Ultimate Human #4
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Ultimate Human #4

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Cary Nord Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 30, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

  • 8.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 30, 2008

    I really hope the other Ultimate writers take a long, hard look at what made this mini-series succeed. Ultimate Human could have easily been a simple four-issue smash-fest. Instead, thanks to the skillful writing of Ellis it exceeded those limitations and became something greater. It pains me to see that such talent isn't being utilized on the Ultimate books that "matter." Readers complain constantly that the line isn't what it used to be. Well, Ultimate Human proves it isn't that hard to recall the glory of the good old days. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt May 6, 2008

    Well-timed to deal with the "Iron Man" and "Hulk" movies this year, "Ultimate Human" stands as proof that Marvel still has some clue how to approach the Ultimate line of titles. Ellis, meanwhile, effortlessly demonstrates with his unique style why he's one of the industry's top writers, even when he lets some of his excesses get the better of him, because even if the plot doesn't fully grab me, the characters are spot on. The smart thing for Marvel to do now would be to get him onto "Ultimates", and prove that the title and characters do have legs beyond Millar and Hitch. Someone, make it happen please. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Ultimate Goblin Apr 2, 2022

    Um... It was the best issue of the series, but not the best comic it could be... I mean, "ha-ha, the armor falls on the Leader"... Kinda not the thing you want here. But yeah, overall it was very good for me, because I love this Hulk and I like to see him in action. Works for me pretty much every time. Also it was a dumb way to make this limited series worth nothing... He cured Hulk, but after that they were caught in the situation where the only way to live is to uncure him... Kinda dumb, but it's a common thing for comics, so I'm not even surprised. The villain created especially for this one arc was the reason to make it pointless.

  • 7.5
    daspidaboy Jul 8, 2021

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