Praura's Profile

Joined: Aug 04, 2022

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Aquaman: Andromeda #1

Aug 4, 2022

Aquaman: Andromeda #2

Aug 4, 2022

2 out of 3 and it's not an Aquaman story, not really, but it's an excellent story nontheless.

Aquaman: Andromeda #3

Oct 24, 2022

Batman (2016) #125

Aug 4, 2022

Batman (2016) #126

Aug 4, 2022

Batman (2016) #127

Oct 24, 2022

It feel liek, perhaps, we've accelerated too much in a single issue. Failsafe has defeated all his opposition in what's basically a montage.

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) #20

Oct 18, 2023

Good start. Quick pacing but not in a negative way. Like the detail of focusing on the KC counterparts of characters that have appeared through the WF's book, helps it feel anchored. Mora was a beast in this one.

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #7

Aug 4, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #8

Aug 4, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #9

Oct 24, 2022

Right now, Supergirl's story is the msot interesting to me because I can't exactly figure out where it's going. The other two teams have very clear objectives. with Superbgirl there's a seemingly simple goal that, for some reason, I feel it's going to get complicated (like with that twist).

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #10

Oct 25, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #11

Nov 29, 2022

DC vs. Vampires (2021) #12

Dec 27, 2022

HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD... Personally? I found this to be pretty excellent. I've loved this series' combination of off-the-walls humour and ideas, horror and character moments of all kinds. It's DC meets unleashed Sam Raimi and/or Tim Burton at his most Tim Burton-esque (so Batman Returns). Vampire Nightwing finally clicked for me as an antagonist in this issue. The reveal was pretty cool, but after that we mostly followed the heroes so he was too much out-of-focus. He needed that "sneaky-little-bastard" energy that he gets here and I like that his motivations feel even rational enough from his POV even though they're completely twisted. But if there's a prequel showing more of him, I'll buy :) He had this combination of pure evil and character sincerity he needed finally. I lveod that moment where he tells Babs he loves her. And, I don't know how controversial it'll be, but I actually liked Babs' character a lot in this. I'm a sucker for a good twist ending and I thought it worked well. She wants revenge on Nightwing at all costs and ultimately, the cost is her humanity. She couldn't have murdered him as a human, but as a vampire she has no such qualms, but then of course the price is that Vampire Babs takes his place. It's was a pretty good reversal and I get why it was "necessary" to make her the new queen from a narrative perspective, even if personally I would have prefered someone else (like Wonder Woman, I want evil Vampire Queen Wonder Woman) I really liked their scenes on the tower and I loved that the story ended... Quietly. This second half was getting too much event-itis for taste and while I like action, I though it was the way to go. I'm not the biggest Harley fan and originally I didn't like that they seemingly gave her plot armor but man, I really liked her role in this. She's comic relief, the only sane woman (ironically enough) and ultimately an unwitting pawn. I'm not sure how well the ending works as an ending though. It worked for me, it was a dark, twist ending with a sliver of hope. Though for others it may feel too much like a "to be continued". Which I wouldn't mind, I'm dawn (:P) for Batgirl v Supergirl, but I get some would want more finality instead of a dark version of "the evil and the fight never end". I read that Tynion plotted the Birds of Prey/Babs story (which makes senses, it's where Punchline appeared) and Rosenberg added the Green Arrow stuff and, given how much it interacts with the Tynion-less spin-off, probably the Supergirl section as well, or at least its ending. This is pure speculation on my part, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tynion's original ending was simply a dark one (given his horror sensibilities) with Babs getting turned and Kara dying on the explosion, and then they added Green Arrow and Supergirl getting saved to soften the blow and perhaps get a sequel down the line. I'm all for exploring more of this setting though, specially now it's become this Castlevania/Vampire Hunter D-esque world. And to explore other characters as well, the vampire side has admittedly been sidelined this second half. All in all, an awesome series for me, from the beginning to the end. Well-paced, funny, tense, scary and surprisingly character-based, which is always a plus in my book. 10/10.

DC vs. Vampires Vol. 1

Apr 1, 2023

I originally read this when the trade came out, in one go, and enjoyed it a lot. Having re-read it in tandem with the second part, it's still awesome. Tense and surprisingly fun, its best asset is the ability to both keep you guessing and built up a bigger story as it goes on. You can go back to the very beginning to see the seeds of the themes of the story and it's a book that isn't afraid to actually incorporate elements of another genre (in this case, vampire fiction) into its own story. Highly recommended.

