Thor #1

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Michael Del Mundo Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 13, 2018 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 26 User Reviews: 78
8.4Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Thor Odinson has regained his mantle - and with it, a wild new world of trouble on his mighty hands! The artifacts of Asgard have been scattered across the earth, and to reclaim them, Thor will have to face some ugly truths. Like the production cost of hundreds of new hammers! And the Thunder God is going to need every last one of them if he's going to stop the unstoppable Juggernaut. Jason Aaron takes the Prince of Asgard in a whole new direction with YOUNG GUN artist Mike Del Mundo joining him at the helm! And don't miss the latest chapter of the King Thor more

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Jun 13, 2018

    This is as good start as one will get and the art alone is very much worth it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Jun 12, 2018

    This is an excellent first issue that sets up so much while kick-starting new adventures that seem insurmountable. It's the kind of comic that confirms there's only one hero for the job and their name is on the cover. Words like "awesome" may pop into your head as you read it -- it deserves an orchestra or a heavy guitar lick to truly express how cool this can be. Ride this lightning: the God of Thunder is back. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 12, 2018

    There may be those who scowl at Thor #1 so clearly channeling Taika Waititi’s fun take on the God of Thunder - and while it’s certainly their opinion, it’s probably the wrong one. The fact that Jason Aaron has spent this long with his central character and not been exhausted for ideas is a laudable accomplishment, and the fact that he’s been able to find so many different ways to spin off stories featuring Thor is the sort of resilience that comes along rarely, if ever, in the comics business. The days of unworthiness and self-doubt are over - the God with the Golden Hammer has officially returned, and it makes for a dazzling debut in Thor #1. Read Full Review

  • 9.7
    We The Nerdy - Alden Diaz Jun 13, 2018

    This is a relaunch with validity, a relaunch with power, a relaunch with beauty, and a relaunch with, well, thunder. Check this book out, I definitely don't think you'll regret it. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Christopher Landers Jun 13, 2018

    Overall, if youre the fan thats been waiting on Odinson to reclaim his mantle, this is the book for you. He may not be back at full power yet, but Aaron is crafting a story that will eventually have Thor show how worthy he is, and the ride on the way to that goal will surely be entertaining. Not all of the answers youve been asking are immediately presented to you, but that is in-character for Aarons writing style; he likes to draw out a mystery. It was a while before readers found out Jane was the new Thor, but it made total sense when it was finally revealed. Aaron is always good for the payoff, so its worth sticking around for the answers. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jun 13, 2018

    This first issue does a great job of setting up the conflicts Thor is going to face personally and professionally while also expanding on Thor as a character and letting him grow through his recent experiences. Can't wait to read more. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Watch - Bethany W Pope Jun 30, 2018

    Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. The Gods are scattered, war is coming, and Thor's having problems with his hammer. But what else is new? Read on to find out. Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Comicsverse - AJ Zender Jun 17, 2018

    THOR #1 sees the brilliant return of the God of Thunder. While Thor himself suffers from a lack of characterization, the guest characters shine incredibly bright while the plot constantly manages to excite. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jun 16, 2018

    Jason Aaron has been writing Thor forever, but he hasn't lost an ounce of bounce in his step as this new series kicks off. The first issue is full of personality and action, which make for a great debut. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Lost Lighthouse - thelostlighthouse Jun 14, 2018

    To say Thor #1 is a great start would be disingenuous and a disservice to all that came before it from Aaron and the other great artists who have shaped his run onThor. More this is a great continuation that may serve as a jumping on point for anyone who has slept on the series up until now (but if you have you should absolutely go back and read it all in trades). I'll miss the Goddess of Thunder, but I suspect that we haven't seen the last of her. Regardless, get this at your local comic book shop or online! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Black Nerd Problems - Oz Longworth Jun 14, 2018

    Bottom Line: The title and number may have changed, the mantle has changed hands, the hammer may be gone (for now) but Aaron is still giving out master classes in mythic storytelling. Issue #1 is a well paced, entertaining quick guide to get everyone up to speed on where our characters are in the scheme of things and where they're headed. If you've liked any part of Jason Aaron's saga, I suggest you get in on the ground floor and cop this book immediately. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Graphic Policy - Brett Dec 31, 2019

    Thor #1 mixes action, emotion, and spectacle. The result is a debut issue that's welcoming to new readers and should intrigue long-time fans. With unexpected twists and a whole new direction and status quo, this debut sends Thor off into the cosmos for adventure and excitement. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 13, 2018

    Thor #1 serves as an engaging start to the latest phase of Jason Aaron's ongoing saga. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Molly Jane Kremer Jun 15, 2018

    Though this is, as mentioned, the sixth Thor #1 Aaron has penned, he recently stated on twitter that it's "also likely the last, as we begin the third and final act of my run." Though that statement breaks my heart, I know that if these last spectacular six years of thunder gods and goddesses have merely been the first two acts of this stirring, enlightening, titanic saga, we're in for an uru-shattering conclusion, with nothing less than a raucous, refreshing first issue to kick it off. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Jun 13, 2018

