AboriginalDude's Profile

Joined: Mar 10, 2016

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AboriginalDude rated Devolution #1 Mar 10, 2016

Devolution #1

By: Rick Remender, Jonathan Wayshak
Released: Jan 20, 2016

Every living creature on Earth has been devolved - the evolutionary clock turned back, reverting all life to odd mutations and prehistoric incarnations. The cities of man are little more than bloody territories ruthlessly dominated by tribal Neanderthals ruling from the backs of mammoths, packs of saber-toothed tigers, and giant man-eating insects....

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AboriginalDude added Devolution to their pull list Mar 10, 2016


Every living creature on Earth has been devolved - the evolutionary clock turned back, reverting all life to odd mutations and prehistoric incarnations. The cities of man are little more than bloody territories ruthlessly dominated by tribal Neanderthals ruling from the backs of mammoths, packs of saber-toothed tigers, and giant man-eating insects....

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AboriginalDude added Tokyo Ghost to their pull list Mar 10, 2016

Tokyo Ghost

The Isles of Los Angeles 2089: Humanity is addicted to technology, a population of unemployed leisure seekers blissfully distracted from toxic contamination, who borrow, steal, and kill to buy their next digital fix. Getting a virtual buzz is the only thing left to live for. It's the biggest industry, the only industry, the drug everyone needs, and...

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AboriginalDude added Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin to their pull list Mar 10, 2016

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin

Before their military heroism in the Clone Wars, before their tragic battle on Mustafar, and many decades before their final confrontation on the Death Star...they were Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker. It's been a few years since Obi-Wan pledged to train the young "chosen one," but even as they have grown closer thro...

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