DC vs. Vampires Vol. 2

Apr 1, 2023

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #2

Nov 16, 2022

Points for the backup, like many here, I also hope the writer/artist combo do more stuff with this story.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #3

Nov 16, 2022

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #4

Nov 16, 2022

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #5

Nov 16, 2022

I really like how Mary is being written in this. She's hopeful, altrustic, has that old school Golden Age trustfulness with everybody and the same time she's serious, independent, mature, knows perfectly well how terrible the situation is and the kind of terrible people she's had to work with. And her scene with Billy felt like something out of a Stephen King story in the best ways.

DC vs. Vampires: All-Out War (2022) #6

Dec 20, 2022

HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD: Man this was depressing. As always Mary is the MVP of this story and I wonder if she'll appear int he main series after that ending (?). I really, really liked that final twist with Deadman. I was really wondering about Deathstroke's characterization in some moments and now I really wonder how many of them could have been Deadman, specially because we know that he's been in the background following the team all along and Constatine makes clear there was manipulation involved. The ambiguity also makes for a better story than just telling outright. Midnighter is always awesome and I loved that gag with him at the end. I'm conflicted about the use of Superman in this, though. On the one hand, I actually like his writing, it probably feels the most humane of the antagonists and it's a fun commentary on the character having to be always be the hero and the "Evil Superman" trope in general. That final scene where he reminisces about his childhood hits hard. It's moving and tragic. He also doesn't overstay his welcome. On the other hand, I feel killing him in a side story, surrounded by characters he doesn't really have a personal relationship with, was not a good choice. Like, Supergirl is one of the main characters of the main series and most other (important) vampires get to be killed by their loved ones. Unlike Billy's demise, which could only be in done in this story, I think you could have gotten a similar tragic ending (minus the commentary) with another character and linked Supes to a story he fit better in. Part of me also wanted him to be a Crazy Awesome fun antagonist like some of the other vampirized heroes instead of being Old Yeller in the mega-bleak spin-off, though I guess those tired with Evil Superman trope may be against it. I don't even know if he's really dead. He certainly didn't turn to dust (the comic made sure we lingered on him, so it wasn't something off-panel or anything)... That being said, I think it's a pretty well done story overall, even if I would have prefered some other story choices. Can't wait for the finale of the main series next week. EDIT: Also, Vampire Poison Ivy is scary as hell, hope we see more of her (and many of the characters in the side stories in general).

Detective Comics (2016) #1062

Aug 4, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1063

Nov 16, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1065

Nov 29, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1066

Nov 29, 2022

Detective Comics (2016) #1070

Mar 29, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1071

Oct 18, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1072

Oct 18, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1073

Oct 18, 2023

Detective Comics (2016) #1074

Oct 18, 2023

Little Monsters (2022) #1

Aug 4, 2022

Little Monsters (2022) #2

Aug 4, 2022

Little Monsters (2022) #3

Nov 16, 2022

Little Monsters (2022) #4

Nov 16, 2022

Little Monsters (2022) #5

Nov 16, 2022

Poison Ivy (2022) #1

Nov 16, 2022


Poison Ivy (2022) #2

Nov 16, 2022

Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1

Apr 1, 2023

Something is Killing the Children Vol. 2

Apr 1, 2023

Something is Killing the Children Vol. 3

Apr 1, 2023

Something is Killing the Children Vol. 4

Apr 1, 2023

Something is Killing the Children Vol. 5

Apr 1, 2023

Superman (2023) #1

Feb 21, 2023

A pretty good start.

Superman (2023) #2

Mar 29, 2023

Faster-paced than the first, but still very good. Clark's relationship with Lex and Mercy is the highlight here, the story is very simple, but the tone reminds me of Superman The Animated Series and it's cool to see him navigate a situation in full-on having to use his powers with creativity.

Superman (2023) #3

May 17, 2023

So uh, this kind of completely deflated all of sudden. The characrer work is strong but the resolution to the plot too rushed adn Deus Ex Machina-ish.

Superman (2023) #4

May 17, 2023

This run is at its best when it focuses on the relationship between Lex and CLark, and this issue delivered :D

Superman (2023) #5

Oct 18, 2023

Superman (2023) #6

Oct 18, 2023

Superman (2023) #7

Oct 18, 2023

The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #1

Aug 4, 2022

The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #2

Oct 24, 2022

The New Champion of Shazam! (2022) #3

Nov 16, 2022

This needs to continue after the fourth issue.

Titans (2023) #1  
X-Men: Red (2022) #1

Aug 4, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #2

Aug 4, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #3

Aug 4, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #4

Aug 4, 2022

X-Men: Red (2022) #5

Aug 4, 2022

Reviews for the Week of...