    Thor #1 is a triumphant return for the Thunder God, giving him some new fun and personality while still maintaining the heavier tones and themes that have been inherent in Aarons recent stories. The art of Ward and Mundo give the book a distinct visual identity that carries through both stories. I dug this one quite a bit, and I think others will too. Give it a read. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Jun 13, 2018

    Thor #1 was an excellent start to a new series which did a great job of picking up from where Mighty Thor ended. This creative team met us halfway between delivering a story that progresses, and has a draw-in to new readers who want to see what it is like when the gods are not living a life of fortune. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Multiversity Comics - Robbie Pleasant Jun 15, 2018

    The story, characters, and action are all top-notch. The artwork looks great for individual panels, though the overall quality may be a bit detracting or distracting for those who prefer more solid imagery. Still, it's a great way for Thor to make his return. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    411Mania - RobF Jun 21, 2018

    This Thor is a perfect amalgam of movie Thor and Marvel Thor. The humor and the action are dialed up and I for one cannot wait to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Chase Magnett Jun 13, 2018

    While this newest iteration of Thor offers a wonderful introduction, it also provides one that honors its history. It feels both a part of the whole and a great new beginning to build upon. This is how legends are made. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Jun 14, 2018

    Hopefullythey can wrap those threads up quickly and move on to something fresh. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Weird Science - Branden Murray Jun 18, 2018

    I'm glad Jason Aaron gets to continue a long run on Thor and at this point I almost cant imagine anyone else writing the character, or the entire cast really, going forward he has the voices down so well. Aaron can make you have feelings for 'gods' in a fictional universe which is hard to pull off. Unfortunately as a personal taste he's paired with Del Mundo, whose art might be the only negative of this issue for me right now. It's just not kind to my eye balls and action scenes at times can be very muddy and confusing, but I know thats a matter of personal taste so I dont dock it too much. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    Sequential Planet - Ruston Fritcher Jun 15, 2018

    Thor continues the fantasy excitement that Jason Aaron has been building. It is a fun start to a new series that should be promising. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Matthew Sardo Jun 12, 2018

    Overall the cliffhanger at the end of the book is enough to compel you to read the second issue. The backup story, "The Grace Of Thor" has an even more significant cliffhanger / WTF moment that has me freaking out inside. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Beat - Joe Grunenwald Jun 13, 2018

    The comic felt like a story of Thor going through the motions to hunt down a series of MacGuffins. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Brandon J. Griffin Jun 15, 2018

    Similarly to Mark Waid's Doctor Strange #1, this debut doesn't quite live up to the preceding Marvel Legacy series. Thor #1 has plenty to hook readers and keep us coming back for more, but the visual approach is troublesome. Thankfully it's Jason Aaron, so we know Thor is in the most capable of hands. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Roy Buckingham Jun 13, 2018

    There was nothing in this issue that made me want to urgently run to the comic shop and get the next issue. However, the story teased for Thor #5 (yup, talk about a mega future tease) with what appears to be a Cyberpunk Mr Miyagi Wolverine may be interesting. Read Full Review

  • 10
    mglsts Jun 13, 2018

    Stellar start! A good setup, but without all of it being setup as it often happens. We also get some good action, backstory, family drama and a tease preview of a distant future with a weird unexpected guest. Can't wait for the next issues.

  • 10
    RaisingBlack Jun 13, 2018

    Jason Aaron is just extremely good at what he does. Del Mundo's art style works well for this book for me but I can see others finding the shifts in drawing style to be a little jarring. The story is remarkable and we are dropped in on a Thor Odinson trying to get his groove back as a hero. Thor #1 is great jump on point for anyone who wants to get into Thor. I still highly recommend reading Aaron's entire run because it is nothing short of brilliant or reading the Mighty Thor Jane Foster complete run because it will give you a full picture of everything current in Thor (Also it is an amazing story). Aaron organically catches any new reader up on all they need to know while not making anyone who has been reading Thor feel bogged down with b more

  • 9.5
    ÜberGinger Jul 9, 2018

    Del Mundo's art is beautiful as always.

  • 9.0
    CrazyforRAMU Jan 1, 2019

    Thor provides a comprehensive status quo update that doesn't stint on the action; then he and Loki are socked straight into the War of the Realms. And the B story offers King Thor some fascinating opposition at the end of the universe. I found this thoroughly satisfying and just an overall blast. I'll admit, though, that the distance between this and perfection could be closed with an art shift.

  • 9.0
    Tree Fingers Jun 29, 2018

    love the future thor story

  • 9.0
    Dispatchdcu Jun 14, 2018

    Welcome to the Oblivion Bar where the first round is on me and the pretzels are free! Be warned: like the pickled eggs at the bar, this issue is going to get SPOILED rotten.

    Jason Aaron and Thor go together like peanut butter and fluff, like hands and grenades, like integrals and area under the curve, like balloons and animals, or Walt Disney World and FUN!!! Point is: we don’t skip a beat with Fresh Start. Aaron’s starts right where we left off. It’s fun, exciting, and humorous too. So let’s have at thee, and figure out what went down in this issue of Thor.

