasp on characterization remains threadbare at best. She has a few lines that seem to imply she has at least more

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

SomeRandomSmartA55 commented on this:
2ndThought reviewed Tim Drake: Robin #3 Nov 23, 2022

First off, can I just point out that the solicit summary doesn't actually match this issue. That doesn't really affect the quality all that much, but it's worth noting.

Regardless, I'll be the first to concede that this issue has far more coherent progression between scenes than the last one. And there is clearly more of an effort being made this time when it comes to characterisation t more

Tim Drake: Robin #3

By: Meghan Fitzmartin, Riley Rossmo
Released: Nov 23, 2022

DID SOMEONE SAY GOLDFISH? After a mysterious murder takes place in broad library, Tim, Detective Williams, and Darcy are led to three suspects...except they aren't real? Meanwhile, Tim's been so busy on this case, he's forgotten the case of the boyfriend. Where's Bernard?

+ LikeComments (1)
SomeRandomSmartA55 - Nov 23, 2022 (edited)

Yeah I also felt the “prove myself better” sense during the Robins fight. While I do subscribe that Tim is the best Robin, I believe that because he has so much honor and respect for the role, and had to constantly prove his worth and he went above and beyond. Also Tim felt worse about hitting Damian, a kid he continues to not get along with, over Stephanie, a girl who said being with her was the time of his life. Someone make it make sense. Also Rossmo’s Tim looks like Sid from Toy Story.

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