    The story kicks off with Thor (Odinson) running through Thailand with the Warlock Eye. Turns out after the Mangog came through and destroyed Asgard, the e more

  • 8.5
    Ryan Apr 21, 2019

    The first third of this issue is awful. Mike Del Mundo’s art does not fit the series at all and Inwish Russell Dauterman, Esad Ribic, or Oliver Coipel could’ve returned to Thor instead of Del Mundo. The first part of the story is Thor fighting Juggernaut for an Asgardian artifact. The fight is poorly written and their is wayyyy to much dialogue to go along with Del Mundo’s art. After Thor leaves Midgard though, the whole issue improves. The art is the same but the character interactions between Thor and Odin, Fregja, Jane, and Loki (hes back!!!) are fantastic. The future story is also great as Okd Thor confronts Older Man Logan with the Phoenix

  • 8.5
    50shadesOfCRAY Jul 13, 2018

    Mike Del Mundo is one of my favourite artists, everything he does is so magical and I'm really glad he's on this Thor book with Jason Aaron, could be a real superstar team. Really good first issue with Odinson back as Thor, love the whole idea of Thor having to use lots and lots of hammers to bring down his enemies now that Mjolnir is gone, added a nice comedic factor to this frst issue but also has promise for some epic moments down the line. Aarons run on Thor has been one of my favourite runs on any book to read, can't wait to see where he goes next.

  • 8.5
    Spock's Brain Jul 3, 2018

    This is a really good launch to the new "Thor" series, a big issue with two cool stories. The first is a continuation of what has been going on in the book with Jane/Thor, and it has fun moments in the fight with the Juggernaut and Thor facing the Sub-Mariner, even is the latter is only one page. I liked Del Mundo's art...I am familiar with him from "Weirdworld," and the 12 issue "Elektra" series he did a few years ago, and I guess a bit of "Avengers" stuff last year. He has a distinctive style that I think might work well here. The back up story was cool too. Good stuff!

  • 8.5
    Bigbooty Jun 27, 2018

    Wish they would stop with the restarting all the time nonsense. Aaron is going strong. After Dauterman this art style is jarring to say the least. Newest version of Avengers is the same kind of thing. Panel after panel of close-ups of characters with pastel coloring and with a washed out background. Very low effort. Aaron writing shines though. Wards art is slightly better.

  • 8.5
    DDJamesB Jun 14, 2018

    This was a really solid book. I was entertained throughout, I was caught up on recent events and got treated to a backup story I didn't know I wanted. The art, while vastly different than the last artist. still does a great job and makes the book look really nice. Overall, a really good book.

  • 8.5
    Deadlybeavis Jun 13, 2018

    Good stuff. Hope this is the last time they restart Aaron's amazing Thor run. Not that its a big deal but, it just kind of annoying.

  • 8.5
    TrooperHuge Jun 13, 2018

    I love the story! The way they are intergrading the other universe character is great, the story is great. The art is just not my favorite. I think I like the Mighty Thor art better

  • 8.0
    Gizmo Apr 14, 2019

    Stoked to see that Thori is still kicking around and I'm excited for an old man Thor adventure. That last page is priceless.

  • 8.0
    Bigpoppa393 Jul 3, 2018

    Now why we know why he's called hot-claws.

  • 8.0
    Jon Comics Jul 1, 2018

    Brilliant writing as expected from Jason Aaron. I loved the Jane Foster as Thor saga, however I hope this is a long run for Thor as Thor. Everything is in place for an epic run.
    My only reservation is Mike del Mundo. I find him an acquired taste. His visuals are beautiful and striking, but their allucinatory dreamlike feel wears out its welcome fast for me.

  • 8.0
    Keaton Malone Jun 16, 2018

    Pretty great first issue although the story was bogged down in the middle by an overabundance of exposition and less than interesting plot points. Plus, I wish it wasn't six dollars, I know it has extra pages, but it's still a flaw in all the new Marvel issue number ones. However, this is a great issue that shines at the beginning and the end; and the art is AMAZING!

  • 4.5
    daddyT Jun 17, 2018

    the art is worthy of Burnside or Batman/Shadow... SO BAD. it is hard to read or take a story seriously when the art is like vomit flowing across the page. The story itself isn't bad. Maybe too much humor for my taste. I like the dog!

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  • 3.5
    SloboSOY Jun 14, 2018

    I will quote a greatest mind of the 2000 era Phoebe Buffay
    "My god, my eyes, my eyes, my eyes !".
    I love Del Mundo but for one will not be able to defend is art.
    But the story was bad too. So it's maybe not is fault (Love his Secret War - Weirdworld, his Electra & even some of his run on Waid's avengers)

    Cover - it take the variant with the thor study ... Very nice. bUT Not related. 1/2
    Writing - I want to scream "Why" ... But it will not be enough. At least the part about futur granddad thor was better. 1.5/3
    Arts - No that wasn't good. Not good at all. I didn't have a chill when Thor use all the hammer. And it should have been a chilling panel. But like for the story, the part about Futur thor was reall more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 3.0
    Briton Jul 1, 2018

    Just when you though Thor couldn't get any worse, Marvel uncover the worst artist ever.

  • 10
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  • 1.0
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